Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why did the union win the civil war?

 Why did the Union win the civil war? Has been a good  question since the civil war. Know why did they first things first they had a lot more men and better equipment and a endless amount of it. They had the newest cannons rifles and bayonets carriages ammo the confederates did not. They had what they stole that's the main reason. For one thing the confederates where winning and the one reason is that after they won one battle they got cocky and thought they that where invincible. Its happened many times before the union eventually one because they had almost endless supplies.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The battle of hastings

The battle of hasting's was the English vrs the Normans the Normans had numbers and skill. They also had much more cavalry English where on foot armed with sharpened stakes battle axes swords shields and spears. They where lesser equipped and also didn't have cavalry or numbers when the battle started the English seemed to be winning. What was true they where but the Normans aimed there bows high and smashed into the thanes and the king. The king and most of his thanes where slain with shouts of exultation the Normans thrust forward but the English seeing the fall of their king. Fought harder but finally the undisciplined levies broke and fled the house carls and thanes fought to the last.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Certainty's are a fickle thing some time your certain of this thing but this other thing actually happens. Have you ever had that. Or have you ever had it that you where certain about something and that actually happened? Those are certainty's. Now there is one certainty that is obviously the most certain certainty is that Christ will come again and that he can redeem our souls. The grave is the first certainty as that is going to come true first. The next certainty is the great white throne which I think means God sitting on his throne. the next certainty is that if where washed in the blood we will never perish. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Bass are the most common fish in Michigan they don't get very big. The biggest one caught was 20 pounder a giant a good one is a four pound. a good one in catfish is 1o or twenty pounds carp are about the same. People usually catch them on swim baits or crank baits or worms not real worms but robber ones. Usually that's how you catch them but they do bite worms most people use rubber worms. Know they are smaller so usually bass rods are much smaller than any other rod. So you don't need a big rod to catch bass.

Monday, December 21, 2020


 Friendship is an important thing that many people don't have think of your closest friend. Know think of somebody who doesn't have any friends know subtract everything that you have fun with your friend that kid  doesn't have any of those things. Know add back everything you do with your friend and see how much your life is better. Because you have friends know think how much better his life would be if you became a friend with that person. He would have much more fun and pleasure than having no friends like if he's at school imagine everything he can't do because he has no friend. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Carp and how to catch them

 Carp are a bottom feeding fish that many people try to catch. They usually go for corn and meat on the bottom but they're favorite is corn they usually are about 10 pounds or less. Big ones are over that some people can catch real big ones about 40 to 50 pounds but 20 or 30 are very good as well. But some people do scoff at 20 pounders. Anyway what most people use to catch them is something that smells and they they pack corn into the mix that smells. So the carp come and eat the corn but then you put a piece of corn on a small hook and dig into the mix so when they're eating the corn they eat that corn and you catch them!

Thursday, December 17, 2020


 Catfish are a funny looking fish they have whiskers which many fish don't have. Sturgeon have slight whiskers there are three different kinds of catfish that are the most common. Blues which are the least common of the three and channel the most common. Flathead the largest of the three they are mostly found in slow moving water feeding on the bottom as they are bottom feeders. Blue catfish are called blues sometimes because they have a very distinct blue color Flathead obviously  because there head is flat .Channel cat are called that because they are mostly found in channels. Anyway thanks for reading make sure to read more!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Muskies and carp

 Muskies are some of the biggest fish in the great lakes alongside pike walleye sturgeon they can grow to 6 to 12 feet to giant lengths. Muskies look like pike while sturgeon are blue and also look like pike pike themselves are very slim and skinny. They are mostly up north and in some other states down south but only muskies and sturgeon are in the great lakes. They can only be found there otherwise they are the largest fish in the great lakes. To catch them they use fish bigger than creek chubs and lures mostly spoons pike like to hit spoons and top waters. The hooks they use are also good sized the bait they use are squaw a place to catch them is the frasure river in Canada. the hooks they use are about the size of your fist and the size they use to catch catfish the size of your middle finger crooked.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Today we are here to talk about hills and land mass land mass is such as a mountain hill plain stuff like that basically anything land mass was here ever since the world was created it makes up about 10 percent of earth and water takes the other 90 percent up. The tallest mountain in the world is mount Everest at like 7,000. Feet or more some people think mount Kilimanjaro is bigger but science says that Everest is bigger anyway what do you think we should do next time I think we will to a civil war battle so lets get researching or maybe muskies...

Monday, December 14, 2020

The christmas story

 The Christmas story by balaam and balaak. They both were very greedy men but balaam especially he was sent by twice to curse isreal. But both times blessed isreal and balaak was very angry on the first one he built seven altars and slaughtered sheep and cows on each one. Then the next one he tried just cursing half the camp of the Israelite and but that didn't work. Then he went at for third time but didn't work then he tried for a first time he also failed that shows that God was with him for awhile in his life but not forever. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

The siege of Arcout

 The siege of Arcout English and Sepoy where trapped in Arcout when enemy forces in over whelming numbers arrived. The Mahratta forces did a few assaults on Clive's men Clive is the commander he had only 80 men not enough to hold the position. Then french arrived and brought with them cannons and Clive then received 2 18 Pounder the french gunners shot the guns to pieces so the one that survived partially was mounted elsewhere. Finally still outnumbering them 20 to 1 the commander commanded a general assault elephant's leading the way. About three columns marched forward after the elephant the elephants where shot to pieces by the English and Sepoy men. The elephants retreating slew multitudes under there hooves. Reforming ranks they charge the ranks they mounted the broken wall and behind that English rose up and the fire was heavy driving them back after that he decided to retreat after to many had been killed raising the siege.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The battle of Ethelred

 The battle after Kestheven King Ethelred and Alfred marched against the Danes. The Danes tactics where splitting into two squares so the Saxons did the same marching forward in two squares. But they stayed in there trenches for to long because Ethelred wasn't done with mass and he gave orders no movement was to be made without him and his mass done. But Alfred took his square and attacked but after awhile they where being overwhelmed but Ethelred finished mass and came out with the fresh square and sweeped the Danes from the battlefield. Though he died to wounds even though a valiant thane tried to protect him.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The battle of kestheven

 The battle of Kestheven was during the time of Danes and Saxons fighting with each other. The men of the swamps and fens rose to arms when a large force of Danes arrived to plunder and battle with those who opposed them. So the men of the swamps and fens rose to arms under the command of Algar they had a few thousand and enough to defeat the Danes. So when the Danes charged forward they where defeated and pushed back and defeated. Then Algar commanded his men not to pursue the Danes. Seeing there trick fooled gather their reinforcements and when the Saxons saw them coming retreated at least a great amount of them did the rest held there ground outnumbered 3 to 1 it came to 4 men and one managed to hack his way out the three others fought to the last. If the Saxons and't retreated they would have won anyway that's all for today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Danes and Saxons leaders and weapons

 The Leaders of the Danes and Saxons during the continuous fighting of the Danes and Saxons. The first leader is king Ethelred and his brother Alfred who took command after his brother died in battle against the Danes then king Guthrum changed his name to Athelstan and then Hastings. There where hundreds of jarls and kings. But those are the principal leaders of the fighting now  the weapons used during that time where primitive consisting of mail shirts and battle axs and swords shields and bows cavalry where also used along with large caterpaults and mangonels. Anyway thank you for reading. 

Monday, December 7, 2020


  Building is an interesting thing its actually very scientific. Houses and other building must be built perfectly placed and perfectly built the things must be put in the right place and other places. The walls must be straight and everything must straight round or something might not work its very much harder than it sounds. Have you ever seen a house that was built wrong it wasn't pretty. It will blow over in a good solid storm and it wouldn't heat well. Anyway that's all for today if you have anything to say please comment anyway that's all see yeah! 

Friday, December 4, 2020

The last charge of the Confederates

 The last battle of Gettysburg was the turning point in the war the confederate losing and being forced back. With the union pressing forward Lee positioned his men in a mile long field where they would march forward to attack the union position. Which had cannons and a large force of troops the guns of lee started firing then after that the infantry advanced. After there were in range cannons and muskets opened up on them.Sometimes the shells took out ten men at a time. Musketry fired at close quarters as one brigade wasn't ordered back and they kept up a steady fire into the enemy. After awhile of that the confederates seeing that it was hopeless retreated like on big wave. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sixteenth century weapons

 Weapons used in the sixteenth century. First thing first the sixteenth century was 400 years ago the weapons then are artifacts know but anyway off we go. First thing first projectiles a type of old musket which took minutes to load bow crossbows and cannons. Next type long pole like weapons halberds spears lances pikes then hand to hand combat weapons knifes swords shields axes and that's most of the weapons that people used in the sixteenth century. Cannon ranged from 8 pounders to 86 pounders as they grew in size over time. Muskets where very old to shoot them you light a which and rest the gun on a stand and pull trigger. Anyway that's all for today! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The battle aboukir

 The battle of aboukir between napoleon and the Turks and Arabs the Turk had there Mameluke's which where the best cavalry in the world. The Arabs also on horse waited for the Mameluke's to smash the french squares while the Mameluke's charged the french opened fire with there muskets and cannon loaded with grapeshot. When they fired they probably took out 50 or more men just the cannon themselves .But the muskets destroyed vast quantity's more the if the french had been broken the Mameluke's would have slaughtered them. The Arabs seeing that the Mameluke where done they rode off while what was left the Mameluke's rode off. The french successfully used this technique until England defeated them with the help of Syria and the Turks.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 The battle of Agincourt the battle of Agincourt is possibly the biggest battle against french and English. The English numbered about 9,000 the french well into the 10,000's the french where split into two parties the Burgundian and the Orleans. They fought the English. Almost every English fighter was a archer with heavy axes lying by them ready for hand to hand combat the mounted knights stayed behind the archers. There was sort of a bottle neck one side thick forest the other side was marshy. The 9,000 English had their archers in the front the french charged and hails of arrows darkened the sky. As they shot into the french with great bravery and valor persisted forward. Till the archers stopped and hefted up there heavy axes and attacked the french numbers where on there side and the king Henry surrounded by twenty knights fought on. The french seeing that great amounts of men where shot down and that they weren't gaining ground retreated and the English outnumbered probably close to 2 to 1 won.

Monday, November 30, 2020


Cortez was a explorer and he accomplished thing's though unimaginable but one thing he did really stood out he face 200,000 Aztec's with 200 unpaid starving cold wet miserable men and won how? First the Aztecs were armed with mostly bronze instead of metal which is weaker there armor is basically leather like cotton and the Aztecs already had learned that the armor was useless and didn't wear it. But still that 200,000 patrotic Aztecs and fed watered and paid against 200 men unpaid and starving so Cortez and about seventeen cavalry led the charge forward. The weapons the Spaniards use where pikes swords halberds no muskets or cannon because they lost those when they attacked the capital. So they charge forward and started hacking there way through the mass Cortez and his cavalry stamped goring and hacking there way through. Cortez seeing that numbers where prevailing and that the armor of his men where failing led a desperate attack on the captains and generals. Which won the day they killed many of them and the Aztecs retreated. Cortez also had with him about two thousand allies but they where armed like the Aztecs and the Aztecs had already destroyed there empire. After they won they made to friendly territory and Cortez raised about 500 more men and went back to fight.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

bones in rocks

   Rocks are a very interesting thing have you ever seen a fossil embedded into a rock. That's cool some people make a living tracking storms. But archaeologists have a living looking for fossils. An selling them to museums now that's cool! Some people who just look for fossils for fun once or twice come out big sue. The big Tyrannous sauros Rex! and she wasn't a archaeologist but she found it and made a mint. Unluckily that took a year or two for she found it on someone's else property so she had to fight for it in court and got it back anyway cya. one quick fact the sue was not all the way brought to the real owners for years!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Military bunkers

  There are a lot of people who talk about building bunkers or something and some people make shelters that seem impregnable and things. Now in south Dakota there is a few that used to be military shelters reinforced cement with tar and sod on top of that. So no corrosion they are being turned into regular houses imagine having a house as a bunker they are far away from one another and there not super discomfort. You need to put in is military equipment I believe anyway that's all for today if you know anything more about this make sure to comment cya next time!

Thursday, November 19, 2020


  Trees and plants are very interesting things the leaves are made up of chlorophyll and many other things . Now chlorophyll isn't the main thing it makes the leaf green and other cool things. Trees have a base of wood which is basically a very large stem a straw that suck up water from down below in the in the. Roots and plat stems are much the same but tree roots go much farther down. Anyway that's all for today hope you have a great day and go explore all the different kinds of tree's because maple syrup comes from trees so that's something. One other quick fact that the barks that look different some paper and some bark anyway that's all.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Today the home alone movie know would you be able to survive this booby traps. No not at all the first one isn't possible to actually do but your hand would burn through the fire to the head you would live but need a skull help also the paint can to the head would crush your head and you wouldn't live very long most of these aren't even possible and a few others a snowball in elf. Moving at 95 miles per hour would not actually hurt you that much but the movie was wrong you would move pretty far back.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Why did Santa Anna disband congress?

 Why did Santa Anna disband the congress in mexico? Santa Anna was a powerful general and after ten years of fighting 3 presidents rose and fell. Then Bustmante the third president got kicked out by Santa Anna but then when Santa Anna rode into mexico city he disbanded the congress why? First thing first he probably did it for sole power in the government like a dictatorship but. Then he disbanded all militia's and his army replaced them. One town resisted and was slaughtered Santa Anna then said to his soldiers do what ever you want kill whomever you want and take whatever you want his soldiers massacred the town so the reason why Santa Anna disbanded the congress is so that he could be sole ruler and make changes to anything by just saying it.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


  Why do fish bite lures and fake stuff well there are a few ways that anglers get them to bite. First they make them smell like a fish or worm then the next trick they do is make it look like a fish swimming which they call a swimbait. Then bass and other fish will swim up and bite. Also they put the hook on the top. Some have pieces of metal that will pick up sun rays and a flash goes out and fish come and bite it. While the hook digs into it and you hooked a fish some of the lures chatter make noise and fish come to take the bait anyway that's all cya.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 Electricity is a interesting thing everything we basically have is made by electricity computers, lights, and even some cars! Kitchen devices as well are run by electricity some ovens are as well but what is electricity well it is electrons and other things. But they connect and make a power force that powers things have you ever made anything with electricity I have powered lights and other things using a battery and electricity. To make a light blink .First thing first the cords that you use are very dangerous they harbor a powerful force and never touch then if they are on. Anyway that's all for today see you next time!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Carpentry is a interesting thing but the basic thing of what carpenters do is make things out of wood. Like carving the siding for your house furniture those sort of things some people think it's easy but it isn't unless you know what your doing. Or what to make sure before you use anything sharp or dangerous to make sure you know what your doing. I've made a few things out of wood a table a few stools and other things I've also attempted to make a  fishing lure that's a bit harder for those who really like and know how to carve anyway that's all see yeah!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Family (evening service)

 Family is a important thing but there is one big family as God as the father. But he has but one son Jesus Christ and if we are to join his family we are adopted into his family. But only Christians are adopted into his family the ones who trust in Christ as there savior so Jesus is the real actual son. While we are all adopted into his family anyway make sure to comment some thoughts and make sure to comment your opinions. Or anything  else you have to say anyway comment but look at some others see yeah. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Resources and there uses

 Miacademy economics resources: know everything around is resource know we make resources into categories there are natural category and capital category and human category human categry is obviously us we are humans just humans in this category capital category is machines and cars things like that like the computer kindle tablet that kind of things natural category is obviously trees and stones and iron things like that gold this is also nonrenewable resources! which means we can never use these again when they run out ( they won't run out for like two billion years you fine) :D

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Measuring matter & the standard unit

 Measuring matter is hard thing to do but a way to do it is to use the standard unit way which is a yard pound gallon quart all those. So saying i'm 5 4 is using using the standard unit to measure me or saying that a mile is about 64,000 inches is the same thing. Some people don't use the standard unit in other countries they use different things to measure like kilometre and things like that instead of feet and miles. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment something or ask questions in the comment section see yeah!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Cool squirrels

 Now squirrels are amazing with the agility of well nothing they are the most agility of any creature I've seen they made a twelve foot jump and the person I watched made American ninja warrior course for them. They all completed there smart also so they managed to think it through through the eight stages. They went faster than ever before it took them what it sounds like a week to complete rick, Marty, and two others now the squirrels are all different two are smart one is brave and dumb. Another fat and eats really anything literally now go try for yourself. As they are definitely the coolest creature ever!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Rocks and bones

  Rocks are a very interesting thing have you ever seen a fossil embedded into a rock. That's cool some people make a living tracking storms but archaeologists have a living looking for fossils. An selling them to museums now that's cool! Some people who just look for fossils for fun once or twice come out big sue. The big Tyrannous sauros Rex! and she wasn't a archaeologist but she found it and made a mint. Unluckily that took a year or two for she found it on someone's else property so she had to fight for it in court and got it back anyway cya.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Planets are very interesting they usually are very hot or very cold and full of gases though one planet some people think that mars could be earth 2? A lot of people think that now the place is full of gases and rocky with no water or food. Some people think that we should stay here and fix the earth up tho none would actually  agree to that other planets are very cool or hot and very gas. Which makes them inhabitable anyway that's all for today make sure to comment your thoughts and everything else thank you for reading see yeah!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Computer programming

 Have you ever tried to program something lots of people are called computer programmers. First what is programming first its the act of making something on the computer. Making computer game or a site but it isn't easy if you have tried i'm sure you have seen its not easy. If you have ever played a computer game say mine craft what mine craft is that's 3D the hardest type of coding. Or the hardest way to program a game but then 2D which is like paper mine craft anyway we ran out of time see yeah next time we might finished this next time cya!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Shelter for war

There are a lot of people who talk about the end of the world or something, and some people make the end of the world shelter's and things. Now in south Dakota there is a few that used to be military shelters reinforced cement with tar and sod on top of that. So no corrosion they are being turned into regular houses they are far away from one another and there not super expensive to remake. You need to put in plumbing and electricity I believe anyway that's all for today if you know anything more about this make sure to comment cya next time!

Monday, October 26, 2020


 Isaiah 42 is what the preacher preached on what he said is how some people get discouraged in there faith because they think God has left them. Sometimes that's true but its because they lost all hope and they left God the thing is God never leaves you. If you don't leave him we go through trials and sometimes they are hard but we must go through them trusting in God to bring us out of it. Maybe that your grandparent died or something but always trust God to bring you through. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment anyway that's all cya!

Friday, October 23, 2020

The tongue

 The tongue is a interesting thing. We use it to chew and talk if you have ever learned something you didn't know about the tongue probably was pretty wild because the tongue itself is wild. First thing first the tongue has airflow then the moves up and down making and forming words that people can understand. Baby's can't do that so they usually make random blabber words without meaning. Anyway please comment anything that you know about tongues anyway make sure to comment and i'll see you next time if you want to learn more about tongue look it up in a encyclopedia or Wikipedia.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Fishing lures

 Fishing lures are hard to use sometimes they don't work have you ever made one read on to learn a few things about them. Some person made a lure of pine needles and actually caught fish. If you ever gone fishing you now how hard it is to catch fish with lures and bait. But sometimes its easy. But have you ever tried making your own lure and stuff? If you haven't try it I made a crank bait top water its action is good but will a fish bite it? That's what we need to find out anyway that's all for today c u next time. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Electricity is something that some people don't think is science. The material may not but the electrons and things speak for them selves. Basically electricity is something that runs through wires and powers stuff which kinda is right but there is more to it. First electricity can't travel through some thing's it travels through iron very well though. But then when you look at wires the reason about the rubber on the outside is because electricity can't travel through rubber. But it does travel through the copper on the inside anyway that's all for today see you next time comment.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Lava and water

 Lava and water what is it? water is obvious but lava and a cool thing happens when lava and water meet they make obsidian with is a hard rock that floats that's cool! The reason that the rocks float is because they are full of air pockets and when they hit the water they float. Like a buoy. Anyway back to lava lava is basically just melted rock it melts into big pools and then forms a volcano. Sometimes mostly they are found in volcanoes though the center of the earth is only lava anyway that's all for today see you next time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 Technology is something that we take for granted. We just use it and never think about it We never learn what is in side it like the circuit board and cords and that everything we used is raw materials out of the ground. Rubber for the wires is from rubber trees metal from the ground and plastic from rubber trees just crafted differently I believe and then well that's basically. It then you have circuit boards and micro chips and everything that is all hand made in factory's. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment your thoughts and everything anyway see yeah!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Paper and how through history it was made.

Paper is an interesting thing its made out of wood but how first things. First the wood is cut into 4x4 squares and then cut very thin and I mean thin! Then they may paint it white so that basically everything will show up on it but then how come it isn't stiff. They add chemicals to it that makes it so it doesn't split or anything anyway so  then how did ancient people cut wood very thin. Well easy answer they didn't they had papyrus basically knitted together yarn. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment what i should do next or something about see yeah!

Monday, October 12, 2020

The covenant of grace

 The covenant of grace is important and a interesting thing I don't now a ton about it but what I do I am a going share. So first thing that a covenant is not a promise a lot of people think its a promise but it actually is an agreement. Second God said obey me perfectly and you will live eternally on earth now first thing first the only thing they could do bad basically was eat from the tree of knowledge good and evil. But they did they had many other trees but they ate from that one tree anyway that's it for today.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Food and water

 Food and water is something that we can't live without of But what is food Food is something we make out of animals and plants. Everything that we make that is food bread is from grain and pop! even is made from plants and other things pizza and everything anyway soup is usually water broth and meat and veggies .Sometimes we have you ever heard of Cheetos what are those made off do you know? Anyway that's all for today please comment you thoughts if you have any make sure to comment about foods that seem not to be made of plants anyway thats all!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Building be built with science!

 Building is an interesting thing its actually very scientific. Houses and other building must be built perfectly placed and perfectly built the things must be put in the right place and other places. The walls must be straight and everything must straight round or something might not work its very much harder than it sounds. Have you ever seen a house that was built wrong it wasn't pretty. It will blow over in a good solid storm and it wouldn't heat well. Anyway that's all for today if you have anything to say please comment anyway that's all see yeah! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Languages are very different things there's the american language. There's about 500 languages in Africa we make up our own languages some times have you ever done that. Comment down below about the things that you have made up like your own languages or things like that now in the world. There are about 2000 language not including languages in books sometimes we just say weird things that we think are cool and we use them. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment your thought if you have any science idea comment down below anyway that's all see you later.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Dirt and why we have it

 Dirt and why is there so much of it. Well dirt is solid substance that is there because we need something to walk on and we need something that trees can grow in. Dirt's is substance that acts like a sponge it soaks up water and instead of being a mud pit. Trees and grass sucks it up some times there is to much water and it makes puddles and other things and some time fish get stuck in there that's not good. Have you ever gone fishing in a small puddle and caught a lot of fish? well the thing about those pools is that there are no predators! 

Monday, October 5, 2020


 Judgement is something that we can't usually understand though the way we understand is that the government elects judges who judge us and. Once they judge us we get a punishment or none but we always can plead are case. So that's basically it if you still don't get it its easy think there's one guy who judges us and that there are people who do bad things who need judgement. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment your thoughts down below and discuss this if you want something about history tomorrow comment anyway that's it see you next time!

Friday, October 2, 2020


 Salt and fresh water is a interesting thing like saltwater is only located in the ocean and freshwater. Not in the ocean freshwater is in the lakes and ponds and creeks. But you can turn saltwater into freshwater and saltwater into salt so there are a few things about saltwater but otherwise freshwater is located in glaciers creeks ponds lakes and streams and many others things. Have you ever seen the ocean well its very large and nice place to fish and swim. Anyway that's all for today if you enjoyed please comment anyway that's all cya comment see yea.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Making fish lures

 Making fishing lures is very interesting some people take a metal spoon and make a spoon but then some carve out of stone then some make it out of cardboard then some people just buy them but making fishing lures isn't so complex unless you make a buzz  bait or something like that crank bait though seem hard you can easily make one that float out of wood or just craft a mold and mold into shape with melted down plastic anyway that's it for today make sure to comment your thoughts and follow on some other ones but that's all see yea!

Speaking the science

 Speaking is a wonderful thing we wouldn't be able to communicate without it. Have you ever tried reading lips or hand signals? There very hard! and most people can't use them. There so hard that's why speaking is such a nice thing anyway. Now what makes us speak? Well first we use our tongues to make noise and then the tongue moves up and down to make the noise become words. Very difficult when you think about it but then easy when you realize that you take it for granted every day. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment and see you next time.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Science is a interesting thing but chemical science is very interesting. With chemical reactions is basically what i'm thinking of. Have you ever made a chemical reaction if you haven't I recommend trying there fun to make and if you make a explosion inside a volcano plus adding a orange or a yellow coloring that makes it look like lava. Then you have a cool explosion! Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment your thoughts and everything if you have something cool to tell make sure to comment it anyway that's all for today see yeah! Comment please.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Persecution is a thing that we never think about. But actually as you read this there are Christians in other country's that are being killed persecuted. Or imprisoned and other stuff if you think about but when you do there is a very large persecution going on larger than Rome and other places. But then again do you ever think deeply about this and find ways that you can help? When try to help by adding money to collection plate at church anyway that's all for to day make sure to comment your thoughts and have a great day anyway that's all.

Planet earth

 Planet earth is a interesting thing but what is it made up off? Well first there's atmosphere the air and body of gases above us in the clouds then going to the water. You have hydrosphere under water so basically a watery substance then going to land you have sea level. That's the land that we walk around on and its above sea level. Then you have mountains that's above sea level. Then you have the lithosphere Earth at least below sea level that's the lithosphere. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment your thoughts  .

Friday, September 25, 2020

Are there aliens out there?

 Space is an interesting thing there is much in space that can still be learned. Probably whole new galaxies are there that still can be discovered probably hundreds more planets who now's. But there are a ton of myth about Aliens are there aliens that can be discovered ? That is a obvious no the bible tells us that there are no other places that people can survive than earth. Now what if Mars becomes a place that people are moving to and living there well then stay behind mars wouldn't be that much better than earth no oxygen or water supply there anyway that's all for today see you next time!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Earth and its resources

Today we are talking about  Earth and its resources like iron mineral's water and those things. Now some people are saying that Earths resources are running out but they aren't. Some people say that though some time earths resources will run out and we will have to make do with what we have. Some people also think that water is running out well that's not true because as long as it rains we are good when it rains you can collect water in a rain barrel boil it cool it down and voila ice water anyway that's all for today!

catfish and carp

 Today we are talking about catfish and carp YouTube channel one of his videos where he goes catfish small mouth bass fishing and a little bit of carp. The trip started as carp fishing but turned into small mouth bass fishing anyway they caught around three small mouth bass no carp and like 5 catfish. The catfish bit better than carp or bass fishing. Well that's it for to day make sure to comment and talk about this if you want to see more stuff like this make sure say so in the comments anyway that's all so goodbye and make sure to sub to catfish and carp!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Today we are here to talk about hills and land mass land mass is such as a mountain hill plain stuff like that basically anything land mass was here ever since the world was created it makes up about 10 percent of earth and water takes the other 90 percent up. The tallest mountain in the world is mount Everest at like 7,000. Feet or more some people think mount Kilimanjaro is bigger but science says that Everest is bigger anyway what do you think of this if you want more of this comment down below ca.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 Now what makes up computer equipment? Computer equipment is a very special thing that humans made something that made somethings worse. But most things better and we just made it better over time have you ever used a computer well you have if your reading this. But a computer is a very high quality piece of equipment expensive and most things about it are complex anyway that's it for today. If you enjoyed this type of blog comment your thoughts about it. If you think i should do something about history or more science comment also anyway that's all goodbye cya.

Monday, September 21, 2020


 Yesterdays sermon was about judgement now judgement isn't something for us to do God will judge us when the earth ends. But then why do we have judges in the real world? Well they judge for the petty crimes of the world then at the end of our life's we get judged by those judges and they tell us what we did wrong and punish us. Anyway that's all for today please comment and discuss everything down below.  

Friday, September 18, 2020

Ice and water

 Today we are here to talk about water and ice now ice makes up like 5 percent of the earths surface. Maybe more at sometimes of the year but most times its like five percent. The north pole and and south pole are really what i'm talking about with constant ice flowing in between and there are glaciers here and there. Then water takes up like 90 percent of the earth surface then land the last like 10 or 5 percent. I think my calculations where wrong but that's a lot of water and ice anyway that's all for today make sure to comment  your thoughts.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Animals identification

 Yesterday we read about how to recognize today is a continuation of that. How to tell different animals apart say you have two of the same caterpillar that are different species. That look the same how to you tell them apart well first you see what they do they won't do the same thing. So what to they do? Once that's figured there is something different about them maybe just a spot. But something is always different though sometimes barely anything. Look close make sure that its not dangerous first anyway that's all make sure to comment your thoughts and go find some animals.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Winter fishing (short)

 Catching catfish in the winter is actually kind of easy. You just have to use the right bait and fish in the right spot. Shad works pretty good for catfish and carp and many other things. Another thing sea fishing is fun cause you catch something new every time. Now make sure to try fishing around you to catch catfish any many other things cya!

Identifying animals

 Identifying a animal isn't always easy with all the leafy and weird things about animals it just isn't easy to just look at a animals and say what type of animal it is. It takes a long time to be able to exactly tell what a animals is animal is like that's a grizzly bear or that's a stone fish or that's a black tailed otter! Anyway some people can tell what any fish is by just looking at it or feeling it so the best way is to just learn all the characteristic about it anyway that's all for today. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Plants and trees

 Trees and plants are very interesting things the leaves are made up of chlorophyll and many other things . Now chlorophyll isn't the main thing it makes the leaf green and other cool things. Trees have a base of wood which is basically a very large stem a straw that suck up water from down below in the in the. Roots and plat stems are much the same but tree roots go much farther down. Anyway that's all for today hope you have a great day and go explore all the different kinds of tree's because maple syrup comes from trees so that's something.

Monday, September 14, 2020


 Today the sermon was about three main things. People talking basically giving a speech there where Jesus and Abel and Esau first Abel was saying about perfectness. Of how to be a good christian and then there was Esau who was hate because he hated Abel so much he killed him. Then there is Jesus and he talked also about perfectness about how to be a good Christian and human being. So basically kinds how to be a good christian basically that's sums it all up anyway that's all for today Anyway make sure to comment and talk about this or something else anyway that's all.

Friday, September 11, 2020

lures and bait

 Why do fish bite lures and fake stuff well there are a few ways that anglers get them to bite. First they make them smell like a fish or worm then the next trick they do is make it look like a fish swimming. Then bass and other fish will swim up and bite. Some have pieces of metal that will pick up sun rays and a flash goes out and fish come and bite it. While the hook digs into it and you hooked a fish some of the lures chatter make noise and fish come to take the bait anyway that's all cya.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Pirates are a very interesting breed they usually don't get any treasure as some people say. But usually get killed or maimed or they get rich. But usually they do not get rich they usually die they also where very cruel to no sake. They fought to the end and where pursued relentlessly and killed. Sometimes they did strike it rich like morgan and captain kidd. Other times they killed a whole tribe of Indians and gained nothing. Anyway that's what pirates do anyway that's all for today have a good day and see you next time also make sure to comment. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Bombs shells and grenades

 Bomb's where most effectively used during world war on but there where bombs before then. Civil War had shells which they shot and a few handheld things. But they mostly used cannons and artillery anyways bomb grenades and other things where specially made so when you pull the pin its good to explode you then have a countdown then you wait about one second and throw. Then hunker under cover smoke grenades are short range bomb instead if killing they send up a smoke screen. Anyway that's all for today if you want to learn more look up grenade's or watch documentary anyway comment and see you next time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Some animals puke out there stomachs sometimes they do that because they want to vomit and other times is because there's not enough room in there stomachs. So there stomachs come out and then after that put it back in usually its just the jaw that comes out. But sometimes its the stomach itself. Flatheads put there stomach in there mouths usually when caught and most of time puke. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment and keep the discussion going anyway if you have caught a Flathead let me know down in the comments anyway that's all for today!

Friday, September 4, 2020

the great prison break

 The great prison break took place in japan where a man escaped virtually an inescapable prison. Using soup he spit the soup on everything metal that was important. Which was the trey which they put food in the was in solitary confinement because he escaped three other times anyway he spit the soup on there, and on his chains which held him soon they broke off. Because there was salt or something in the soup then when they broke he managed to slip out through the trey door, and then made his escape the amazing thing is that he had survive in blistering cold temperatures in a forest with bears in it  anyway that's all. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020


 So today we will talk about the science in fishing. If you haven't known fishing is a sport that actually involves a lot of math. You have to this just right and everything just right if you don't catch big fish. I have not tied my knot's good enough and some people tie them so tight that nothing will be able to snap it.Next time you fish practicing knot's and look for the science in fishing and math anyway that's all for today have a good day fishing soon Also make sure to comment your thoughts and any ways cya.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Hog nosed snakes

 Hog nose snakes Hog nose snakes are cool creatures because they act like a python when feeling threatened and they make there head look bigger, and they look like a rattle snake. So most creatures will leave them alone. Except my uncles dogs but other wise they look like rattlesnake and they also play dead when threatened. They will bite there not venomous though there bite hurts. They grow to about 1 and a half feet long and as thick as your wrist anyway that's all for this time if you want to learn about these fascinating creatures than look up national geographic hog nosed snakes.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The theory of Evolution

 Today we are talking about the scientific theory of evolution. Evolution is a theory that the world just appeared and there monkeys and a few different other groups of animals. But then they mutated and changed into humans, and a few other different species. So that made fish humans cats dogs and many others. Also you may half heard of the big bang theory that's the second name of the theory of evolution. So ya that's basically it have you ever heard of that if you have consider your options. Also just because I posted this doesn't mean I believe this. 

Monday, August 31, 2020

Paul and the laws

 Sunday service was about the purpose of the old testament laws. What use they served at first they did but the Jesus came and they weren't needed and. The Gentiles where christian race they believed Paul a few Jews did to but most kept up with the old laws of Moses. But most gentiles didn't last week we talked about what peter did and that changed some of the Gentiles and Barnabas and. Not towards the right way so some Gentiles thought they had to change and that wasn't good but peter repented and it went back to normal. 





Thursday, August 27, 2020

storms and weather

 Weather is a interesting thing rain is one way we get water snow is another if it weren't for snow and rain we probably wouldn't get enough water on earth. But then there are storms noone likes storms I mean basically only good thing is rain. But the storms are scary and they are dangerous. Sometimes can cause mass amounts of damage guess what there is a hurricane coming to our coastline. Actually probably over bye now but its hit last night some people probably died that's the most powerful force in the world at work anyway thanks for reading make sure to comment your thoughts.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

124 fish catch

 Today outdoor boys did a mixed few things. They fished and they hiked explored and camped OK basically everything mostly fished caught some very nice carp and catfish and some shad. Otherwise nothing much they explored Scotland thoroughly  but of course everything comes to an end and they left. To go back home then they went to there boat and went a fishing. Caught some very nice catfish some carp and shad bluegill as well. Almost 25 pounds of bluegill flesh and bones they caught 124 bluegill attempting to catch 50 pounds of bluegill anyway that s all for today cya next time!

Rocks and fossils

 Rocks are a very interesting thing have you ever seen a fossil embedded into a rock. That's cool some people make a living tracking storms but archaeologists have a living looking for fossils. An selling them to museums now that's cool! Some people who just look for fossils for fun once or twice come out big sue. The big Tyrannous sauros Rex! and she wasn't a archaeologist but she found it and made a mint. Unluckily that took a year or two for she found it on someone's else property so she had to fight for it in court and got it back anyway cya.

Monday, August 24, 2020

outdoor boy youtube channel

 The outdoor boy Youtube channel is a mix of thing's camping fishing and making things. He goes to different parts of the world or just somewhere in the united states. They camp they hike or they Vlog out there adventurers to there Youtube channel there are Luke the dad Tommy the oldest son Nathan the second oldest Jacob there youngest and Becca the wife. They have adventurers around the world exploring fishing and doing many things together out camping or hiking anyway that's about all for today otherwise there'd be more hopefully some more commentary tomorrow anyway cya next time!


 Sunday service today was on Peter and Paul peter withdrew from the gentiles and Paul rebuked him for that because. Then Jews and even Barnabas withdrew from eating or doing thing's with the gentiles. Paul rebuked peter and later peter again joined with the gentile but the bad thing that peter taught was that gentiles where bad. Which wasn't true and the reason that peter withdrew is because James came with all these Jewish priests and things and he didn't want to be seen as someone bad in the end though it sounds like everything worked out anyway that's for today!

Friday, August 21, 2020

fishing and millenium

 So today I went to millennium we went fishing. First thing we walked about a mile because the dock we where going to fish off was restricted. So we started fishing off another dock a lot farther away first there I fixed my fishing pole cast and lost a a lure to a fish I think then I tried fixing a friends fishing pole. But he had put the string in wrong I got a few nibbles. But I switched to a gummy then got some nibbles one bite anyway next time hope we do better at fishing anyway that's all for today make sure to check out other blogs.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

fishing and of course fish

 We've talked about land animals and other animals but not much about sea animals now fish had to adapt to water and swimming around. Some people like fishing with is a very popular sport involving a pole hooks and bait and people have literally deigned new poles bait lures and many other things and studied fish too see what they can catch with what bait so they could catch more fish. Many people fish some people designers for fishing some other people design deep sea fishing and catch massive fish people even fish ten foot sturgeons anyway that's all for today!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 Mars is a planet in the solar system one of the largest there is it is also the one with the big red spot know the big red spot is really what makes Mars Mars. Mars is the god of war which Is probably why we named for the never ending storm on mars. That is red ah yes it will end in about a few billion years but that isn't coming anytime soon anyway. Mars is named after the roman god of war which they aptly named mars cause of the blood red storm there that's cleared up anyway that's all for this time.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 Some animals grow to be large but some have to adapt to different habitats. Did you now that sometimes people bring invasive species to different places and they are called invasive species. Burmese pythons and goby fish are very popular invasive species even plants are invasive some vine with pinkish flowers are invasive. Have you ever heard of a Burmese python america never was a very big snake people mostly just rattlesnake all snakes but there aren't very may thing like the Burmese python its a python its huge and they are very aggressive bigger than other snakes it rules everything. 

Monday, August 17, 2020


 Gifts are a nice thing that people do but do yo use your gift to glorify God. Most people don't like some people just play sports or win the lottery and there gifts are wasted but some people used there gifts like Thomas Edison Abraham Lincoln etc they used there gifts wisely and for the good of others. But some people did bad things with there gifts some who where powerful enough they destroyed other countrie's towns just random places. That had done nothing to them some people are there though help with there gifts anyway that's all for this time cya!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Animals home

 Animals again but this time of a different sort. We already learned about what they eat what about where they live and. Things well some live in holes other in rivers one kind hippopotamus actually goes out of the river at night. Some animals make themselves nests in the trees some gorilla and chimps actually sleep in the trees at night and romp around on the ground in the day. If you ever go on a nature hike you may be able to see birds bring worms and little twigs back to there nests for more comfort and see little mice romp around in the grass O well that's it for this time cya. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Now animals like we where talking about yesterday are very complex. But they all need water and food so I going to explain the food chain imagine a chain and at the first part of the chain is the sun. That makes the plants grow then comes the plants themselves with food for the omnivores and. Plant eaters then come the plant eaters then come the carnivores and then it goes back to the sun with the plants. Like the rain fall thing it all goes around like a chain anyway that's all for today cya next time also more animals next time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Animals are every where we are animals and you see bugs which are animals. You may have a dog or a cat at home which are animals you may have seen some animals in the wild. But what do animals eat or what do they do all day. Well most eat plants some eat the plant eating animals and other eat everything animals and plants. Have you ever been to Africa some of the best known animals are there lions tigers zebras and i could on but i'm out of space so cu next time when i do more animal behaviors and things. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

solar system

tHe sOlAr sYsTeM Is a vErY LaRgE PlAcE VeRy cOlOrFuL AnD ThErE ArE MaNy tHiNgS ThErE ThAt wE HaVe nOt yEt cOmE To oR LeArNeD MaYbE EvEn aNoThEr pLaNeT ThAt cAn sUpPoRt lIfE AnD ThErE ArE PeOpLe tHeRe bUt fOr kNoW We aRe iN ThE CoNfInEs  Of oUt pLaNeT AnD ItS SuRrOuNdInGs aStRoNaUtS HaVe tO TrAiN FoR MaNy yEaRs bEfOrE ThEy cAn lIvE In another planet not just our planet anyway that's all for today and there will probably be no more space or solar system ones so good bye tomorrows will probably be on matter or animals or plants anyway cya for good

Monday, August 3, 2020

Judgment and getting healed from that judgement

Judgment is something all people don't like they also don't like it when they are guilty. Though holy sin is something that only God can heal and proclaim not guilty. But we can't only in earthly sins and things we do wrong. But you can pray to God and get healed from that sin and you feel much better when you do all Christians sin and have to pray for another chance and for God to forget about that sin.  

Friday, July 31, 2020

the solar system

The solar system is a thing that all dream of going to but little the dreamers now of the dangers. Your ship could explode in take off and you could get thrown out of your ship you may get attacked my a missile while going up from a foreign country. You may get trapped in space you space ship not get back in time and there fuel run out and any other things. But otherwise the solar system is a very nice place many beautiful stars and planets you may visit the moon one day but some may not anyway that's all for  today!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

solar system

The solar system is a very complex place its actually unending and you ever would reach the end. Jupiter has a storm across it and its said that that storm will end in a few million years. Many people have traveled to space but few have ever been outside of the station they where in. The first people to enter space where Russians the first Americans where buzz and Armstrong and another guy they went in Apollo 2 or eleven. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment something below! also tomorrow spoiler will probably be about the same thing soo.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Sunday service

Sunday Are Minister Talked About Yolk First a Quick Explanation on Yolks Yolks Are Usually Used to Either Carry Around in Buckets or to Keep Oxen Together Because One Can't Carry the Load Now What Was a Pastor Doing Talking About Yolks Well He Was Talking About How Are Yolk is Very Heavy and Hurt but Jesus's Yolk is Not Heavy Bit Light and Feels Good if You Ever Seen a Yolk There Usually Pretty Large and Heavy but Jesus's Yolk Was Light Felt Good and Was Nice Anyway That's All for Today Make Sure to Discuss This in the Comment Section

Friday, July 24, 2020

why dirt is important

Dirt is very important to us if we didn't have dirt nothing would grow at all because tree and plants usually can only grow in dirt. When you don't have dirt you can't have plants some plants can grow in basically anything think about sand. You can't grow anything in sand because its not compact hard or ya hard and it doesn't have nutrients. The plants which mud and dirt have water and many other things you have to water and fertilize plants to keep the, growing anyway that's all for today make sure to comment if this is helpful. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Sediments are very special things first there is soil that is where most roots are. Then comes a clay like substance then rocks the clay is either very soft or something like melted rubber. But most of the time you can get through it without a drill next comes rocks which is well rocks. Then comes more clay soil dirt and rocks after all of that probably something like melted dirt and rocks then lava. After all of that the process repeats itself melted stuff rocks and clay and dirt then clay rock and soil again anyway that all for this time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Photosynthesis is a very large process and it does something important. First it takes oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air and then makes food out of it first taking it into the tube. That isn't the leaves then putting it into the leaves and then that shoots out the oxygen and a little carbon dioxide. Now trees a a bit different there aren't juices and plant like material its hard and all the millions of leaves are solar panels taking in the sun rays and making them into food and making photosynthesis a complete process anyway thats all for today.

Monday, July 20, 2020


Judgement is a very serious thing in our courts judgement is justice though all humans can't give a right answer. But God can give out a true and righteous answer we can't judges are just people God set up to judge on earth while he judges everybody who is dead and needs there sins. Judged. Judges can't tell people if there sinful and need to be killed but God can so that's we don't have that kind of power to put on curses or to give people healing or to kill them with one word. Those books and movies aren't all bad but we don't get tat kind of power.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Plants are very different then humans imagine a plant green and. Different first off all photosynthesis and carbon dioxide is good for a plant. Oxygen is what we need so plants are actually good for the environment have you ever planted a plant well you just helped environment one plant on average helps out about 5 people. For oxygen also we get lots of food tomatoes and cabbage turnips tons and everything is actually from the ground so when you take something you will l find it back to the earth blankets beds food wood working video games everything anyway that's all.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


What would you do if you had a day where you where playing tic tac toe a lot but kept losing. Well you could check youtube or online for some tips but i now a way that will guarantee you victory almost every time. First off take a corner not the middle if you opponent takes the middle your in trouble first you want to take a corner again. Not next to your x or o try to take a position farther away from your opponent then if he takes a place that makes his line double then its a cats game and your done.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Was Levi wrong?

Was Jesus a better high priest than Levi well Jesus was sent by God so what does that make you think it makes me think that whoever was in charge at the time needed to be helped replaced or preaching to. But Levi lived at a different time than Jesus. Well maybe Jesus came in to take over what Levi did. Also Levi is a whole tribe of Israel and Levi did a good job until Jesus came and preached that The Jews where wrong and that everyone could worship and many other things so it seems that When God told the Jews to stop and to turn to something else they didn't so God sent Jesus. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

fish that bite

Piranhas are actually not that mean actually just the red-bellied piranhas they are the meanest and actually won't just kill anybody and there are steps to survive.

1. you must not draw attention or splash not talk
3.  swim across at night not swim bye feeding frenzy
5. cover up bleeding parts also cover up parts that are easily bitten off

Use this when you are swimming across the amazon river when you see piranhas if you'd don't I'm  not paying your hospital bill see you next time.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Farming is a thing that a lot of people won't do but most don't. But today I watched a video about someone who did he had a draught one year and the price of food for his steers went up. So he had to sell his meat for a lot which he didn't want to do. So he made up an idea not to. First, he bought very cheap machines fixed them up, and used them. Then he used what he already had around like lawn tractors he took those apart to help fix his machines. Then he would make a profit when he sold his meat!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Fun fact about bees

The fun fact about bees is that the Japanese bees instead of attacking the enemy hornet. That chances it fly close and smells the honey they lure into the nest. Where there are thousands of them. Then when the hornet attacks one bee the hole nest goes ts him! Also, the hornets can not survive hot temperatures so they get it so hot it gets roasted alive and the bees win. The hornet dies getting too hot the bees can survive hotter temps than the other hornets. Also the hornets at that time of the year the nests get too hot so they build air conditioning units so they don't burn up.

Thursday, July 2, 2020


So do you think you would charge into a fight where there is a man stronger than you? Wait  rewind what if you were a wrestling champion maybe. You've heard of a video that active self-defense released about where a guy comes to try to kidnap and, also right know he is in prison facing battery and kidnapping and other charges. But what about it would you? Know most would say yes some no know we don't know why they do they just do. But I'm pretty you sure you would say yes unless they are worried about your job or something like that any way that's all for today.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Australia's opals

Opal is a very bright color of ore it may be a jewel but it's only found in Australia. Which is an island in the Indian ocean know its covered in exotic creatures and cool creatures many animals are only found there including the platypus. Also, its capital is Sydney. Know back to the opals as I said are very bright colors. So what miners would do is look for bright types of solid or colors ( also Australia is very red ) so that's what they do look for very bright colors, and then once found they wash the dirt off and it's revealed very brightly. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


mArK RoBeR KnOwS WhAt iS He dOiNg. TOdAy pRaNkS KnOw yOu'vE PrObAbLy pLaYeD A LoT Of pRaNkS In yOuR LiFe bUt hOw mAnY AcTuAlLy wOrKeD? NOt mAnY WeLl I gOt a fEw that WoRked bUt nOt a tOn. ANd tHeY DiDn't wOrK WeLl sO KnOw wE HaVe mArK RoBeR IdEaS He tHiNkS YoU ShOuLd tAkE CrIcKeTs aNd pUt tHeM In dOrM RoOmS AnD ThEy wIlL KeEp tHe pEoPlE In tHe rOoM Up fOr sO LoNg tHeN. He tHiNkS ToOtHpAsTe oN OrEoS A GoOd oNe bUt tHeRe aRe mOrE So oNcE MoRe iT IsN'T FuN To eAt aT BlAcK AnGuS WiThOuT PlAyInG A PrAnK AnD TuRnInG OfF ThE G FrOm aNgUs. 

Monday, June 29, 2020


Now we are going through hard times like the corona and there are ways to protect not touching your face even though that's basically impossible. Mark Rober tried and it didn't work he touched his face and he tried very hard not to. So the best thing to do is wash as much as you can and even with washing it doesn't work great, but it does do enough. So make sure to wash and scrub that's all for today make sure to check out mark rober he does science videos and many other type f videos he also makes some very funny wons!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday Sermon

This morning the sermon was about how do you know that the bible is true to know you can because Jesus Rose from the dead and in the bible that they didn't find the body and that he rose from the dead know the prophets didn't take them to cause the 10 soldiers could easily take on 100 Jews

Friday, June 26, 2020

Zip line

So do you know what a zipline is well hopefully you do it is the finest thing you will do first. You need a long metal or anything really cable that runs from one really high tree to another and then you make sure there attached very well. Once that is done then you proceed to make something that you can zip done on. That you hold on and then they whoosh down it's all over hope you have fun lookout don't get hurt! Anyway, that's all for today if you do try this make sure you put the handle on the first bye.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Bottle Breaking

Mark Rober today made a video about bottle busting and it was pretty cool and bottle busting is basically when you whack down on a glass water bottle the bottom cracks down and breaks know it doesn't work with non carbonated drinks it doesn't work they just explode and and then they break the glass. Know breaks and then ya everything goes nut anyway we ran out of room thanks for reading this small article make sure to sub to Mark Rober who supplies everything I right about he does prank and science videos cya.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Do you know what a lever is well I'm about to tell you? First a fun fact about levers the shorter the distance and the more force you apply the better it will go anyway. First of all the fulcrum is the wedge or something in the middle then you add the board or the plank for the lever know sometimes there are levers in planes or cars those are not the type of lever we are talking about knowing if you are going to make a see-saw then go with simple lever this one so that's all for today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Know pulleys are a tricky piece of equipment, for instance, you have to be able to have enough rope on both ends not only on one, and once they're both equal the same amount of rope is poled on both sides. And the rope must be strong enough to hold the heavy equipment that they haul know pulleys r usually pretty easy all you have to do is throw a rope around a tree and then attach one end to the tree. And pull there that's a pulley anyway that's all for this one. 

swamp water

So do you think that swamp water is nasty well it is? And know it isn't by putting in this powder it is all clean it kills the bacteria and cleans out the dirt. And it has been saving lives in many countries do you think that will help? Well, it did in any country have you ever heard of it well if you haven't either had I bit I watched a video on it and its interesting anyway that's all for this time cya next time.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Is NASA a waste of money?

Is NASA a waste of money I think it is but there is one thing that helped earth. That is I think it did and it was able to say if there would be a drought or other stuff going to happen on earth. It would tell you and also only half a penny of America's money goes to NASA so that doesn't seem like a lot. But since there are about 22.6 billion dollars going into NASA don't you think if we used that and gave it to homeless people. So they could have a life first thing that homeless people would not buy what they nee.d I'm not saying all they would but most would we will finish this up next time.

Friday, June 19, 2020


Today mark Rober made a golf club auto-match and. The average golfer hitter is 110 mph and he is 150 he hit  1000 yard line drives! farther than any golfer could hit have you ever hit it very hard. Not me anyway back to the story he teamed up with some friends and made it. The first few were too shaky. Then he made sturdier kinds which faired better but it was going so fast that they had to strengthen the golf club it was bending under the pressure from the rockets and speed maybe you shouldn't try this project it took them six months anyway!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

pinewood derby

Did you know that if you use science you basically will win all the pinewood derby races. Also if you do this you will win. Well first you use as less friction and weight as possible. Wait weight? Actually no you want to up it to five ounces. Once you did that you have to put it half an inch from the rear axle after you do that then your car will win every race, but maybe not all first you need to add graphite to the wheels and make aerodynamic once you've done that you're good and you have officially built a champion race car!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Solar system

Today the person I watch made a video about the 9th planet that they thought there was one in 2016. But he showed that there couldn't be one. First of all the distance, he measured he basically had to use his own town to do this and he ended have to go 17.5 miles just to get to the 9th planet, in relative measure and. One planet was 8 football fields away another about 2 football fields away and. The others were close and they were only yards away and. In space, the measurement would probably be like billions of light-years away. Anyway, that's all for today.

Monday, June 15, 2020

screw tank

Have you ever hard of a screw tank there not fast though they float and there powerful. Nothing stops them they plow through everything thorn vines and anything else. There is probably brick walls and water 5 foot deep plowed right through knowing you probably thinking a screw tank. Well yes there are two screws and there about a foot off the ground and the front end is narrowed down to a point then there are hydraulic systems to go forward then after your done with it you need a crane to bring it where you store it any way that's all for today.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sermon Sunday

Today the sermon was on what does calling on Jesus what does that mean? Maybe you'd think to pray which is very close. So calling on God sorta means praying. But also it means calling on God for help. Do you ever call on God for help?

Friday, June 12, 2020


Today the home alone movie know would you be able to survive this booby traps. No not at all the first one isn't possible to actually do but your hand would burn through the fire to the head you would live but need a skull help also the paint can to the head would crush your head and you wouldn't live very long most of these aren't even possible and a few others a snowball in elf. Moving at 95 miles per hour would not actually hurt you that much but the movie was wrong yo would move pretty far back.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Now Frogs most of the time are not big. Other than the African bullfrog caught on the footage a bullfrog dad and his tadpoles in a small pool which was dring up. And he digs a channel to the main pond and water flowed into the main pond saving the tadpoles. Only things that the bullfrog dad actually helped his tadpoles quite a bit. They wouldn't have survived much longer in the pool of water and there were hundreds of them maybe thousand which would have dented the frogs in that area with no frogs there would be no frog legs! (that was a joke)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

shattering glass

Today the person I watch made a huge water gun and dart gun the dart gun could shatter glass.And what was cool is that one used hydrogen gas to power it if you don't believe me check out mark Rober also they both were the largest in the world or America because they both got Guinness world record have you ever tried breaking world records me and my friends did it didn't work though I think I'll like my friends again anyway have you ever been a huge dart war where there were like ten or more people I have now a giant gun like that would be awesome for destroyed their forts things like that anyway read ita again and cya next time.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

sharks and blood!

Today there was an experiment with sharks to see if sharks will investigate blood. Turns out no if you have scrape you basically safe 41 sharks to cow blood zero to human blood so your basically safe just don't panic and try to get to shore now sharks don't like urine either s don't worry about that fish oil they don't like as much small fish actually do like blood so watch out for those also I have a theory that bloodsuckers and stuff like that would swamp you so watch out also they tested human blood fast and slow but both got zero!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Foose ball

So today the s I watch made a series of things today. First a fake computer (cardboard) and then a trick roller here it turns fake money into real money. Than a vending machine than a free vending machine that all you have to do is push something down and you get a drink and then not last or first but a soccer field Foose ball thing. If you're good at Foose ball you're bound to be good at this it's amazing with a kicking system and it's very easy to play well that's all for today remember t check out the q and not the s. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Now squirrels are amazing with the agility of well nothing they are the most agility of any creature I've seen they made a twelve foot jump and the person I watched made American ninja warrior course for them. They all completed there smart also so they managed to think it through through the eight stages. They went faster than ever before it took them what it sounds like a week to complete rick, Marty, and two others now the squirrels are all different two are smart one is brave and dumb. Another fat and eats really anything literally now go try for yourself.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Q

Today the Q made a fat bike the wheels are very big when he got off the bike just stayed standing up! Also, I don't think this won is DIY you need a lot of metal and two very large tires and a blow torch have you ever tried using one? Didn't think so anyway the Q makes many other things have you yet subscribed didn't think so go do it now the s is a copy of the Q don't sub or watch his Vids also make sure you dislike his vids and like the Q 's now I gtg cya next time!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Sawed off shotgun

Today the s took his double barrel and used it for a sawed off shot gun and. Put baby powder in the bullets and they made smoke well baby dust pwoder. and anyway it was very powerful it knocked down a ton of cups with  one shot have you ever tried this well you should i might it would be pretty hard but i think i could do it pls comment if you have ever made anything with cardboard well runnign out of what to say so i'll  takl about some Nt news well Nitro type news there's a new person that is doing a ton of races a dau anyway got to go.

Friday, May 29, 2020

BOMbS away!

The S made a cannon bomb and a volcano so ya many explosions and many cool things after awhile he finished making them know as I said explosions. Also there was a rocket to any way he then made fuse out of matches and then lite them and they exploded the volcano up the cannon out forward the rocket shot backward then after a while it got boring, but the bomb know the bomb. It had the most detail but the worst explosion but the detail on t was very good it must have took him a very long time have you ever tried this you should try to go get inspired!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

ATM machine or counter?

So do you know what money is hopefully you do if you don't look it up to you can't live without that so please look it up if you don't know today the person I watched made money counter out of cardboard and it worked very hard machinery so I'll give a ruff draft he made first he made the numbers and the spinny thing so after a while he finally had the finished product and it worked! It really worked great he counted out over 200 coins with is it as amazing! You should try to collect the parts and start all you need is a pushed thing that attacked the engine that you flip a switch and cardboard and wood have a great time trying!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Rouded music

So most people don't use circle song recorders but the Q made one out of cardboard and paper and some wood do you think you could I probably couldn't because I don't have a circle so I could make everything also you need something to spin si an engine or like something you can spin or rubber bands I might try this sometime what will you try how about a cardboard box or practice then do cardboard box with rounded edges! Will you try anything at least try ready set go! And try to get some cardboard and other things will you?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Wooden mouse??

Today the Q made a wooden mouse go with his keyboard and if want to know. I Wouldn't be surprised if he made a video called the wooden computer. It's possible if you ask me it would take a lot longer but it's definitely there. Now should you use wooden computer things for use personally those are just for show not use? Though they are usable they would look nice and probably are more sturdy so a little use though there so nice so personally mostly for a look at and a little use though if you wanted to use it all the time it's more sturdy it thinks.

Friday, May 22, 2020

pop and mentos?

Mentow and pop don't get along very well you may have noticed. Many people do explosions with them have you ever tried. I may try sometime. Anyway the guy I watched dug a pit put some mentos in with pop toothpaste and something else and boom went the foam and everything else you can think of. Out they came pretty cool knows I think if you rigged something up so when you pull it up it explodes and then add food coloring so it explodes in bright light ( water lol ) now you try it (if you have pop )

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Today the person I watched made a revolver and a rifle first the rifle and he made that very difficult the scope seemed the hardest you ever tried making something like that? Anway the pistol is the easiest he made that pretty fast also more machinery put into it. Like the revolving pistol place and the hammer whacking it though simpler machinery you should try it's not that hard the machinery probably the hardest making the hammer strong enough to whack which seems that if you used rubber bands it would be strong enough though. So try it yourself maybe I will too until next time bye

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Moke control

Know today the guy I watch made a tank with wires engines and of course cardboard, he used bb's as the ammo and. Used air pressure to shoot them at cans. Very hard he made it also to respond to a moke control so he could shoot and move and turn the turret. With it do you think you could make something like that I know I can't maybe you should try maybe I will anyway go check out his channel Mr Creative he made other things to not just that so go check him out he made a game as well out of cardboard.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


So today the guy I watch who gets these ideas made a locked safe from cardboard and wood amazing it seemed to work great! Though it may not have. Have you ever seen a combination lock with locks there where two combinations and two keyholes and the box also contained a compartment where you stored the stuff and you only could open if you have the key and right combination I personally what just get a knife and cut it open not safe? Probably just for show or for kids use as like educational purposes if you want to actually be safe go buy one don't make one.

Monday, May 18, 2020


Now you may know what a match is. Do you know what you do with 100,000+ matches the S made many dominoes? Amazing the matches explode he made a cannon and it exploded in a huge explosion. He also made a volcano and a jet and cars trucks many things they al exploded moving forward the car had a ramp and it went high! The matches flew everywhere in the air and light the table he did it on fire! do you wanna try to get your matches glue and make and explosion wear safety glasses and 3 feet long armor.

Friday, May 15, 2020


The states of America are an important thing to know. The west south east north those are the places where all the states are. Michigan where this is written is in the north Washington D.C is in the west thats the capital check yourself see where you are!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

more in Economics

Economics is an important thing. You can buy sell and do many things with money. In miacademy they have a place where you can set up a business an build products and sell. Then buy them from other people you're making a living on what you make and sell. Say you sell 3 things and get 30 gold from them. And another person sells three things and gets 35 gold for them. Why well for one thing maybe he had cooler and better quality more people were willing to buy them from him and. Yours you threw together in 5 minutes so nobody really wanted them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Economics is a very important thing to know and learn today I was taught how to determine a price for a time first you set a demand how much that particular product is wanted step two is to figure out how much people pay for the same product In different stores then set your rice in between at all those prices and then make sure its a good product strong and long lasting that's just about it know you try and make a product knew one other thing also make sure that you have the colors that everyone wants or people want chairs to make chairs that's all for today

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Botting & numbers?

today the Q made a number thing so on a microwave there is a number that you put in the Q made one out of the cardboard you somehow make a number out of it pretty easy from what I saw just cardboard string and a little wood the second part of the blog is on NT (nitro type) A person named CarbonDash who was blamed to be a botter was un unbanned yesterday or today botting just gives you free races

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Q

Today the Q made a two-tire type thing and drove around on it all you need is wood and a few other things like screws and bolts and a hover board

Friday, May 8, 2020


miacademy economics resources: know everything around is resource know we make resources into categories there are natural category and capital category and human category human categry is obviously us we are humans just humans in this category capital category is machines and cars things like that like the computer kindle tablet that kind of things natural category is obviously trees and stones and iron things like that gold this is also nonrenewable resources! which means we can never use these again when they run out ( they won't run out for like two billion years you fine)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

paper mouse trap!

so today there the Q made a paper mouse trap it worked all he used was a rubber band and paper then he made colored smoke! all worked great!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

cardboard trap for mice?!?

today the Q made a giant lego man and in after he did that he changed or painted it into a giant strong guy (

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

light bulb coffee!?

true lightbulb coffee he built a coffee maker out of wood and lightbulbs he then made coffee it didn't make that much though

Monday, May 4, 2020

wooden keyboard!

Yes that's right a wooden keyboard he made it a wooden keyboard and it worked check out his channel for more info! (the Q)

Friday, May 1, 2020


Now drugs are dangerous things but some people don't think that one man said that drugs are fine and lighter punishments for those who take drugs and are caught while the woman said that drugs a very bad and that whole family's can get harmed from these personally I think that drugs are very harmful and punishments should be hard labor or a center where they can wear off their habits

wooden bike!

The Q today made a bike out of wood it worked though showed strain

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Rat Mario??

today the Q hamster or a rat mouse Mario thing with you put it into and then ut has to find its way out you give it a cookie

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


candy now candy is mostly what we want we know what it is and we like it today the Q made a candy machine that actually gave you candy!

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Q

Paper airplanes are boring really but the Q made a paper airplane launcher!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Sermon

testing have you ever takin a test maybe they were testing you for college grade school books or how smart you are but go to Genesis and read the story of Abraham and his son Abraham who had to take his son and sacrifice him that's a test

Friday, April 24, 2020

the Q fail

the q today made a popcorn maker but it was slow and didn't make much

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Q

today the Q made a box and then put a hole in the box then a ruler and camera in the box and then a piece of meat the idea was how far could the cat reach to get the meat

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


So today the Q made a casino game and it worked you spin something then roll marble in it then I lose track anyway basically like that

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


hamster treadmill really you think he is crazy but the Q did it and hamsters enjoyed it!

Monday, April 20, 2020

The q

The Q today made a tsunami tester it worked the best one was a parapet second rocks and 3 a wall last just beach

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Ruth noticed

The Sunday service was about Ruth again and this time he spoke detail about how Boaz noticed ruth a lowly person with do money or anything of anything, not rank or anything but he noticed her and gave her something faith food and many other things kindness was shown to someone who couldn't repay

Friday, April 17, 2020


today the Q made a puppy dispenser out of cardboard he then put dog food in it worked perfectly!

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Mask how to build a mask out of basic materials it really works he used it coca-cola bottle elastic and medical wool two bolts and that's about it go build your mask!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


basketball how he made o=it out of cardboard and popsicle sticks ball ping pong customized!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

FOG ?????

today the Q made a hairdryer sorta the hairdryer was part of everything he made a fog machine!

Monday, April 13, 2020

the q

this time get out your phones and lots of cardboard and cut swipe check out the Q as he makes a cardboard controller for your phone

the Q

so today the Q took a hard-boiled egg and let a 1000 ants eat it in five days they had it halfway done and that is where they stopped

Friday, April 10, 2020


Today the Q made chainmail out of coins he used wire and coins he then proceeded to destroy the shot an arrrow three ninja stars and a sword crossbow spear the spear haft broke in half but killed the dummy the arrow infliv=cted light wounds the ninja stars nothing same with the sword nothing

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Q Battleship

Today the Q made a battleship with actual firing ships they both had a turret which they shot at the other ships with it looked hard to make but looked liked it was worth it!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Q organizer

Today the Q made a coin organizer the bigger the opening the bigger the coin would all so small and big coins also small holes

Monday, April 6, 2020

super cumpter

superpowers are not a thing but what about supercomputer today the Q created something that superpowers everything he has a microwave can run for hours his tv or four hours coffee maker 80 cups so he just sat in a middle of a field and did stuff

Sunday, April 5, 2020


choices are an important fact of life ruth made a very hard decision do go with a very sad person into a city that just finished a famine now ruth sister went back when Naomi made the wrong choice of sending them back ruth didn't go back but stayed with a person that was sad going into a new culture and many new things know you have to make that choice what will you say?

Friday, April 3, 2020

The Q

Today the Q made his headphones wireless and made free Wifi check him out!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hydro dipping

Today on the Q he made a few things out of hydro dipping actually he didn't make them he painted them that way he dipped them into some chemicals that weren't that good for your skin so he wore gloves customized his ps4 and controller into a green and aqua color...

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

the Q

I watched a youtube video and this guy made a race car out o pop cans and matches and cardboard you should watch his channel its a good channel I learned a lot his channel name is the Q

Monday, March 30, 2020

Tanki online

Tanki online is a fast based 3D tank game you get different hulls and turrets and then you upgrade them to better levels the better the level the better the damage there are alteration and drones so many details very complicated but a fun game once you understand it, 10,000+ player, mostly play rank up to real army ranks! and experience the battle never how you did before!

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Sermon so today there was a sermon on Ruth. A love story but. He put it but he made some interesting points such as. They went to Moab because slowly it grew appealing and like Israel to them but really God had promised them food in Israel but they left Israel. To a land of sin but there as food the only good thing about Moab. So you can draw to boxes on in food and one a king then write above them goodness and above the other Sin but food and then choose one...

Friday, March 27, 2020

Raging fire

Fire is a dangerous thing but sometimes it's fun one time this afternoon Me I and my brother made. a fire it got out of control pretty fast when we went away the ground was extremely dry and it spread being veterans of this kind of thing. We started trying to contain and put out the fire. It just spread faster but fire met its worst enemy water which eventually won over this taught lessons that fire is dangerous and can spread fast.

Thursday, March 26, 2020


silkworms make silk silkworm the silk that the caterpillar makes cylinder they use a machine there would be no threads on a tree called mulberry more silkworms a few weeks or until they are grown up eating leaves so it can make silk


The Sermon was on Righteousness.  It is something good like grace and other things. It's something that's good like what I listed up above godly acts.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Weapons were used throughout history still used today. From crude wooden stakes to metal and fire-throwing machine guns, people have used them or evil. For good mostly evil though they were used to kill sometimes they were good for food or to stop evil it is best to use weapons for defense and to get food, not for evil killing...

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Now the world that we live in today people says there oppressed like blacks and women say that there oppressed even though they are millions of times not oppressed but blessed richly because they don't have to work 24/7 all day to get food and other necessities they don't have to work all-day many people do...


codes were used in history a lot nowadays there used by the military very scantily but kids use them for fun 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0         This code is used a lot it's easy to remember and the downfall easy to decode
a b c d e  f  g h I j 

Friday, March 20, 2020


Now a lot of people think that there are aliens the series that I watched actually says that there is lie out there in the distant planets probably not aliens or things like that but bacteria and algae things like that have a life also people are sending out radio signals hoping to catch more radio signals that would prove that there is something out there that has the radio.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

brown planets

Brown planets are stars that didn't form right they are stars that over time cooled down into just planets of dust and gas sooner or later all the stars will eventually become brown planets and 45% of our heat will disappear no I'm joking but they r still looking for more brown planets and actually and women looking for aliens named them that they actually aren't brown.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The parties

After a while, things were thrown into chaos all who could fight fought and. Those who couldn't where killed strong castles and houses housed the weak and young the black forces came from the forests. Pheasants from the fields and. Guards from the castle and. Knights from the village they clashed and skirmished every day Rupert found Cody arming up as pikemen he became light infantry. In the guards were going for a monarchy the forest men were going for the communist country the pheasant had no idea the knights were going for a parliament...

Monday, March 16, 2020


Covetousness is a good or bad thing. To have let's start with good coveting. Something good is coveting something that you need like a new car or a portion of food or something to sleep along the lines of that. Bad coveting is called harmful coveting which is coveting something that will hurt your neighbor which aso means anyone not just the guy who lives next to you...

Friday, March 13, 2020

The death of the king

After clearing the hall tending to the wounds and finding who was killed Rupert started over by the throne and noticed a man dressed in fine clothes he turned him over and he was the king dead soon he was in the hospital with the best o surgeons and doctors but he was dead he was buried and the next day a few people started on electing another king...

Thursday, March 12, 2020


The battle raged all around. He got split up from the guards he finally managed to break from the hall running as fast as he can he ran. To the barracks gathered up a few friends and some others who wondered what was happening. They rushed in the hall just as they were trying to get out. A fight ensued with the guards gaining the upper hand the archer's where dispatched bye a few arrows...

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Sermon (prayer)

This morning's sermon was on prayer. Prayer is important to a Christian. Micah 7:10(to the end) puts it to be compassionate to your enemies and humble what is prayer. Prayer is to talk to God some times trouble children have trouble not to laugh keep their eyes closed that's why its good to start with children at a young age.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The clash

As the fight raged many more men came in from both. Sides several were struck down the hall was crowded. The guards where being pushed back Rupert. Noticed 2 archers back up in the balcony sniping the guards. He decided to push through he attacked making sweeping blow with a long stick that he had picked up he thrashed about with his dirk the guards not knowing what to do-followed along...

Monday, March 9, 2020

Adam and eve

Sunday school class was about Adam and Eve and one point about eve eating from the tree of knowledge good and evil. She ate first so why didn't she notice anything. Two things Sunday school teacher said maybe it was such a short time that they noticed together. Or God made it so that they noticed together that was a main point of the talk Also adam and eve hid when God came for them that was the first time they hid...

Friday, March 6, 2020

The clash

As the clashing began a guard unlocked the door and ran in immediately getting shot down by arrows more ran to the balcony and engaged the archer there Rupert ripped free his dirk and charged in along with the rest of the guards. A clash started. The king lay moaning on the floor a sword in hand as the leader looking grim rushed the leader of guards Rupert engaged one with a hatchet after awhile the archers where defeated and killed. Two guards ran back down and the fight continued...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The plot

As soon as the talk was over and they split he quickly hurried away to the palace. He thought of something to say but nothing came to mind. As he hurried into the palace a big gold door blocked him he tried to push it open but it was locked and a few guards rushed him. He tried to fight back but they overwhelmed him then he said wait I need to talk to the king. The guards then said you can't he's in counsel with some important men all the sudden a scream and laughs a few shouts and a body falling to the ground also a flight of arrows sword on a sword and many other things...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The plot 2

As Rupert sat there thinking another man joined the group he was met haughtily and for some reason, they locked him up Rupert didn't hear why but soon after they were talking and he heard this when they were talking go into the presence of the king you two draw your swords and attack you and you take your hatchets and pin the nobles and you five take your arrows and keep everybody covered and the rest of us will take our swords and attack the king and anyone around him if any others come into the room you two deal with them and the rest of you help where you can only kill the and only kill if it's necessary...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The plot

After about ten minutes another man came up and another after another ten minutes there where fifty they immediately started out all the sudden one said where is gregg. They seemed to search but couldn't find what they looked for then Rupert thought that maybe the message he had found was meant for Gregg. He immediately followed them they went to the same house they all carried bows and swords which were well-concealed...

Monday, March 2, 2020


As Rupert went across the road after the procession had passed by he noticed a scrap of paper on the ground he picked it up and read the message. It said black clock 2:10 Rupert didn't get he decided to go under the black clock in the middle of town the 210 had him confuddled. He bolted to hit and hid it was 300 after about seven hours something happened the same man appeared and came that way immediately under the clock!!... 

Friday, February 28, 2020

The follower

After his jobs of the day he sharpened weapons and prepared for bed. But he heard a gong and a procession started from the castle a few honored guards and the king queen and the prince in the procession and a dark cloaked figure which when the procession made it to a dark looking house. He ducked in Rupert followed keeping a dirk he had been cleaning close to his chest and. In he went...

Thursday, February 27, 2020


When Rupert got up he immediately looked around him he saw the barracks half-filled with guards and soldiers. He stumbled out of bed putting on his things. The doctor must have come to see him he bandages and ointment on his wounds. He then made his way to the quartermaster and he gave him his jobs he went to them he scrubbed and aired out mattresses and cleaned the dirty blankets...