Friday, January 28, 2022

Jobs back then

Back then in about the 1700 hundreds to the 1800 hundreds to do anything there is one shop that does one thing to build cupboards or doors. One person would do it one would only build doors or barrels you need to go to the Barrel maker or the door maker. There where shops for only one thing such as barrels or doors and then to learn the trait you would move into a house where the people would train you and feed you and care for you and teach you the trait.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Duck Dynasty

 Duck dynasty are a bunch of rednecks duck hunting and making duck calls they do many things they had just about every male from robertson clan as its called hunting and making duck calls or working at the diner (Duck Diner). There story is a very interesting story there is a book you need to read its called happy happy happy or duck commander they used to have a TV series. But know they dont do that and they make duck calls deer calls anything that has to do with hunting and fishing.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Ford and Mustang

 Ford has been around for a long time and many people are devoted to only buying ford cars ford also has started many very successful car brands obviously ford and then there's Mustang. The Mustang was a ford sports as you probably know they don't have many sports cars that are good. They have good trucks good cars but no good sports cars so they came out with the mustang which is very successful.

Saturday, January 22, 2022


Acceleration on a car is cool in all but have you ever broken down the acceleration on a car and made it into something here I some fun facts about acceleration. The new Tesla that Elon musk is making supposedly can go faster than any other car that anyone has ever made before but dragsters are actually the fast ones. They can absolutely destroy every speedy car they can go from 0 to 200 miles per hour in a second that's speed now the way acceleration is measure is on a half-mile track and once it's finished they measure how fast the car went and how fast it did the time.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Different types of furniture and old types

Furniture has been around since existence began. Basically but it quickly changed throughout history at first it was blocks of logs and rough-hewn chairs and beds. But it kept getting better Rome made lavish couches overstuffed pillow and cushions and other things. Chars never really became a thing until the middle ages when a king had left and eat fast and so didn't have time to use couches (legend has it). Then chairs became even weirder until recliners were invented beanbags and other things. We call furniture today couches became modern-day couches, not beds basically. as the olden day couches were basically beds that you lay but were called couches and you usually didn't sleep on them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Spartans Tough training Porgram

 The Spartans where warriors to the bone they trained since they where 7 years old in a special training camp. They where tested when they where babies and if they where weak or didn't react well or had a disease they where put on top of a mountain and frozen to death. They where given bad clothes so they would toughen up in the cold conditions and after 11 years of this they where put into to battle but they where considered the best warriors in Greece.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Spartans Odd Money

 The Spartans where a greek nation and they decided that they didn't want people leaving Sparta with large amounts of money. So they had an Odd way of fixing that problem they made they'er money iron Bars around 20 pounds each. Just to make a large purchase you need to have an ox cart though the spartan Rich seldom left sparta and not just because of the large iron bars they used for money. But it is very easy for Thieves to rob when they're moving slowly.

Monday, January 17, 2022

WW2 Air Supremacy

At the start of World War 2 Germany had the Fockewulf a short range bomber and fighter they about in two weeks took out Poland, Denmark, Norway and other countries the short range bombers and fighters were very effective. But as the war progressed Germany realised that there short range bomber and fighters weren't doing anything to Britain or the united states. (Japan also had nothing for Long range bombers) and you'd think that Germany would build some. But they didn't and then the united states released several planes that were much better than the Fockewulf and britain did as well. Britain and the united states also had drills for oil and gas and had much more fuel than Germany. They also had long range bomber and destroyed Germany with them.

Friday, January 14, 2022

The fish Shad

 Shad are small fish they mainly stay in rivers they are a very common bait fish for catfish and carp (not the YouTuber the fish). They are the size of large sunfish sometimes bigger and sometimes smaller they can be caught on small spinning reels and closed reels. They are very different ways to catch them though such as getting in a kayak and trailing your lure or bait behind you. Or you could just fish of the bank.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The best cavalry back then

  The Nubian archers were some of the most feared and powerful archers in the time of the Romans. Their country was near Egypt who they fought something else unlike them is that they used longbows not very common at the time. The Huns were one of the most powerful archer knights at the time as well the thing different about them is that they used compound bows in horseback comment other fun facts about the Nubians and Huns.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Types of reels

There are three main types of fishing reels first lets talk about the Spincast reel this is not used much by season fishermen and mainly by beginners as it is a easy reel to use the next real is used very commonly by season fishermen and is called the spinning reel i personally think that this is the only real you need to use but there is one more type of reel baitcaster or baitcasting this one is only used by very seasoned fishermen and those who have time to practice.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Big Fish

  Muskies are some of the biggest fish in the great lakes alongside pike walleye sturgeon they can grow to 6 to 12 feet to giant lengths. Muskies look like pike while sturgeon are blue and also look like pike pike themselves are very slim and skinny. They are mostly up north and in some other states down south but only muskies and sturgeon are in the great lakes. They can only be found there otherwise they are the largest fish in the great lakes. To catch them they use fish bigger than creek chubs and lures mostly spoons pike like to hit spoons and top waters. The hooks they use are also good sized the bait they use are squaw a place to catch them is the frasure river in Canada. the hooks they use are about the size of your fist and the size they use to catch catfish the size of your middle finger crooked.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Why did Jesus have to take a normal Body?

1st Jesus needed to take a body so that he could preach and heal and also so that people could hurt him for the sinners eventually they killed him and everybody could learn from this 

2nd He came into a body to save sinners like us so that he could die on the cross and save the sinners that can't make themselves whole themselves

3rd He came to earth in a earthly form so that people could learn and see him and feel and that they can see that  

John Williams

Who was John Williams was a missionary to the pacific ocean he went to many islands and was very successful he went to many islands and had to go through many difficulties such as idol's culture and the LMS Britain missionary society? he went to many islands eventually he went to one too many cannibal islands and was clubbed to death eventually the tribe gave some bones to the other missionaries and said that's the bones of John William

Who are the Goths?

Goths are barbarians that came from Germania know called Germany there were two parties of them. Visigoths and Ostrogoths in Romans that means east and west goth. They swept down from Germania they looted and plundered Romans and other country's towns many wars have fought the Romans. Superior military power finally beat them and the goths became part of Rome one or two bands of goths 3 one was very powerful if there was another it didn't bother Rome the goths never did conqueror Rome its self but almost did but they were finally beaten and fought against and with some near its end.