Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why did the union win the civil war?

 Why did the Union win the civil war? Has been a good  question since the civil war. Know why did they first things first they had a lot more men and better equipment and a endless amount of it. They had the newest cannons rifles and bayonets carriages ammo the confederates did not. They had what they stole that's the main reason. For one thing the confederates where winning and the one reason is that after they won one battle they got cocky and thought they that where invincible. Its happened many times before the union eventually one because they had almost endless supplies.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The battle of hastings

The battle of hasting's was the English vrs the Normans the Normans had numbers and skill. They also had much more cavalry English where on foot armed with sharpened stakes battle axes swords shields and spears. They where lesser equipped and also didn't have cavalry or numbers when the battle started the English seemed to be winning. What was true they where but the Normans aimed there bows high and smashed into the thanes and the king. The king and most of his thanes where slain with shouts of exultation the Normans thrust forward but the English seeing the fall of their king. Fought harder but finally the undisciplined levies broke and fled the house carls and thanes fought to the last.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Certainty's are a fickle thing some time your certain of this thing but this other thing actually happens. Have you ever had that. Or have you ever had it that you where certain about something and that actually happened? Those are certainty's. Now there is one certainty that is obviously the most certain certainty is that Christ will come again and that he can redeem our souls. The grave is the first certainty as that is going to come true first. The next certainty is the great white throne which I think means God sitting on his throne. the next certainty is that if where washed in the blood we will never perish. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 Bass are the most common fish in Michigan they don't get very big. The biggest one caught was 20 pounder a giant a good one is a four pound. a good one in catfish is 1o or twenty pounds carp are about the same. People usually catch them on swim baits or crank baits or worms not real worms but robber ones. Usually that's how you catch them but they do bite worms most people use rubber worms. Know they are smaller so usually bass rods are much smaller than any other rod. So you don't need a big rod to catch bass.

Monday, December 21, 2020


 Friendship is an important thing that many people don't have think of your closest friend. Know think of somebody who doesn't have any friends know subtract everything that you have fun with your friend that kid  doesn't have any of those things. Know add back everything you do with your friend and see how much your life is better. Because you have friends know think how much better his life would be if you became a friend with that person. He would have much more fun and pleasure than having no friends like if he's at school imagine everything he can't do because he has no friend. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Carp and how to catch them

 Carp are a bottom feeding fish that many people try to catch. They usually go for corn and meat on the bottom but they're favorite is corn they usually are about 10 pounds or less. Big ones are over that some people can catch real big ones about 40 to 50 pounds but 20 or 30 are very good as well. But some people do scoff at 20 pounders. Anyway what most people use to catch them is something that smells and they they pack corn into the mix that smells. So the carp come and eat the corn but then you put a piece of corn on a small hook and dig into the mix so when they're eating the corn they eat that corn and you catch them!

Thursday, December 17, 2020


 Catfish are a funny looking fish they have whiskers which many fish don't have. Sturgeon have slight whiskers there are three different kinds of catfish that are the most common. Blues which are the least common of the three and channel the most common. Flathead the largest of the three they are mostly found in slow moving water feeding on the bottom as they are bottom feeders. Blue catfish are called blues sometimes because they have a very distinct blue color Flathead obviously  because there head is flat .Channel cat are called that because they are mostly found in channels. Anyway thanks for reading make sure to read more!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Muskies and carp

 Muskies are some of the biggest fish in the great lakes alongside pike walleye sturgeon they can grow to 6 to 12 feet to giant lengths. Muskies look like pike while sturgeon are blue and also look like pike pike themselves are very slim and skinny. They are mostly up north and in some other states down south but only muskies and sturgeon are in the great lakes. They can only be found there otherwise they are the largest fish in the great lakes. To catch them they use fish bigger than creek chubs and lures mostly spoons pike like to hit spoons and top waters. The hooks they use are also good sized the bait they use are squaw a place to catch them is the frasure river in Canada. the hooks they use are about the size of your fist and the size they use to catch catfish the size of your middle finger crooked.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Today we are here to talk about hills and land mass land mass is such as a mountain hill plain stuff like that basically anything land mass was here ever since the world was created it makes up about 10 percent of earth and water takes the other 90 percent up. The tallest mountain in the world is mount Everest at like 7,000. Feet or more some people think mount Kilimanjaro is bigger but science says that Everest is bigger anyway what do you think we should do next time I think we will to a civil war battle so lets get researching or maybe muskies...

Monday, December 14, 2020

The christmas story

 The Christmas story by balaam and balaak. They both were very greedy men but balaam especially he was sent by twice to curse isreal. But both times blessed isreal and balaak was very angry on the first one he built seven altars and slaughtered sheep and cows on each one. Then the next one he tried just cursing half the camp of the Israelite and but that didn't work. Then he went at for third time but didn't work then he tried for a first time he also failed that shows that God was with him for awhile in his life but not forever. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

The siege of Arcout

 The siege of Arcout English and Sepoy where trapped in Arcout when enemy forces in over whelming numbers arrived. The Mahratta forces did a few assaults on Clive's men Clive is the commander he had only 80 men not enough to hold the position. Then french arrived and brought with them cannons and Clive then received 2 18 Pounder the french gunners shot the guns to pieces so the one that survived partially was mounted elsewhere. Finally still outnumbering them 20 to 1 the commander commanded a general assault elephant's leading the way. About three columns marched forward after the elephant the elephants where shot to pieces by the English and Sepoy men. The elephants retreating slew multitudes under there hooves. Reforming ranks they charge the ranks they mounted the broken wall and behind that English rose up and the fire was heavy driving them back after that he decided to retreat after to many had been killed raising the siege.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The battle of Ethelred

 The battle after Kestheven King Ethelred and Alfred marched against the Danes. The Danes tactics where splitting into two squares so the Saxons did the same marching forward in two squares. But they stayed in there trenches for to long because Ethelred wasn't done with mass and he gave orders no movement was to be made without him and his mass done. But Alfred took his square and attacked but after awhile they where being overwhelmed but Ethelred finished mass and came out with the fresh square and sweeped the Danes from the battlefield. Though he died to wounds even though a valiant thane tried to protect him.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The battle of kestheven

 The battle of Kestheven was during the time of Danes and Saxons fighting with each other. The men of the swamps and fens rose to arms when a large force of Danes arrived to plunder and battle with those who opposed them. So the men of the swamps and fens rose to arms under the command of Algar they had a few thousand and enough to defeat the Danes. So when the Danes charged forward they where defeated and pushed back and defeated. Then Algar commanded his men not to pursue the Danes. Seeing there trick fooled gather their reinforcements and when the Saxons saw them coming retreated at least a great amount of them did the rest held there ground outnumbered 3 to 1 it came to 4 men and one managed to hack his way out the three others fought to the last. If the Saxons and't retreated they would have won anyway that's all for today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Danes and Saxons leaders and weapons

 The Leaders of the Danes and Saxons during the continuous fighting of the Danes and Saxons. The first leader is king Ethelred and his brother Alfred who took command after his brother died in battle against the Danes then king Guthrum changed his name to Athelstan and then Hastings. There where hundreds of jarls and kings. But those are the principal leaders of the fighting now  the weapons used during that time where primitive consisting of mail shirts and battle axs and swords shields and bows cavalry where also used along with large caterpaults and mangonels. Anyway thank you for reading. 

Monday, December 7, 2020


  Building is an interesting thing its actually very scientific. Houses and other building must be built perfectly placed and perfectly built the things must be put in the right place and other places. The walls must be straight and everything must straight round or something might not work its very much harder than it sounds. Have you ever seen a house that was built wrong it wasn't pretty. It will blow over in a good solid storm and it wouldn't heat well. Anyway that's all for today if you have anything to say please comment anyway that's all see yeah! 

Friday, December 4, 2020

The last charge of the Confederates

 The last battle of Gettysburg was the turning point in the war the confederate losing and being forced back. With the union pressing forward Lee positioned his men in a mile long field where they would march forward to attack the union position. Which had cannons and a large force of troops the guns of lee started firing then after that the infantry advanced. After there were in range cannons and muskets opened up on them.Sometimes the shells took out ten men at a time. Musketry fired at close quarters as one brigade wasn't ordered back and they kept up a steady fire into the enemy. After awhile of that the confederates seeing that it was hopeless retreated like on big wave. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sixteenth century weapons

 Weapons used in the sixteenth century. First thing first the sixteenth century was 400 years ago the weapons then are artifacts know but anyway off we go. First thing first projectiles a type of old musket which took minutes to load bow crossbows and cannons. Next type long pole like weapons halberds spears lances pikes then hand to hand combat weapons knifes swords shields axes and that's most of the weapons that people used in the sixteenth century. Cannon ranged from 8 pounders to 86 pounders as they grew in size over time. Muskets where very old to shoot them you light a which and rest the gun on a stand and pull trigger. Anyway that's all for today! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The battle aboukir

 The battle of aboukir between napoleon and the Turks and Arabs the Turk had there Mameluke's which where the best cavalry in the world. The Arabs also on horse waited for the Mameluke's to smash the french squares while the Mameluke's charged the french opened fire with there muskets and cannon loaded with grapeshot. When they fired they probably took out 50 or more men just the cannon themselves .But the muskets destroyed vast quantity's more the if the french had been broken the Mameluke's would have slaughtered them. The Arabs seeing that the Mameluke where done they rode off while what was left the Mameluke's rode off. The french successfully used this technique until England defeated them with the help of Syria and the Turks.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 The battle of Agincourt the battle of Agincourt is possibly the biggest battle against french and English. The English numbered about 9,000 the french well into the 10,000's the french where split into two parties the Burgundian and the Orleans. They fought the English. Almost every English fighter was a archer with heavy axes lying by them ready for hand to hand combat the mounted knights stayed behind the archers. There was sort of a bottle neck one side thick forest the other side was marshy. The 9,000 English had their archers in the front the french charged and hails of arrows darkened the sky. As they shot into the french with great bravery and valor persisted forward. Till the archers stopped and hefted up there heavy axes and attacked the french numbers where on there side and the king Henry surrounded by twenty knights fought on. The french seeing that great amounts of men where shot down and that they weren't gaining ground retreated and the English outnumbered probably close to 2 to 1 won.