Tuesday, June 30, 2020


mArK RoBeR KnOwS WhAt iS He dOiNg. TOdAy pRaNkS KnOw yOu'vE PrObAbLy pLaYeD A LoT Of pRaNkS In yOuR LiFe bUt hOw mAnY AcTuAlLy wOrKeD? NOt mAnY WeLl I gOt a fEw that WoRked bUt nOt a tOn. ANd tHeY DiDn't wOrK WeLl sO KnOw wE HaVe mArK RoBeR IdEaS He tHiNkS YoU ShOuLd tAkE CrIcKeTs aNd pUt tHeM In dOrM RoOmS AnD ThEy wIlL KeEp tHe pEoPlE In tHe rOoM Up fOr sO LoNg tHeN. He tHiNkS ToOtHpAsTe oN OrEoS A GoOd oNe bUt tHeRe aRe mOrE So oNcE MoRe iT IsN'T FuN To eAt aT BlAcK AnGuS WiThOuT PlAyInG A PrAnK AnD TuRnInG OfF ThE G FrOm aNgUs. 

Monday, June 29, 2020


Now we are going through hard times like the corona and there are ways to protect not touching your face even though that's basically impossible. Mark Rober tried and it didn't work he touched his face and he tried very hard not to. So the best thing to do is wash as much as you can and even with washing it doesn't work great, but it does do enough. So make sure to wash and scrub that's all for today make sure to check out mark rober he does science videos and many other type f videos he also makes some very funny wons!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday Sermon

This morning the sermon was about how do you know that the bible is true to know you can because Jesus Rose from the dead and in the bible that they didn't find the body and that he rose from the dead know the prophets didn't take them to cause the 10 soldiers could easily take on 100 Jews

Friday, June 26, 2020

Zip line

So do you know what a zipline is well hopefully you do it is the finest thing you will do first. You need a long metal or anything really cable that runs from one really high tree to another and then you make sure there attached very well. Once that is done then you proceed to make something that you can zip done on. That you hold on and then they whoosh down it's all over hope you have fun lookout don't get hurt! Anyway, that's all for today if you do try this make sure you put the handle on the first bye.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Bottle Breaking

Mark Rober today made a video about bottle busting and it was pretty cool and bottle busting is basically when you whack down on a glass water bottle the bottom cracks down and breaks know it doesn't work with non carbonated drinks it doesn't work they just explode and and then they break the glass. Know breaks and then ya everything goes nut anyway we ran out of room thanks for reading this small article make sure to sub to Mark Rober who supplies everything I right about he does prank and science videos cya.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Do you know what a lever is well I'm about to tell you? First a fun fact about levers the shorter the distance and the more force you apply the better it will go anyway. First of all the fulcrum is the wedge or something in the middle then you add the board or the plank for the lever know sometimes there are levers in planes or cars those are not the type of lever we are talking about knowing if you are going to make a see-saw then go with simple lever this one so that's all for today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Know pulleys are a tricky piece of equipment, for instance, you have to be able to have enough rope on both ends not only on one, and once they're both equal the same amount of rope is poled on both sides. And the rope must be strong enough to hold the heavy equipment that they haul know pulleys r usually pretty easy all you have to do is throw a rope around a tree and then attach one end to the tree. And pull there that's a pulley anyway that's all for this one. 

swamp water

So do you think that swamp water is nasty well it is? And know it isn't by putting in this powder it is all clean it kills the bacteria and cleans out the dirt. And it has been saving lives in many countries do you think that will help? Well, it did in any country have you ever heard of it well if you haven't either had I bit I watched a video on it and its interesting anyway that's all for this time cya next time.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Is NASA a waste of money?

Is NASA a waste of money I think it is but there is one thing that helped earth. That is I think it did and it was able to say if there would be a drought or other stuff going to happen on earth. It would tell you and also only half a penny of America's money goes to NASA so that doesn't seem like a lot. But since there are about 22.6 billion dollars going into NASA don't you think if we used that and gave it to homeless people. So they could have a life first thing that homeless people would not buy what they nee.d I'm not saying all they would but most would we will finish this up next time.

Friday, June 19, 2020


Today mark Rober made a golf club auto-match and. The average golfer hitter is 110 mph and he is 150 he hit  1000 yard line drives! farther than any golfer could hit have you ever hit it very hard. Not me anyway back to the story he teamed up with some friends and made it. The first few were too shaky. Then he made sturdier kinds which faired better but it was going so fast that they had to strengthen the golf club it was bending under the pressure from the rockets and speed maybe you shouldn't try this project it took them six months anyway!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

pinewood derby

Did you know that if you use science you basically will win all the pinewood derby races. Also if you do this you will win. Well first you use as less friction and weight as possible. Wait weight? Actually no you want to up it to five ounces. Once you did that you have to put it half an inch from the rear axle after you do that then your car will win every race, but maybe not all first you need to add graphite to the wheels and make aerodynamic once you've done that you're good and you have officially built a champion race car!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Solar system

Today the person I watch made a video about the 9th planet that they thought there was one in 2016. But he showed that there couldn't be one. First of all the distance, he measured he basically had to use his own town to do this and he ended have to go 17.5 miles just to get to the 9th planet, in relative measure and. One planet was 8 football fields away another about 2 football fields away and. The others were close and they were only yards away and. In space, the measurement would probably be like billions of light-years away. Anyway, that's all for today.

Monday, June 15, 2020

screw tank

Have you ever hard of a screw tank there not fast though they float and there powerful. Nothing stops them they plow through everything thorn vines and anything else. There is probably brick walls and water 5 foot deep plowed right through knowing you probably thinking a screw tank. Well yes there are two screws and there about a foot off the ground and the front end is narrowed down to a point then there are hydraulic systems to go forward then after your done with it you need a crane to bring it where you store it any way that's all for today.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sermon Sunday

Today the sermon was on what does calling on Jesus what does that mean? Maybe you'd think to pray which is very close. So calling on God sorta means praying. But also it means calling on God for help. Do you ever call on God for help?

Friday, June 12, 2020


Today the home alone movie know would you be able to survive this booby traps. No not at all the first one isn't possible to actually do but your hand would burn through the fire to the head you would live but need a skull help also the paint can to the head would crush your head and you wouldn't live very long most of these aren't even possible and a few others a snowball in elf. Moving at 95 miles per hour would not actually hurt you that much but the movie was wrong yo would move pretty far back.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Now Frogs most of the time are not big. Other than the African bullfrog caught on the footage a bullfrog dad and his tadpoles in a small pool which was dring up. And he digs a channel to the main pond and water flowed into the main pond saving the tadpoles. Only things that the bullfrog dad actually helped his tadpoles quite a bit. They wouldn't have survived much longer in the pool of water and there were hundreds of them maybe thousand which would have dented the frogs in that area with no frogs there would be no frog legs! (that was a joke)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

shattering glass

Today the person I watch made a huge water gun and dart gun the dart gun could shatter glass.And what was cool is that one used hydrogen gas to power it if you don't believe me check out mark Rober also they both were the largest in the world or America because they both got Guinness world record have you ever tried breaking world records me and my friends did it didn't work though I think I'll like my friends again anyway have you ever been a huge dart war where there were like ten or more people I have now a giant gun like that would be awesome for destroyed their forts things like that anyway read ita again and cya next time.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

sharks and blood!

Today there was an experiment with sharks to see if sharks will investigate blood. Turns out no if you have scrape you basically safe 41 sharks to cow blood zero to human blood so your basically safe just don't panic and try to get to shore now sharks don't like urine either s don't worry about that fish oil they don't like as much small fish actually do like blood so watch out for those also I have a theory that bloodsuckers and stuff like that would swamp you so watch out also they tested human blood fast and slow but both got zero!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Foose ball

So today the s I watch made a series of things today. First a fake computer (cardboard) and then a trick roller here it turns fake money into real money. Than a vending machine than a free vending machine that all you have to do is push something down and you get a drink and then not last or first but a soccer field Foose ball thing. If you're good at Foose ball you're bound to be good at this it's amazing with a kicking system and it's very easy to play well that's all for today remember t check out the q and not the s. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Now squirrels are amazing with the agility of well nothing they are the most agility of any creature I've seen they made a twelve foot jump and the person I watched made American ninja warrior course for them. They all completed there smart also so they managed to think it through through the eight stages. They went faster than ever before it took them what it sounds like a week to complete rick, Marty, and two others now the squirrels are all different two are smart one is brave and dumb. Another fat and eats really anything literally now go try for yourself.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Q

Today the Q made a fat bike the wheels are very big when he got off the bike just stayed standing up! Also, I don't think this won is DIY you need a lot of metal and two very large tires and a blow torch have you ever tried using one? Didn't think so anyway the Q makes many other things have you yet subscribed didn't think so go do it now the s is a copy of the Q don't sub or watch his Vids also make sure you dislike his vids and like the Q 's now I gtg cya next time!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Sawed off shotgun

Today the s took his double barrel and used it for a sawed off shot gun and. Put baby powder in the bullets and they made smoke well baby dust pwoder. and anyway it was very powerful it knocked down a ton of cups with  one shot have you ever tried this well you should i might it would be pretty hard but i think i could do it pls comment if you have ever made anything with cardboard well runnign out of what to say so i'll  takl about some Nt news well Nitro type news there's a new person that is doing a ton of races a dau anyway got to go.