Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tom 1

So Tom swift is having a great time he is getting ready to catch giants and catch giants he will. They breaking into the weapons they have gotten their electric rifles and rad gots his shotgun masta. Tom and they going to rescue their friend employer and so their thy go marching strongly in an airplane rad hates them's loud machines.

rad his servant

Jackson his engineer

Mr Damon his loyal friend we will call him MR

and their is one more yet but i don't now his name

Monday, April 29, 2019


So nothing happend on the ol tom swift but tom dad almost died and tom agreed to go the diamond maker cave and his dad almost died. So he is  now going to stay home and work on his ol electric rifle and. He is very happy now that his dad is better so now he is working on his electric rifle of his and is very successful.

Friday, April 26, 2019


So today we are talking about Tommy and he is doing great the diamonds given to him. By his friend where worth together 3500$ not much compared today but for now we will say it was 1,000,000$ now. Tom is very happy  cause his friend was truthful and so he was going to be rich. So he and his friend are going questing to the Rockies.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


So the Sermon was about the cross now there is some special things about it but i don't remember. So we have been talking about the same thing in church about when Jesus died so he was brought to the cross but he was so weak they usually make the prisoner carry the cross. But he as so weak he couldn't so Simon carried and i don't remember his last name. 


So Tom is preparing to go on an adventure which will make him a billionaire and. Do you no what it is it is a place where people find or make diamonds  so if tom got there he would arrest them and get rich or something. Like that it probably isn't illegal to make diamonds but it is if you try to kill Tom and his friends.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


So Tom bot has been confronted by Mr what his name and he asked him to get a giant and where to get a giant and. They can make good money if they get a giant so of course he says yes and they our going to head of on the giant hunt. So we will follow him on the hunt and see what happens what will happen keep tuned and you will find out.

Monday, April 22, 2019


So the sermon was about when Jesus died so peter we always talk about this when we read that so back to the sermon peter just rushed into the grave but john stopped. Now why did john stop now john stopped because the old laws say that it isn't clean to go into a grave. But because Jesus died it is clean to do that.


So Tom is in his air ship and is preparing for the long flight for the 10,000$ prize. If he wins he gets all the cash so he has a new high of 120 miles and hour in the air and folger has not yet shown his plane to the public. But now he has his plane is called the slugger and it was big bulky but powerful and who will win the race Tom Andy keep reading and you will find it out.

Friday, April 19, 2019


So today Tom is at the race and is preparing for the big race that will come on in a couple of weeks while they assemble the plane the plane is very fast over 100 miles per hour! so ya that plane is almost sure going to win the big prize.  so Tom is not that happy about the man his dad and so he keeps in step  with swift home.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


So Tom has been greatly troubled his father is going to die if he can't get the special doctor over so but the doctor can't get over so he is going to fly him so he fly over in his fast plane. His engine roars he screams as flames lick over the engine he puts more speed the doctors hut he lands. He put s the doctor in his plane and fly's away to save his dad. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Tom's fire

So toms is now in a state of panic there is fire at the shed were he stores his aeroplane and Tom is going to have to get his airplane coming but there are fumes and. He can't get in so again he tries and succeeds in getting the humming bird out of her nest and. He is very grateful that he got it out and the fire was put out but now his father is very sick and needs help and fast.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tom is troubled

So tom swift is going very fast he has had a night raider he has gone and found out were andy is building an airplane in  big shed and. He has a nasty partner he doesn't seem that smart but tom is a very protective in his airplane and getting ready to start sending it in a large crate to the park. Where the plane race will be h is hoping for first prize his plane goes 112 miles an hour.

Monday, April 15, 2019


So there was another odd Sunday we had Andrew stay home with Mable and Luke who where sick and we went and at night dad stayed home. But that was nothing when we where all sick that was terrible have you ever had super sick days put in a comment down below if you even read this now we will talk about the sermon I didn't right on what the pastor did but I. Remember what he talked about selfishness and we need help with that i bet every one does i meant everyone.

Friday, April 12, 2019

An intruder

So Tom is hurt he had run out hoping to catch a intruder who he had heard but the intruder had gotten away when he had brought his hatchet down on tom's head he had sot his revolver but it was just to scare the man but the man didn't scare easy and he escaped from the shed of tom's dad and himself s

This is actually the Tom senior the tom that you read about is the one that isn't born yet 

Thursday, April 11, 2019


So today is my birthday and I got a tub of army guys and there are Germans and Japanese and English and Americans. The Gblue  Jlight green  Eyellow  Adark green and I like the Germans the best the Japanese have only rifle men. English  really one have machine guns and americans have every thing i haven't received anything else yet.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tom swift 3

So there is nothing in the pile of junk and Andy volger tried to catch Tom and. His friend but he couldn't so they got away so where is his plane being built and Toms craft was just seen skimming around he has it up for a test. Flight and so far eh has gone so good so far but all i saw was him taking off so ya so wait until next time for more!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tom Swift 2

So Tom swift his now having a good deal of  a time because eh has hired a person  to act as a tramp and get  job from Andy. So he can n figure out if he has his plans might be there but there is nothing in the shed so where is Andy building his plane. In there garage and outside of town in a barn or shed out of town all that was in it was garbage. WHAT ABOUT THE GARBAGE we will  see after we listen to the next episode.

Friday, April 5, 2019


So I Went to freinds and when we got there we listened to odyssey and slept and woke up and listened to more odyessy. Then we woke up ate breakfast than we played some game and then we played car's and had tons of fun. Hay bales we sold for 50 million$ it was fun until i spent over a billion dollars on bails i was plum out of money.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


So today the sermon was about the Passover and he said the Passover was important because of the 12 plagues and. He gave a lot of emphasis on the clothing and eating part of the Passover  where they supposed to keep there sandals and robes on and be ready for walking they ate a special lamb. That thy did a lot of things to so that is some of the Passover.


So today I learned how to do a very hard problem it was like this.

3 - x(4 - x)

3 x 4 = 12

So the answer is 2x=12 so first you times 3 4 and get 12 and. There ear two x's so the answer is 2x=12 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tom 1

So the Tom swift is about him building a flying vehicle and he has a good one. Now already almost built so he can race and his first plans where stolen from him but he made more and if they are stolen again he has made then very very tricky to do and. Build and he put special things by the right lines and math problems so far so good!