Thursday, March 28, 2019


So the sermon today is about the Lord's Day and he is astonished that so few people preach on it. So now he is preaching on it and he said that all the pagan countries surrounding isearel. The hole country was like shut down on the sabbath so only Lord practices where done on that day. Like church  and they only eat cold, food on that day.


So Finn is now in the care of his former master and he is loving at and now that there rich from finding opal stone that is very rare and stuff like that. So now there rich and they will live by the sea in Sussex downs and everyone will be happy and. Now we will here about Tom swift and his sky racer most of the Tom swifts are very old one's so you probably will never read them in a  book.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


So Finn is now out of the wild now there are 4 men with a tracker. So now there going after the man and his dog now they found the master and Finn is being not the best treated but now he is and they are telling  him. About the fight but now it's a week later and now there rich no because they found a mine and now there rich.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


So Finn's master was found but in the act of trying to kill him the pack which was hungry than you when you didn't get lunch and. So he had to kill his mate so that his master would live. So now the whole pack is dead and his master is heavily wounded but now he is ether dead or alive and. Finn is very sad. 

Monday, March 25, 2019


Sermon was about Jesus and when the high priest hanged himself and when they interrogated Jesus and where peter denied three times that he even new Christ. So now I think the sermon was about preaching though I don't now so the sermon was about preaching. Now preaching is hard to do unless you've been preaching for year's. 

Friday, March 22, 2019


So the sermon was about Joseph and his sons the pastor named what the sons where about though I don't now the things each one was about some I now. Gad's was going to go in and take the best and for himself and Joseph was going to have the best food to him self and every thing that is good and. I don't remember anything else so that is the end.


So Finn is now leading his pack away from the drought that is taking it's toll. He Wargul his mate lead the pack and take the best and meat and the most of it to themselves. Cause there bigger than  then the dingoes who drink and eat less which they are slowly getting bigger and fatter. As they trek onward to the horizon of the desert who will they find death or will they find a meadow?  

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


So Finn has had pups they are now during two episodes have managed to feed themselves but food is far and not near. Finn is not finding food and so soon he will have to find a  good kill soon luckily he has one a good big animal and. Now he has come home and he hast to fight Tasman and he will win of course but he will have to fight there is no way that he is getting out of it!  

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


So you don't now the birth of Finn that well so we are now going to talk about that Finn was born into a family of pups though poor old Tara the mother of Finn was to weak to bear all the pups. So two got foster mother's Finn was one of them and he wasn't treated the best but he bore and grew up to be the strongest best est Irish wolf hound!

Monday, March 18, 2019


So on Sunday we  where at church and towards the End I really don't now what happened but I hit the wall cause I had told dad I was going to puke. So I went out but hit the wall and then I puked luckily in the bathroom then went to the car and awhile later I we went home and. Ya that was a very odd Sunday i stayed home from church that night.

Friday, March 15, 2019


So Finn is well doing good he has not fought but has attacked and. Killed a kangaroo on the hunt his mate is doing good he brought home some meat for her and she ate it and. Then he is probably going to be master of the mountain they live on soon as he defeats a dingo jut as big a tough and mean as him he probably will in the next lecture.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


So today Finn fought some ferocious dingoes he would've killed but he didn't so.  They still need to be hunted though he is way stronger than his adversaries the. Dingoes tried there best but failed cause there about 200 pounds biting at them most of. Them so they retreated and ran off the kangaroo dog that Finn met with the old hunter who now belongs also was there.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


So ol Finn is now captured by a hunter who gave him a couple pounds of meat to eat and. Then he slept though Finn is well not wanting to go near the hunter cause he has doesn't. like Them and I wouldn't either if I where him I would probably stay long enough to get a meal then get away. But stay close to the caravan of them and steal food put a comment in about what you would do cause that is what I would do. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday (School)

So i'm am going to talk about baptism because that's what we talked about in Sunday school. So baptism now some people argue about what amount of water to pour over whoever is getting baptized .The baptist would always say to dunk but we just sprinkle. Now both of the those is fine it doesn't matter but the baptist's think that you have to be a christian to be baptized and. Some Greek something dunks you when you'r a baby but it doesn't matter either dunked or sprinkle works.   

Friday, March 8, 2019


So ol Finn is now working for the circus as a wild beast and. He is as powerful and stronger than one so  think he will draw a big crowd of spectators and. Maybe someone important but he was stolen so i'm sure he will be found and caught quick and. Sam arrested the guy who stole him and i'm sure Finn will end up with mister sand brook. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019


So the sermon was about David And Goliath and Goliath mocked God and isearel and David. Was shocked that the men was just listening he dared to attack Goliath and .He was fitted out in sauls Armour but he couldn't move in that Armour So he brought the Armour of God and defeated Goliath and the philistines as hey slew them. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


So Finn just got sold and he is very  sad he didn't want to get sold but the mistress of the kennels needed to go to the mountains. If she wanted to live so poor Finn had to get sold so they had money to go. Poor Finn now belongs to a rich guy who will not sell the Dog for a 100 guineas and. Now the mater and mistress of the  kennels are very sad and in a money crisis.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


so ol  fin has moved to London he has slain a fox the start of the career and the first fox he ever killed but not most likely the last. So he now has moved to london and so far he has been very bored cause he has been put in a box and chained. To make sure that he would not get out if he did it very bad cause he has fighting blood and lots to that!

Monday, March 4, 2019


So on Sunday we got up (I ate no breakfast) and every one else ate eggs and cereal. Then we got dressed and waited and played awhile then went to church and. The sermon was about Mary and  she poured the ointment  out on Jesus's head and how the disciples thought that as a waste. Though Jesus said she did it for his burial.

Friday, March 1, 2019


So today Finn as been captured by thieves and gave them a hard time and they are going to sell. The to american fellows who will probably pay a really big amount of money. That dog that dog is huge large limbs and well everything good about a dog is super good dog. But they hate it cause it wants to go back to his master and if he knew how kill the people he was captured by.