Saturday, April 30, 2016


there was once a 99,000 people and then there was a king and the king  decide to punish the people so won day he dug a hole in the road then he put a big rock on it so ther was in the village 98,000 people who did not work so people started to come down the road the people who were lazy just left the rock but one day a person came and moved the rock and a box on the bottom so the in box was 9,000,000 9million gold

Thursday, April 28, 2016

the general jumped again he pulled out his saber and started to fight he swung his saber he fought hard finally he had his  last swing he pulled him self together and swung hard and killed him he looked at his men he yelled charge" and they started to run with his men he swung his saber at 7 other men and then he shot his relvovler  at the commander then he got to the other side of the felid and the union started to run             

                                             THE END

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

live or die

The general barest out of his tent and yelled to his men "grab your guns and follow me!" he and his 20,000 men left he ran to woods and with his men at his heals. they ducked behind a tree and grabbed his revolver and shot at the commander, then he yelled to his men fire "all your will" the men started to fire general "said a lieutenant then a sabre. hit him he fell the general jumped back he saw a clonel  swing AT HIM!!!!!         to be continued

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

the battle of terror

general dan.blocker is now marching his 69000 troops to the union army the union have 18000 troops we have56000 troops and Robert e lee has the rest of army coming 49000 troops that's all says the general hmmmmmm. ill split us into three groups of my men just then he herd gun shots all at wonc he heard an explosion that blew up 80 tents he new he had to get his men rallied up                                                                                to be continued