Monday, November 30, 2020


Cortez was a explorer and he accomplished thing's though unimaginable but one thing he did really stood out he face 200,000 Aztec's with 200 unpaid starving cold wet miserable men and won how? First the Aztecs were armed with mostly bronze instead of metal which is weaker there armor is basically leather like cotton and the Aztecs already had learned that the armor was useless and didn't wear it. But still that 200,000 patrotic Aztecs and fed watered and paid against 200 men unpaid and starving so Cortez and about seventeen cavalry led the charge forward. The weapons the Spaniards use where pikes swords halberds no muskets or cannon because they lost those when they attacked the capital. So they charge forward and started hacking there way through the mass Cortez and his cavalry stamped goring and hacking there way through. Cortez seeing that numbers where prevailing and that the armor of his men where failing led a desperate attack on the captains and generals. Which won the day they killed many of them and the Aztecs retreated. Cortez also had with him about two thousand allies but they where armed like the Aztecs and the Aztecs had already destroyed there empire. After they won they made to friendly territory and Cortez raised about 500 more men and went back to fight.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

bones in rocks

   Rocks are a very interesting thing have you ever seen a fossil embedded into a rock. That's cool some people make a living tracking storms. But archaeologists have a living looking for fossils. An selling them to museums now that's cool! Some people who just look for fossils for fun once or twice come out big sue. The big Tyrannous sauros Rex! and she wasn't a archaeologist but she found it and made a mint. Unluckily that took a year or two for she found it on someone's else property so she had to fight for it in court and got it back anyway cya. one quick fact the sue was not all the way brought to the real owners for years!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Military bunkers

  There are a lot of people who talk about building bunkers or something and some people make shelters that seem impregnable and things. Now in south Dakota there is a few that used to be military shelters reinforced cement with tar and sod on top of that. So no corrosion they are being turned into regular houses imagine having a house as a bunker they are far away from one another and there not super discomfort. You need to put in is military equipment I believe anyway that's all for today if you know anything more about this make sure to comment cya next time!

Thursday, November 19, 2020


  Trees and plants are very interesting things the leaves are made up of chlorophyll and many other things . Now chlorophyll isn't the main thing it makes the leaf green and other cool things. Trees have a base of wood which is basically a very large stem a straw that suck up water from down below in the in the. Roots and plat stems are much the same but tree roots go much farther down. Anyway that's all for today hope you have a great day and go explore all the different kinds of tree's because maple syrup comes from trees so that's something. One other quick fact that the barks that look different some paper and some bark anyway that's all.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Today the home alone movie know would you be able to survive this booby traps. No not at all the first one isn't possible to actually do but your hand would burn through the fire to the head you would live but need a skull help also the paint can to the head would crush your head and you wouldn't live very long most of these aren't even possible and a few others a snowball in elf. Moving at 95 miles per hour would not actually hurt you that much but the movie was wrong you would move pretty far back.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Why did Santa Anna disband congress?

 Why did Santa Anna disband the congress in mexico? Santa Anna was a powerful general and after ten years of fighting 3 presidents rose and fell. Then Bustmante the third president got kicked out by Santa Anna but then when Santa Anna rode into mexico city he disbanded the congress why? First thing first he probably did it for sole power in the government like a dictatorship but. Then he disbanded all militia's and his army replaced them. One town resisted and was slaughtered Santa Anna then said to his soldiers do what ever you want kill whomever you want and take whatever you want his soldiers massacred the town so the reason why Santa Anna disbanded the congress is so that he could be sole ruler and make changes to anything by just saying it.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


  Why do fish bite lures and fake stuff well there are a few ways that anglers get them to bite. First they make them smell like a fish or worm then the next trick they do is make it look like a fish swimming which they call a swimbait. Then bass and other fish will swim up and bite. Also they put the hook on the top. Some have pieces of metal that will pick up sun rays and a flash goes out and fish come and bite it. While the hook digs into it and you hooked a fish some of the lures chatter make noise and fish come to take the bait anyway that's all cya.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 Electricity is a interesting thing everything we basically have is made by electricity computers, lights, and even some cars! Kitchen devices as well are run by electricity some ovens are as well but what is electricity well it is electrons and other things. But they connect and make a power force that powers things have you ever made anything with electricity I have powered lights and other things using a battery and electricity. To make a light blink .First thing first the cords that you use are very dangerous they harbor a powerful force and never touch then if they are on. Anyway that's all for today see you next time!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Carpentry is a interesting thing but the basic thing of what carpenters do is make things out of wood. Like carving the siding for your house furniture those sort of things some people think it's easy but it isn't unless you know what your doing. Or what to make sure before you use anything sharp or dangerous to make sure you know what your doing. I've made a few things out of wood a table a few stools and other things I've also attempted to make a  fishing lure that's a bit harder for those who really like and know how to carve anyway that's all see yeah!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Family (evening service)

 Family is a important thing but there is one big family as God as the father. But he has but one son Jesus Christ and if we are to join his family we are adopted into his family. But only Christians are adopted into his family the ones who trust in Christ as there savior so Jesus is the real actual son. While we are all adopted into his family anyway make sure to comment some thoughts and make sure to comment your opinions. Or anything  else you have to say anyway comment but look at some others see yeah. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Resources and there uses

 Miacademy economics resources: know everything around is resource know we make resources into categories there are natural category and capital category and human category human categry is obviously us we are humans just humans in this category capital category is machines and cars things like that like the computer kindle tablet that kind of things natural category is obviously trees and stones and iron things like that gold this is also nonrenewable resources! which means we can never use these again when they run out ( they won't run out for like two billion years you fine) :D

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Measuring matter & the standard unit

 Measuring matter is hard thing to do but a way to do it is to use the standard unit way which is a yard pound gallon quart all those. So saying i'm 5 4 is using using the standard unit to measure me or saying that a mile is about 64,000 inches is the same thing. Some people don't use the standard unit in other countries they use different things to measure like kilometre and things like that instead of feet and miles. Anyway that's all for today make sure to comment something or ask questions in the comment section see yeah!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Cool squirrels

 Now squirrels are amazing with the agility of well nothing they are the most agility of any creature I've seen they made a twelve foot jump and the person I watched made American ninja warrior course for them. They all completed there smart also so they managed to think it through through the eight stages. They went faster than ever before it took them what it sounds like a week to complete rick, Marty, and two others now the squirrels are all different two are smart one is brave and dumb. Another fat and eats really anything literally now go try for yourself. As they are definitely the coolest creature ever!