Thursday, December 19, 2019

Roman answers

Did you know that Rome only had 300,000 troops at Max?

Did you know that Augustine the Emperor named the Months of the year and one is named August?

Did you know that Rome never really beath the germanian Barbarians?

Did you know that Rome was several times 

Gauls {more than once bye these people}
Attila the hun {more than once bye these guys}

Did you know that the Franks sacked Rome and then Rome failed and no more Rome?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

my visit to school

I went to my school today. I take two classes science and PE. I don't like science that much, but I like PE and. I'm in all my classes with my brother. We got some friends pretty fast we met a few from a former school we met Leighton and Levi double L's. We had hot lunch last Monday we only go on Mondays so overall it isn't tierrble.

Monday, December 16, 2019


So the Sermon was about people who say I will convert some other time. and the minister once was with a dying man. Who said he would become a Christian later, but wouldn't on his death bed and. The pastor put as he was entering a storm a large terrible storm so the topic was on repent of your sins so that you now saved as your on your death bed.

My new channel

My new channel Today I made a new channel called Minecraft And Airsoft. Obviously, I will do airsoft wars and Minecraft. I will start a survival world and do it try to get a video out a day or week. I will show the guns we will use we will start a seed of a village or something else. We will put out airsoft videos very soon subscribe and like the videos!

Friday, December 13, 2019


I blog posting from a picture the picture is a serpent getting stepped on by Mary. Now in the bible, I think it says something like this and the woman shall crush the serpent. Which is Satan and the woman is sorta Jesus, but the women bore Jesus which then Jesus destroyed sin on earth not all of it but he destroyed a lot of sin and was kind and brought many to Jesus.


so today I got up late a Delicious breakfast and then wandered around till school then did school then after a while figured out how comfortable Andrews bed was an wanted to sleep I it so that's were I'm sleeping tonight


So there were five peas and a boy shot one pea. And it landed in a crack of board and another landed the yard of a sick girl. And she got to see the little pea bush grow and she said the life is nice to have and the other pea died. And soon the Girl was better and found the other little pea and said death unspeakable 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts well one of them and a guide were out hunting. For a 6 pronged buck and they almost found one when the scout. Stuck his hand into a hole and was bit by a snake he thinks it was a rattler. Know what will happen {for one thing this is highly doubted a rattler} I doubt anyone is hurt bad I was bit by a snake and it didn't hurt terribly.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts are working on getting that fire on. Well, giraffe is he still can't get it but he says he is zero steps away from getting it. So will he or will he not lets hope does or something might happen before that will destroy the flames. As the water did once did a sudden rain shower did put out his fire he will get sooner or later though.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Boy scouts

So today he boy scouts readied their rifles in a desperate effort to fight and defeat an army of three robbers. They were known as the krakers {cr-ak-er-s}. Where a desperate gang of thugs and their leader usually was a kinda guy that frightened you to death when you saw him but the scouts yanked their guns out to protect their friend crow was his name.

                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED

Monday, December 9, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts had the police visit them the police were looking for a lost man. A nephew of the man with the police you might ask. Why did the police try to catch this man if it was his nephew or maybe you think he was lost but the man thinks the nephew has taken important papers that will lead to the mine and. Make either of then rich so we will do more on this topic tomorrow.

Friday, December 6, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts were helping a boy from a dire situation. I think down in a hole or canyon they were forced to help him out and drag him back. They did that and they explained the boy scouts to him for he didn't understand and. He did about sam thing scouts do so they encouraged him to keep doing what he did helping everybody out.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


So today we are going to talk about scratch my new project boxing royale. It is where you there are speed boosts, and obviously you box and fight with another opponent. If he touches or punches you 5 times you lose the round. It should come out by the end of next week otherwise play my other game such as battle royale and 3d Mario kart. {not finished}

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hot sauce is fickle

Hot sauce is a very hot thing but when you watch a video you will never eat hot sauce watch this and you will be amazed! got to Eater youtube channel watch his hot sauce one and be amazed!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts went home they went home from the Maine woods and. Giraffe one the bet ice cream was bought by Bumpus. So to the discouragement of Bumpus, he had to spend money on ice cream for about 5 individuals scouts.  many more adventures they would have probably the Rockies or something like that next well until next time.

Monday, December 2, 2019


Do on Sunday in class we talked about the trinity is the holy spirit and the two others that I forgot and. We talked about why there are there and the pastor made a comment on something. That continues through the old testament people saw Jesus. fiery furnace Adam and eve and maybe during the lions den Jesus came but I not shure.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

boy scouts

So boy scouts were caught in a storm and they had an argument. If they should hide under a tree so they decided not to and. They pressed on then thad fell into a hole and. They have to rescue him or he might get even worse hurt. Or they will use the hole as a shelter for the their weary body's. So now if they get thad out of the hole they will be able to press on or stay in the hole.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts where working on their hunting skills they shot a big moose and. Step-hen the killer proved that his 12 caliber was just as good as Bumpus's boar shooter. {bumpus called step-hens a pea shooter which sparked the argument obviously} and. Then they had steak moose for dinner moose steaks I mean so that ends it for today tomorrow we will probably not do hunting.

Monday, November 25, 2019


My dad's sermon was about thanksgiving but thanks living was better its better to leave the thanksgiving dinner and do thanks living than just during that day and not the rest of the year so now work on getting thanks living for the rest of your life you can't be perfect, but you can be better so try to do that as I  do to.

Friday, November 22, 2019

boy scouts

So today the people who went to the island lost their canoe as the other people their enemies took it or hid it so now one of them is going to head out to the mainland to get help on a log, but I don't think that he is going to make it very fast or that they would get help to the island that fast but the boy persisted so lets wait and see what happens next

Thursday, November 21, 2019

boy scouts

So the boy scouts have now entered the island and are on the look for the team they found large caves and decided to wait on exploring them just in case they where in there they had clubs and where ready for the find of their life they hope the hobos and the Russian that they figured out of the shoe print that they figured out

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts talked about moving to a different island and. They decided not to cause they thought there might be hobo's, or robbers. Who had escaped from prison on the island. So they didn't dare move to go there. So they just stayed on their own island and once again giraffe once sorrowed cause[ they couldn't get rid of the bear. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Boy scouts

So today on boy scouts the boy scouts had robbers come into their camp and. The bear they had destroyed them one fell into the river and another was felled. The scouts shure got out of their tents fast and boy did they move running over to the bear and. The bear was heavily rewarded in cake to giraffes disappointment cause he like to eat and make fires stay tuned see ya next time.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


So this Sunday the preacher preached on thanksgiving. Now when it is said that you thought of turkey cranberry sauce and many other things may be saying to someone thanks. Or someone saying thanks to you otherwise what does thanks mean. thanks mean's you are thankful for something grateful for it you're happy with it if you aren't happy for it and. You say thank you you don't really like it then you aren't really thankful. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Boy scouts

So this Time the scouts have had giraffe fall into quicksand And let's just say that he wasn't expecting it. So then Bumpus started blowing his horn like nuts. Actually trumpet he doesn't like it when you call it horn. So then they notice a man standing up on a cliff who was a guy who made whiskey which the government has been trying to catch stay tuned for more!

subscribe to my youtube channel {Noah Engelsma}

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Boy scouts

This time everyone gets a big scare as a bear walks into camp everyone gets scared bigtime lucky it was just a trained bear And everyone ran up a tree Bumpus the fattest was chased though escaped one kid managed to get the bear chained up unluckily and he ate way too much So everyone decided to get rid of him so where should they bring him see next time

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Boy scouts

So today we are doing boy scouts like I said so it seems that there were ten million like for hiking. 30 million for the other one. So today Bumpus got stuck in a tree stump. Anyway, there where ants in their that bit him so much he couldn't do that much and it as his job to blow the horn. So ya he couldn't bow the horn next time we will probably hiking or something like that.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Boy scouts

So the boy scouts I am going to start blogging on the boy scouts I have very any podcasts I can listen to so be prepared as I walk you through some boy scout books you should here characters called step-hen and giraffe and Bumpus and tad and many other scouts we have a choice

Boy scouts in the Rockies

boy scouts on the move

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday school

Sunday school time was about God's attributes and many other things. This time we will talk about independence God isn't controlled by anybody he is controlled by himself. He made everything and controls everything, So that is why you can't sorta control bye prayer. You pray for a lot of money you aren't going to get it this is praying wrong we will talk about it next time. Also, God will give you things but not some things you can read some books on it or any book.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tom's problem

So we have a considerable problem an enemy sub shot a projectile and knocked Bud's air tank. Off Toms friend so now they are fighting mad and. Tom and bud get the beins and. Had to be airlifted to safety well Tom was okay but Bud made it out with more than one injury. So he was airlifted away to the swift enterprise's and then they went back down into the water to find the enemy sub......+

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

missile catch

So Tom and lots of scientists and men of the navy officers are trying to catch a rocket. With a lot of important info on it so they struggled to land it but an enemy missile conteracted it and. Now who can find it first wins the prob missile with space data that could really help a lot of people so everyone is going for it who will get it first.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Scratch is a site where you can program your own games. I have programmed a few; it's family-friendly it's easy when you figure it out. I haven't yet I have three games done maybe more. Anyway, go there now make your own games play other peoples have fun learning the art of coding anyway if you go their play shoot target have fun!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday school

So Sunday school was about God's Attributes like the simplicity of God, of course, he is all simple he is everywhere at once. So that isn't very simple otherwise he isn't very lavish it is like the story of the fiery furnace. They refused to eat meats cakes and wine and they ate only veggies and water and they where stronger a better than everyone in the palace!

Friday, November 1, 2019

tom and crashing

So today tom swift was driving in his race car he. Accidentally crashed into the ditch going over a bridge after that Mr. Damon had a shock though that though Mr. sharp wasn't that shaken up. Tom was pretty rueful about that so they probably are kinda mad as well they have a few miles to go yet to reach the nearest town what will they do?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

England answers

Did you know that England at one time had the most powerful army at one time?
Did you now that England had the best navy but had smaller ships than the Spanish but beat them soundly many times?
Did you know that England has a queen that ruled for like 90 years?
Did you know that England had descendant's and was country well before the Romans?

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

America answers

Did you now that America fought a war of independence against thousands of enemy troops with an army of rags and nonsoldiers?
Did you now that America was found on everyone ones free, but they're where 100's of slaves and a war was fought over them?
Did you now that the Japanese bombed pearl without declaration of war?
did you now that America had presidents while everyone else had kings?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday school

So we are talking about God's attributes immutability is one this one is named because. God does not change; he will not change for eternity. Speaking of which eternity is another meaning God will never leave he is infinite never-ending, or starting so another omnipresent meaning that God is everywhere always where you are always everywhere.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Scottish questions answered

Did you now that Scotland is the main person who invented the bagpipe?
Did you now that Scotland fought the English more the France?
Did you now that Scotland with only 10,000 men at max attacked and defeated an army of 100,000 English and won!
Did you now now that Scotland has two parts the highlanders and lowlanders? {high landers more prone to war and violence}
did you now that the bagpipe was supposed to scare enemies at battle?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Scotland was a small country over bye England much more powerful than Scotland destroyed Scotland until a guy named William Wallace rose up. {beforre there was his brother and dad where slain rising up supposedly they weren't very successful} So anyway after a few battle's that Wallace won. All he fought an army that equaled 4 to 1 to him but he was forced to attack after awhile they were destroyed he lost his best friend and then he headed to France. When he came back he went back to resistance and attacked he then went to England he never got there at least he did in chains. They captured him along the road owed to a treacherous teen {18-20} named jack short. He took Wallaces  60 pound claymore and Wallace was executed then the bruce rose up very shakily slaying the very man that could help then win the war. He lost one battle retreated after a while he rose up and he fought 200 men off protecting his men from them. They rose up again and defeated a bigger army {I think than William Wallace with less men!} than William Wallace he then proceeded to free Scotland.

                                                                The End 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Did you now that there are trains that go 100's miles of hour that are in japan. But there are trains like that everywhere and there are trains that go slower and are stronger and can haul 100's of tons of stone and lumber. Or a nice slow when you want a relaxing train ride or if you want a fast one gets different train for sure! 

Monday, October 21, 2019

sunday school

Sunday school was about God's names and why he has them. He has two main names called lord and God which we use if we are talking spiritually but otherwise, it's more or less blasphemous to say them. So he has names so that we know if he is an idol or the one true God, so that is why he has names, so that is why he has names and what the two main ones are. 

Friday, October 18, 2019


4  So this is a fraction today we will learn how to do fractions. With different denominators.

1       1   
2       4    first find the multiple that are even with both 2 so than times into the denominator of 1/2, and you get one fourth the answer is 0 see easy.

3  .   2
4      9  okay so for these questions. You don't do what you did up there. You do it this way 3 x 2=6       4 x 9=36 answer 6/36 so then you say that was easy. But your not done 6 goes evenly into them wich then you get 1/6 now your done.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

tom swift

So now we are going to do tom swift and his electric runabout. He made a car to race in a big race he even raced his motorcycle with andy and beat andy. Cause andy tried to shift into 3rd gear on a hill from fourth gear. So ya thats about it the race will be a distance or how long will it last probably a distance race.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

tom swift

So the tunnel that tom swift is building is now done and they found the lost city of one in the middle of the mountain they worked hard and earned what they got rightfully Dighton their enemy died before he died he told them everything he wasn't blamed for it since he was sorta bribed in and they couldn't get their conspirator's they weren't caught cause there wasn't anything to blame them with so bye for today

Monday, October 14, 2019


So on the evening service, we had a sermon on zedichah, and It was the chapter. I don't know which one exactly but it was the chapter that the man went to measure Jerusalem until the angel sent I think zedichah to stop and tell him that Jerusalem would be without walls and. That God would be the firewall around it {not a literal fire wall}.

Friday, October 11, 2019

peppers are back

So the peppers are back they are all grown up to like 13 and to 23. Ben is 23 Polly 20 phronsie is 13  don't know anyone else's but jaspers he is 24. But Joel and David I don't know, but they are in college so like 17 to 19 and. Their mom is probably fifties to sixties old Mr king frequently mentioned as grandpapa is probably 70 to eighty pretty old if you ask. Me and that doesn't dent the characters listen to them by yourselves.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tom swift

So tom swift is getting the gold from a wreck, and he got about everything when the enemy sub comes to get the gold. He quickly evacuates since he got all that was worth getting he then heads back to shopton and. He deposited all the gold and money he then headed to the manager's office and made ned newton an assistant bank clerk. People with few hundred thousand dollars can have a lot of influence like that.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tom Swift

tom swift is building a huge tunnel for a government and a native along with kocu the giant got into a fight and they fought and one was crippled the native kocu won a victory and he pounded him at the right time for he was about to bring the mission  to a halt so he was awarded with a pat on the back and they fired one of them involved in the plot and they mined through the andy mountains so ya tom swift has a very large series read them all {libivrox}

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


WW1 was the worst war in the world. Unless you counter with world war 2 but this is one when the machine gone came out and heavy cannons that can take out lines of men. Powerful rifles guns that can take men out with one bullet somewhere would take a man out. Then towards the end there where bigger better guns more shells longer-range everything just got much worse to learn more go to Wikipedia and books thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


So the Sermon for today is on circumcision now today most people get their kids circumcision. On the morning after birth we where cut when we were born comment below if you did and chat with other people now anyway. Did you know that the people of the bible took circumcision very seriously and. Did eight days after birth but can't tell it all know just read the old testament to  find out the rest and comment to share your finds.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Jim kejhalgaard

Jim kejelhard was a person that wrote many great books. That mostly the main character are animals. This book will make you want to have many dogs it did for me. I enjoyed these books a lot you can get all of them on kindle though there like 50 or more. I read most of them some have people going out west but most are based on hunting probably because he grew in the best hunting areas around.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


When would you want t live 2190. 1890, 1456, 12AB  you probably would like 1800's or some other time let me convince that  2019 is where you will want to live. You might like to live in the 1800's but my guess you would regret it soon for it is nothing but work and. You wouldn't know how to do the work until you caught on after very hard sweaty work and if you wanted to live 12 AB otherwise it would be very strange.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Under boy scout colors

So this is the story of a Dale Tompkins that joined the boy scouts and. He was put in troop five they then played football and baseball and many other games. They where the boy scouts they did many good other things like he brought thanksgiving dinner to a person who lived alone and not many things that the other did weren't nice. Listen to it on and see what I didn't say.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Boomerangs were actually used for hunting and attacking other people for wars and many other things. They where a sort of half-circle that is sharp to do the  damage they wish to inflict. It was used mainly in Australia the abomingos used them they would either fight or hunt for food if you want to use on best go to Australia and learn bye the best people in the world. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The god's war of greece

Jupiter's dad was killing all his sons, but his mom safely got Jupiter away. Jupiter's dad gathered an army of thunderstorm giants to equal his enemys army Jupiter gathered cyclops. The battle was joined with Jupiter the victor he then had many sons and daughters here is a few. Vulcan god of ironworkers he commands the cyclops and Mardina one of his daughters were goddess of fire. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


The Romans had a very hard system of ranks. I will do what I can. I am going to do the ranks of the middle of the reign of Augustus. First Emperor, Senator,  Tribunes this is a military rank, I forgot this one but it is for young brash nobles like tribune, Centurian a military rank, that is the main ones that people strive for. Their where governors and kings and vickors but I did the middle of the empire but governors are between senator and tribune.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


So Germania was the sore spot. Which the Romans fought for as long as their empire lasted. They fought them to no end the Germanian. Where gauls and huns and many other tribes the franks, goths
 Came from. They fought pretty much every tribe the strong leaders which could defeat them conquered while the weak ones lost their empire and riches to them.

Monday, September 23, 2019


why shouldn't you believe the bible in some cases?

Well you can but over the years and years of building up and copying it isn't all true but it is still good but some other bibles like Jehovah's witness's bible is all wrong.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Roman army

So the Roman soldier weaponry and ranks. Well, almost everything about the Roman army they were armed with two pila{javelin} gladius{short sword} and. A backpack with shovel pickaxe pail and the basics to make a camp they had flag bearers. Their name aquilfer and the commander of a legion tribunes and. Their 100 to 80 troop men regiments commanded by centurions. Legions size is a good 5,000 and less that is it for today.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Emperors 2

So to start the Emperor Constantine will be the starter Emperor. Constantine was one of the first Christian emperors, and he was the best General that I know he defeated emperors and
Augustus and. He had the most efficient army of the time. He let Christian worship in peace and less persecutions and murderings of top Christian officials land taking and many other things he is my favorite Emperor.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


This is about what emperors who changed the roman empire first person is Romulus he's the one who got the thing off the ground he stole wives and made the first legions. Made up of infantry and cavalry
 The next is Augustus who made the Emperor thing up, and he fought a large Civil war with Mark Anthony.
 The next one is dioclation or ya you should know how its spelled but he is the guy who made up two Emperors and two agustus's. He made pretty much nothing else, but he did a lot to the financial thing the Romans called money and. He started off Constantine a brash young soldier commander who was chrisitan he was the best general beside scippo and Hannibal we will do more next time so bye.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Phalanx an legion what where they?

The Romans where ancient civilizatio. They invented the legion and it beat the phalanx what is the legion and phalanx. The phalanx was a pike wall the men lined up with small shields and 16-foot pikes all faced forward. The men in the back had their pikes pointed up and the line was like 4 to 6 men deep.
The legion was similar, but all the men threw their spear and used their swords and blocked the gaps with much bigger shields and. The legion you could move much more freely around with it. They fought the Samnite a barbarian horde in the mountains and hill so the legion excelled and the phalanx was crushed.

Monday, September 16, 2019

why can't you find God in creation?

So why can't you find God in creation?
Well you can, but can't learn everything in it. So you have to read the bible or get preached to like people on the amazon they don't know about God they know nothing about the Bible.

Friday, September 13, 2019


So it has been confirmed appendix removal. We have to what fifty-six days until removal. It isn't too good fifty-six days is a month and twenty-six days. So it'll be a while before the pain is gone surgery will be done tonight to clean out the appendix. So they will remove it in fifty-six days quite awhile right have you gone through this surgery comment below to talk about it.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


So sickness is to big to put into one book but my brother got sick and he hurts around the appendix. Now have you ever had a sickness like that or have you been badly sick and. Have to go to the hospital I have not only one or two people in our family that have been hospitalized and. Had to go to the hospital to get well my older brother got dehydrated comment about your sickness's.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


So soccer did you now that the first soccer ball was stuffed with rags and animal fur and. You could fight and bite well its a whole lot diffrent. Today and the number of players on field varys also and. In England its called football and there are usually 3 forwards 3 midfielder 3 defense and 1 goalie, but you can play with any number so see ya until next time.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Do you have Faith?

On Sunday are preacher preached a sermon on Faith In The Saviour. So faith is mentioned many times in the bible when he healed he saw that the centurion had faith in him and. I think the lady with the blood sickness also had faith when all she had to do was to touch the hem of Jesus clothes. So now here s the real question Do you have Faith?

Friday, September 6, 2019

Lets party!

So the Venlets came over today they brought some Lego's and we played those for a little bit. Other wise we did stretgo we tied. Andrews game got crushed by Howard and. We knocked around outside when they where leaving we had lots of fun they about finished moving into their house. No more work until tomorrow moving terrible details not include. {such as lifting tables brute heavy chair's couches and many other things}

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Did you now that some of the smallest dogs and biggest dogs (chihuahua and mastiff} are actually the same the have the exact same bones amazing isn't and. Some dogs like the one dog who's hair can get up to a meter long and. Super thick hair actually pretends to be a sheep and guards the sheep so that nothing gets any of the sheep. Amazing isn't it now have you ever heard of huskies or something that looks like them {not German shepherd} can sit on the ice for hours!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

friends over

So we had a bonfire on Saturday last week we. Had a few families over their was a baseball game and a good game of ball tag. This was before we got our dog so Saturday Sunday then Monday we got our dog and. He used the facilities in the car on the way home (45 minute drive} and. We had birthday on the day at least either that day or the day before. {the day of the bonfire}

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

doggies everywhere!

So yesterday we went to a flea market and got a dog, two wallets and, a book. Now wait a dog at the  flea market? Well yes and boy we sure glad we got it it was 150$ and he's a dingo dog from dingoes a herder dog and he's blue breeler  or something. He is five months old he usually just lays around. So we had to take him outside every  30 minutes of the day not nice but he didn't go to the bathroom in the house to much at least!

(name Howard}

Thursday, August 29, 2019


So we are home schooled and so we took a test to see what grade we where in. We did it on cumputers that would say what grade we are in and. Most of us did good I got to one grade higher math and.  My brother got to 11 grade math other wise we all passed with good grade except for some of the younger ones. My other brother passed okay and well other wise everything was good and fine. 

Monday, August 12, 2019


So in our camping trip we drove I bikes through the woods through one campsite to the next many a campsite we rode to well actually just  two. Its hard because we  had to up and down hills but it was fun and the hills where huge the size of  real mountain. Or hill as you probably should call it but it was fun we went swimming every single mostly yellow and red flag.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Question and answer

Question:some Christians think that they will have to suffer greatly at the second coming of Christ?

Answer: True but the lord shall protect and the bible says that enduring that suffering. We will get eternal life after word.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Question and Answer

Question: many are called few are chosen what does that mean

Answer: some hear the lord in right way but some here it a shrug it off or they respond to it means. That they are they that have been chosen bye God to do a certain thing.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Stephen had  a strange death I mean not strange in the way but in what happened he related what happened throughout their history and. He called them stiff necked and uncircumcised they grew angry at this and stoned Stephen to death and. The bible said that he died peacefully or he fell sleep and before he died the bible says he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


So trials are a hard thing to deal with some kids lose their om or dad or mom dad get divorced or get drunk their all terrible know look at your life you can help them any way one way you can help them is give them things unless their rich then don't get in their way but other wise help them tell them about God so that they can get together again or be in talking distance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Question and Answer

Question:  does Paul use strategy to set up his churches?

Answer: No he was thankful that he was able to set them up.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

question and answer

Question: do you need church Membership?

Answer: Yes when someone left they had to have letters. So they now that there a membership of a church.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

christ's story

So the next chapter of the Christ book is Christ getting redeemed and. The priest redeeming him for five shekels which if they had known what Christ was to grow up as. He didn't need redeeming cause he is perfect already already redeemed bye God bye God in the temple and. As you now he grew up and then they went to a feast and he preached to the temple caretakers.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Questions and answer

Question:what does it mean to be baptized into the holy spirit?

Answer: it doesn't happen again and again. It means we were immersed in the body of Christ by the means of the spirit of God.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


So the was a story in the sermon that was kinda odd and. It was true! so first thing a person in his Sunday school grew up and became a drug dealer and. Made a lot of money. So he started talking to this other dealer how to get more money more drugs and. He fell down dead he got surprised and this happened again that's. When he said I need to go home and sort this out and find peace with God.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Questions and Answer

Question: do all Christians have a spiritual gift?

Answer: Yes every believer has a gift but not all the same

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

question and answer

Question:does water baptism save you?

Answer: No it doesn't. People have said that, but peter says not water baptism. But repenting and asking God to come into to you'r life to wash away your sins

Monday, July 8, 2019


So the sermon is about the death of Stephan and when he martyred for Christ. So Stephan was a deacon he started to preach to the people that commanded the church. So he called them stiff necked  and they blew up he said that all through the history they had persecuted their deliver's that would save them and. They became so mad they stoned him to death.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

second coming of Christ

Question: Explain what Jesus said in Matthew say that none people would known at at timing of the second coming.

answer: because in the incarnation restricted the incoming of some of his attributes. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

baseball joe

So I haven't listed any baseball Joe in a long time but we sill brush up a little and. Then tomorrow we start again. So baseball Joe he started on his way to boarding school but is harassed by a bully who is the manager of the baseball team and. The bully won't let him on the team. So they fight and he pitches on the scrub but the pitcher on the real team is worse than 1st grader so everyone wants a change

Monday, July 1, 2019


The sermon was on gossip now gossip can be a hard thing not to do. Now know you did it too you all did I've heard people gossip and you have to. But have you stopped people from gossiping? that would be more important than making sure that you don't gossip yourself. You've heard people gossip but did you stop them. That could be hard your with your best friend he say that guy over their is weird do you know what would you say stop that gossiping or say ya now right but look at that guy  

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


The panthers against the wolf pack! Shouted out the announcer. Daniel noticed the rest of his teammates a touch nervous. He was up in front as right forward he looked at Fred and Jim the two midfield. Daniel was thinking of more things this is the Olympics why am I not nervous. Take your positions one ref. Said everyone got into position this is the second time that Daniel had played in the Olympics. Though first time he played as defensive player his thoughts where interrupted by the ref's whistle. Center defense passed to him he took the ball down field he saw their right mid go for him he dodged shooting the ball between his legs, but that didn't stop him he was immediately on him again .He tried to pass! but all exits blocked he kicked it as hard as he could for the center forward!

                                                                    THE END

Friday, June 21, 2019

Baseball joe

Baseball Joe is in the snow and made a fort and fight a lot of other boys. With snow balls most the boys were hit they raised there wooden shields they moved forward with baskets and buckets full of snowballs. But they where met by a stern resistance  hundreds of snowballs rocketed through the air and. It was almost over for the enemy but ice balls went flying they weren't aloud and Joe sent a large stern snow ball at the person who through them and then he was attacked by him!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Baseball Joe

So Joe had a fight as I told you last time and. The fight was around the time the game quit. Joe wasn't on the team at that time though he got into the fight. Even though bad feelings went around and the short stop was ridiculing their pitcher and then he lashed out that's when it started. Then another player attacked and even coaches were in the fight. Some people were just seeing who better at wrestling. But some where out their to fight hard! then Joe stepped in knocked another player down then the cops came and everyone ran off.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Baseball joe

Baseball Joe is now in the central league he is the pitcher their is going to be a long time before the first game light practice until then and then they start drilling it out and. They haft to really go so that during the season they have so that they will win and. Joe needs some pasting up so that their are no bad things and their was a fight when Joe came to the town I will give detail some other time.

Monday, June 17, 2019


So the Sermon was about so it was about God persuading you to join the ministry. Or go to a different country to be a missionary and. Missionary don't just go to different countries they can go to different parts of america too. But it is probably more needed somewhere else like most go to Africa or south america but its dangerous some never came back.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

baseball joe

Baseball Joe arm is sore arm at the middle inning he has to go get it rubbed poor guy. Looks like he is going to haft to go out for Weston. The best rival pitcher lets just hope he has a plan up his sleeve. He grit his teeth for some of it but another player figured it out and now he has to sit out poor guy I sure wouldn't want to sit i'm sure you wouldn't either.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Art camp

So Art camp isn't all art you can lots of things beside creative coloring and many other things like Fishing, Archery, Target Practice (bebe guns pellet guns),  Frisbee and their where 177 people here this year. Plus helpers like 50 helpers there and its all fun. I've done owl wind chime and Frisbee and Archery and my brothers have done many other things have fun through 2nd through 8th grade. My brothers a helper i'm a student in seventh grade thank you for reading.

Monday, June 10, 2019


So the Sermon was about 49 candles not one but forty nine showing the glory of God and it had so much oil that it would never end showing that God never dies and now I will right about the two applications

1. Gods work isn't easy

2. how to do Gods work 

Friday, June 7, 2019

baseball joe

Baseball Joe has had a great time he pitched against one team and was beaten and now is pitching against the cadets at west point. So now the cadets vrs the blue. It will be a great game the cadets won last year now baseball Joe is in the game and is going to play hard and win we hope we will win is the Yale chant!

Thursday, June 6, 2019


So the sermon was about acts. He remarked that acts it only takes about two hours to read unless you are a slow or fast readers. So some person who was the teacher of a seminary taught the seminary and when he left and the pastor took over. He inherited a bible that said how long it took to read it I could probably read it in two hours other wise he said read it on a Sunday afternoon or normal afternoon. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

baseball joe

So baseball Joe has pitched for the varsity team that team is one of the best teams. He has practiced and played hard he pitched for most of the games he is one of the best pitchers they got. He is better than his other rival but  he isn't pitching in all the games. But he is simply better than his rival and his rival is falling behind fast!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

baseball joe

So baseball Joe has pitched in one game he did it pretty well he struck a couple people out and. They won the game he sin't better than everyone else but he is pretty good. Some other people are better than  him so he hast to work harder on pitching so lets just say we got posts for awhile until we get to him pitching in the central league.

Monday, June 3, 2019


So the Sermon was about Bathsheba and David now their was a war going on against the ammonites and they were besieging a city now shouldn't David be out their with his fellow soldiers living in a tent  half rations and things like that. But he had a palace and he called for Uriah the Hittite and when he called him told him to go back to the house but he didn't. Uriah new that he should be out their so should David. 

Friday, May 31, 2019


Baseball Joe at Yale college baseball Joe is at Yale and he is trying out for baseball he is very good at pitching but people say that he will probably never pitch. Cause the other people are the won who are going to get it cause either better but we will see what happens to Joe. I think he makes the team and pitch's against Princeton and beats them the GO BLUES!

Thursday, May 30, 2019


So this time we listened to a sermon podcast about the convent with Abraham and that Abraham thought that it was impossible that he could fulfill the convent. Cause he was over 100 years old and his wife is over 90 years old that's old. But that is what God sad and so that is what happened but first he married a servant and got Ishmael but it wasn't through Ishmael that it was to be fulfilled but to Isaac.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

baseball joe

So base ball Joe has now gone and too ken off the runway to hit the school. He has started and ready to go and play baseball and the eleven football team is playing the enemy college. Though now baseball Joe is playing the baseball people he can't play til spring so now. He is going to play with his friend spike his last name pool.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Baseball Joe

Baseball Joe is at yall he fought the with a enemy baseball team braved many dangers and many other thongs he is at yall. College he isn't the happiest and he wished he was at home practicing pitching he was going to pitch for yall and. He new it he would never give up h would be at practice to see if he could and if he could their would be a great throng.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


So the Sermon was about the Sermon on the mount the first sermon of Jesus so the sermon on the mount was one of the first sermons of Jesus. Or the first I don't now the sermon was important cause he said some people declare their Christians. But Jesus said when they die and come to heaven and he says that i never new even though they new him like they new him really good. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Tom 3

Tom is now in the time of the great first war. This war drowned out all other wars. Tom Swift made a tank. This tank beat the British tanks. It made the Bosch pay (Bosch means German) .Tom Swift and his war tank is the one we will now be hearing all about. The German spies tried to figure out what Tom was building. Stay tuned to read all about his war tank. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019


.So today they preached  on mothers day and how many little girls and other woman say that they don't want do be a good parent's. They all said other jobs instead of being a mom and he listened to a news podcast and. They asked around everyone said something else! Than a good parent.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tom 2

So Tom is building a submarine ship to look for treasure which a treasure ship sank of of Africa and he us going to go and locate the treasure and. The treasure is worth 300,000$ and tom and his dad are going to take 150,000$ of that half of that and use it to perfect the ship and. Other pieces they are going to use the things they build are very expensive!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Tom 1

Tom is closing to the end the giants are getting shot to pieces so now the tom crew are going to have to bail out close with their monoplane. So now we got to do a lot of work to do they have to do their job two giants are coming home and coco is coming home with tom and. The other guy is going to circus life nobody will mess with him I wouldn't either.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tom 1

So today tom swift is showing the giants who are the boss he shot fire works made so they couldn't even lift a pound amazing and then tom lifted it with his pinky. So the giants are amazed and so am I that is scientific achievement and. So is many other things Tommy is readying his rifles building his barricade ready to fight off the giants with their stun guns called electric rifles. (No really)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tom 1

So tom is having a great adventure there are great many of giants and the enemy of. Tom is there and now tom and his friends are in there hut locked and guarded in what will happen. Indeed we will see we will see I think tom is going to get the electric rifles and rads shot gun they haven't found the poor circus man yet so they are still going to haft to fight so next time next time.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tom 1

so tom swift has made it to giant land and he is very excited to get right to work on  these giants of the 7 feet to 9  feet tall they already found one. But he is going to show them to the camp not going with them if you now what i mean and. They have yet to do the fighting they have done quite a bit already and saw the natives fight many times already thousands of the natives.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Tom 1

So today tom swift is on his way to the jungle and they carry with them rifles and cases of things they need on their trip they will get up early on the boat and. The fire s going to reach their highly explosive equipment what will if you even read this tune in next week to red the thrilling adventures of Tom swift in captivity.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


So went to a adoption today for my fourth adopted cousin azira we call her zaza. It took a couple minutes we got treat bags and now they have about ten kids or nine I forgot so now i'm at home and it took about forty five minutes and I now that because the meter said. One hour and fifteen minutes and we had two hours so ya that much time it took. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tom 1

So Tom swift is having a great time he is getting ready to catch giants and catch giants he will. They breaking into the weapons they have gotten their electric rifles and rad gots his shotgun masta. Tom and they going to rescue their friend employer and so their thy go marching strongly in an airplane rad hates them's loud machines.

rad his servant

Jackson his engineer

Mr Damon his loyal friend we will call him MR

and their is one more yet but i don't now his name

Monday, April 29, 2019


So nothing happend on the ol tom swift but tom dad almost died and tom agreed to go the diamond maker cave and his dad almost died. So he is  now going to stay home and work on his ol electric rifle and. He is very happy now that his dad is better so now he is working on his electric rifle of his and is very successful.

Friday, April 26, 2019


So today we are talking about Tommy and he is doing great the diamonds given to him. By his friend where worth together 3500$ not much compared today but for now we will say it was 1,000,000$ now. Tom is very happy  cause his friend was truthful and so he was going to be rich. So he and his friend are going questing to the Rockies.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


So the Sermon was about the cross now there is some special things about it but i don't remember. So we have been talking about the same thing in church about when Jesus died so he was brought to the cross but he was so weak they usually make the prisoner carry the cross. But he as so weak he couldn't so Simon carried and i don't remember his last name. 


So Tom is preparing to go on an adventure which will make him a billionaire and. Do you no what it is it is a place where people find or make diamonds  so if tom got there he would arrest them and get rich or something. Like that it probably isn't illegal to make diamonds but it is if you try to kill Tom and his friends.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


So Tom bot has been confronted by Mr what his name and he asked him to get a giant and where to get a giant and. They can make good money if they get a giant so of course he says yes and they our going to head of on the giant hunt. So we will follow him on the hunt and see what happens what will happen keep tuned and you will find out.

Monday, April 22, 2019


So the sermon was about when Jesus died so peter we always talk about this when we read that so back to the sermon peter just rushed into the grave but john stopped. Now why did john stop now john stopped because the old laws say that it isn't clean to go into a grave. But because Jesus died it is clean to do that.


So Tom is in his air ship and is preparing for the long flight for the 10,000$ prize. If he wins he gets all the cash so he has a new high of 120 miles and hour in the air and folger has not yet shown his plane to the public. But now he has his plane is called the slugger and it was big bulky but powerful and who will win the race Tom Andy keep reading and you will find it out.

Friday, April 19, 2019


So today Tom is at the race and is preparing for the big race that will come on in a couple of weeks while they assemble the plane the plane is very fast over 100 miles per hour! so ya that plane is almost sure going to win the big prize.  so Tom is not that happy about the man his dad and so he keeps in step  with swift home.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


So Tom has been greatly troubled his father is going to die if he can't get the special doctor over so but the doctor can't get over so he is going to fly him so he fly over in his fast plane. His engine roars he screams as flames lick over the engine he puts more speed the doctors hut he lands. He put s the doctor in his plane and fly's away to save his dad. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Tom's fire

So toms is now in a state of panic there is fire at the shed were he stores his aeroplane and Tom is going to have to get his airplane coming but there are fumes and. He can't get in so again he tries and succeeds in getting the humming bird out of her nest and. He is very grateful that he got it out and the fire was put out but now his father is very sick and needs help and fast.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tom is troubled

So tom swift is going very fast he has had a night raider he has gone and found out were andy is building an airplane in  big shed and. He has a nasty partner he doesn't seem that smart but tom is a very protective in his airplane and getting ready to start sending it in a large crate to the park. Where the plane race will be h is hoping for first prize his plane goes 112 miles an hour.

Monday, April 15, 2019


So there was another odd Sunday we had Andrew stay home with Mable and Luke who where sick and we went and at night dad stayed home. But that was nothing when we where all sick that was terrible have you ever had super sick days put in a comment down below if you even read this now we will talk about the sermon I didn't right on what the pastor did but I. Remember what he talked about selfishness and we need help with that i bet every one does i meant everyone.

Friday, April 12, 2019

An intruder

So Tom is hurt he had run out hoping to catch a intruder who he had heard but the intruder had gotten away when he had brought his hatchet down on tom's head he had sot his revolver but it was just to scare the man but the man didn't scare easy and he escaped from the shed of tom's dad and himself s

This is actually the Tom senior the tom that you read about is the one that isn't born yet 

Thursday, April 11, 2019


So today is my birthday and I got a tub of army guys and there are Germans and Japanese and English and Americans. The Gblue  Jlight green  Eyellow  Adark green and I like the Germans the best the Japanese have only rifle men. English  really one have machine guns and americans have every thing i haven't received anything else yet.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tom swift 3

So there is nothing in the pile of junk and Andy volger tried to catch Tom and. His friend but he couldn't so they got away so where is his plane being built and Toms craft was just seen skimming around he has it up for a test. Flight and so far eh has gone so good so far but all i saw was him taking off so ya so wait until next time for more!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tom Swift 2

So Tom swift his now having a good deal of  a time because eh has hired a person  to act as a tramp and get  job from Andy. So he can n figure out if he has his plans might be there but there is nothing in the shed so where is Andy building his plane. In there garage and outside of town in a barn or shed out of town all that was in it was garbage. WHAT ABOUT THE GARBAGE we will  see after we listen to the next episode.

Friday, April 5, 2019


So I Went to freinds and when we got there we listened to odyssey and slept and woke up and listened to more odyessy. Then we woke up ate breakfast than we played some game and then we played car's and had tons of fun. Hay bales we sold for 50 million$ it was fun until i spent over a billion dollars on bails i was plum out of money.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


So today the sermon was about the Passover and he said the Passover was important because of the 12 plagues and. He gave a lot of emphasis on the clothing and eating part of the Passover  where they supposed to keep there sandals and robes on and be ready for walking they ate a special lamb. That thy did a lot of things to so that is some of the Passover.


So today I learned how to do a very hard problem it was like this.

3 - x(4 - x)

3 x 4 = 12

So the answer is 2x=12 so first you times 3 4 and get 12 and. There ear two x's so the answer is 2x=12 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tom 1

So the Tom swift is about him building a flying vehicle and he has a good one. Now already almost built so he can race and his first plans where stolen from him but he made more and if they are stolen again he has made then very very tricky to do and. Build and he put special things by the right lines and math problems so far so good!

Thursday, March 28, 2019


So the sermon today is about the Lord's Day and he is astonished that so few people preach on it. So now he is preaching on it and he said that all the pagan countries surrounding isearel. The hole country was like shut down on the sabbath so only Lord practices where done on that day. Like church  and they only eat cold, food on that day.


So Finn is now in the care of his former master and he is loving at and now that there rich from finding opal stone that is very rare and stuff like that. So now there rich and they will live by the sea in Sussex downs and everyone will be happy and. Now we will here about Tom swift and his sky racer most of the Tom swifts are very old one's so you probably will never read them in a  book.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


So Finn is now out of the wild now there are 4 men with a tracker. So now there going after the man and his dog now they found the master and Finn is being not the best treated but now he is and they are telling  him. About the fight but now it's a week later and now there rich no because they found a mine and now there rich.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


So Finn's master was found but in the act of trying to kill him the pack which was hungry than you when you didn't get lunch and. So he had to kill his mate so that his master would live. So now the whole pack is dead and his master is heavily wounded but now he is ether dead or alive and. Finn is very sad. 

Monday, March 25, 2019


Sermon was about Jesus and when the high priest hanged himself and when they interrogated Jesus and where peter denied three times that he even new Christ. So now I think the sermon was about preaching though I don't now so the sermon was about preaching. Now preaching is hard to do unless you've been preaching for year's. 

Friday, March 22, 2019


So the sermon was about Joseph and his sons the pastor named what the sons where about though I don't now the things each one was about some I now. Gad's was going to go in and take the best and for himself and Joseph was going to have the best food to him self and every thing that is good and. I don't remember anything else so that is the end.


So Finn is now leading his pack away from the drought that is taking it's toll. He Wargul his mate lead the pack and take the best and meat and the most of it to themselves. Cause there bigger than  then the dingoes who drink and eat less which they are slowly getting bigger and fatter. As they trek onward to the horizon of the desert who will they find death or will they find a meadow?  

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


So Finn has had pups they are now during two episodes have managed to feed themselves but food is far and not near. Finn is not finding food and so soon he will have to find a  good kill soon luckily he has one a good big animal and. Now he has come home and he hast to fight Tasman and he will win of course but he will have to fight there is no way that he is getting out of it!  

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


So you don't now the birth of Finn that well so we are now going to talk about that Finn was born into a family of pups though poor old Tara the mother of Finn was to weak to bear all the pups. So two got foster mother's Finn was one of them and he wasn't treated the best but he bore and grew up to be the strongest best est Irish wolf hound!

Monday, March 18, 2019


So on Sunday we  where at church and towards the End I really don't now what happened but I hit the wall cause I had told dad I was going to puke. So I went out but hit the wall and then I puked luckily in the bathroom then went to the car and awhile later I we went home and. Ya that was a very odd Sunday i stayed home from church that night.

Friday, March 15, 2019


So Finn is well doing good he has not fought but has attacked and. Killed a kangaroo on the hunt his mate is doing good he brought home some meat for her and she ate it and. Then he is probably going to be master of the mountain they live on soon as he defeats a dingo jut as big a tough and mean as him he probably will in the next lecture.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


So today Finn fought some ferocious dingoes he would've killed but he didn't so.  They still need to be hunted though he is way stronger than his adversaries the. Dingoes tried there best but failed cause there about 200 pounds biting at them most of. Them so they retreated and ran off the kangaroo dog that Finn met with the old hunter who now belongs also was there.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


So ol Finn is now captured by a hunter who gave him a couple pounds of meat to eat and. Then he slept though Finn is well not wanting to go near the hunter cause he has doesn't. like Them and I wouldn't either if I where him I would probably stay long enough to get a meal then get away. But stay close to the caravan of them and steal food put a comment in about what you would do cause that is what I would do. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday (School)

So i'm am going to talk about baptism because that's what we talked about in Sunday school. So baptism now some people argue about what amount of water to pour over whoever is getting baptized .The baptist would always say to dunk but we just sprinkle. Now both of the those is fine it doesn't matter but the baptist's think that you have to be a christian to be baptized and. Some Greek something dunks you when you'r a baby but it doesn't matter either dunked or sprinkle works.   

Friday, March 8, 2019


So ol Finn is now working for the circus as a wild beast and. He is as powerful and stronger than one so  think he will draw a big crowd of spectators and. Maybe someone important but he was stolen so i'm sure he will be found and caught quick and. Sam arrested the guy who stole him and i'm sure Finn will end up with mister sand brook. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019


So the sermon was about David And Goliath and Goliath mocked God and isearel and David. Was shocked that the men was just listening he dared to attack Goliath and .He was fitted out in sauls Armour but he couldn't move in that Armour So he brought the Armour of God and defeated Goliath and the philistines as hey slew them. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


So Finn just got sold and he is very  sad he didn't want to get sold but the mistress of the kennels needed to go to the mountains. If she wanted to live so poor Finn had to get sold so they had money to go. Poor Finn now belongs to a rich guy who will not sell the Dog for a 100 guineas and. Now the mater and mistress of the  kennels are very sad and in a money crisis.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


so ol  fin has moved to London he has slain a fox the start of the career and the first fox he ever killed but not most likely the last. So he now has moved to london and so far he has been very bored cause he has been put in a box and chained. To make sure that he would not get out if he did it very bad cause he has fighting blood and lots to that!

Monday, March 4, 2019


So on Sunday we got up (I ate no breakfast) and every one else ate eggs and cereal. Then we got dressed and waited and played awhile then went to church and. The sermon was about Mary and  she poured the ointment  out on Jesus's head and how the disciples thought that as a waste. Though Jesus said she did it for his burial.

Friday, March 1, 2019


So today Finn as been captured by thieves and gave them a hard time and they are going to sell. The to american fellows who will probably pay a really big amount of money. That dog that dog is huge large limbs and well everything good about a dog is super good dog. But they hate it cause it wants to go back to his master and if he knew how kill the people he was captured by.

Thursday, February 28, 2019


So Finn just won the 1st place but who in the wold is Finn an. Dog cat human the firsts was right he is the best dog almost weighs more than his mom! This dog is the best in the world and he can really win prizes he won two and maybe three. How many has your dog won if won any comment and if want to listen or read more just wait or go to liborx. 


So the Sermon was about Jesus picks a a fight but he didn't really fight a word fight he and a lawyer and a pharisee all fought. A Little while and of course Jesus one and he was invited to the house of the pharisee and he was astonished to see Jesus not wash his feet and. They had all kinds of rules that you had to wash your feet but he didn't and the lawyer pharisee where mad.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Silken ladder was ingenious but as almost been destroyed by the star and. Penny she now nows who is part of it an do they are making money lots and and their doing by criminalizing. Some of the most richest people do it so penny needs to stop it and she is backed up by Jerry Livingston and. Most the star and if they don't get it ill burn my math book!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Gulliver has now found the giants and is treated very well and. He slew a rat that was thinking about having supper early he and the boat he was with here. Treated very well of course the crew that went with him never actually saw them. Though they probably didn't neither would I if I have seen them i wouldn't want too see them what about you leave a comment!

Monday, February 25, 2019


Gulliver's travels ol Gulliver is well not doing to good he has to leave and and. The government is trying to kill him but all of them get turned down and. Now they want to take out his eyes now that's not a government I wouldn't want to live there if I were you. Don't like governments that do that and neither should you.

Friday, February 22, 2019


So the mystery of the well is going good its almost over a small fortune. Was discovered and now it was stolen who nows who stole it me some texas. Men most likely stole it to make Rhonda join him so what has happened now rose acres is going down in poverty which isn't good.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


So the sermon was about the church falling apart now that could easily happen. Like the pastor dies or the pastor turns to a different religion or something or there aren't enough members now I've seen churches with ten and less people. But there are churches out there with less than five like in foreign country or even here in america. 


So today ol Gulliver was released and shown around the city and the city was not much taller than well a toy building. The biggest was the size of a doghouse though  the one he stayed in was as big as him. But now he also built two stools which could hold him so now he had two stools and. A house what else could he want o ya the Bolivians are attacking. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


So the mystery is even deeper the necklace isn't found and the corridor leading into the mansion is not holding the necklace. Penny and Louise have found nothing though they think there is something big going on. They think  that the necklace was never put there though I tend to believe the necklace is somewhere near there though they can't find it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


So the rosebush estate is having a little difficulty with money. There isn't enough and there used to be lots but now not enough a second a hand dealer took a couple pieces of furniture for not what they where worth and. Now penny and here chum seemed to have figured it out and. Now the mystery is on can they find the necklace that will bring wealth to rosebush state?

Monday, February 18, 2019


So there is this one story among the stories that the pastor said and it was thus. A man who grown up a  perfect christian got arrested as a drunk driver his parents bailed him out. But 6 months later he was in again this time they bailed him out ten days later. Then again he was arrested this time his parents decided not to bail him out or they couldn't I really don't now and. His pastor visited him and he was converted like many men in jail.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


So mercy is like not hitting your brother or more like a soldier saying i will have mercy. Now mercy is a very good thing to do i now you probably haven't ever done something like have mercy. But say you fought and was almost dead and your enemy doesn't kill you instead he let's you live now. If you where in such a situation what would you do send a comment.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


So the tragedy hasn't  anything really happened only that the flood didn't kill mrs's burmaster. But killed mrs's Lear if the two family's had stopped arguing they wouldn't have died. Thats what happens when you start sniping at each other so don't get into feuds with other family members. You could end up dead or watching people die. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


So the Mystery deepens as the headless horse man is discovered. This cloth was amazingly built and made him look headless so know john  quimbenly.  Has been discovered there isn't much left but tragedy struck some people died maybe a couple of rich people and a poor person. So the flood has wiped out lots of stuff! 

Thursday, February 7, 2019


So the sermon was about tithing it is the worst subject to preach on well I mean the preachers don't like it cause they don't want to say. Tithe with grumbling so they don't like to preach on that and you can't say i'm to poor. To tithe their was someone who had a little more than two coins and she paid the two coins so you pay some money in as well. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

penny parker

Okay so the mystery in  the clocks spreading and now there three things going on. One has been taken care another almost and the last two are being researched. There many more things yet that got to go over now that we are almost done with the mystery. We will have to get a new one ready to go there many things yet to discuss but not enough time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


 We will talk about dick and janson and wolf boy (wolf man) the Indian boy  then they join the army they travel. Around have to escape the Confederates and Morgan there are lots of adventures they saved there money and got silver topped rifles. Then to realize that there useless and fight in the battle bull run for bull run and get captured they escape and get tracked by Morgan they run all around headed for Michigan. Where there was a rallying point for all captured or troops who got lost.


Monday, February 4, 2019

So yesterday we went to church and the pastor preached on prayer and i didn't write anything down and. We got home and at an ample lunch which is feasts to a beggar and. Then we went to had i quiet time which we listened to something and. After that we  had a snack and then  we got dressed and went to church. 

Thursday, January 31, 2019


So today well the whole week has been a snow week there is a enormous amount of snow. Down and more to come we just wonder how much more snow can fall there is just more more snow. Falling it is crazy well for Michigan the snow is up to a seven year old I would say. Two feet and more all the Canadians out there must think well this is relief. More snow falls out there than here for sure.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


well not much that is new just that penny (the detective) found a clue which is classified and that old Sam said that the clock tower donged thirteen instead of twelve so who is right  now ol dad thta now gives me my allowance and five gallons of gas (she has two cars and needs gas for them that they eat up like burger's)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

mystery and suspense

So the mystery of the thirteen dongs instead of twelve continues the new care taker is a very bad one. Made it go thirteen instead of twelve and maybe there is a a person. Getting the thirteen dongs and he will go do things and bad things will happen in the mystery of the clock. What will happen suspense s killing me!  

Monday, January 28, 2019


So the first sermon probably not exactly what I wrote on but I wrote on how God helps you. When you pray and all about if you pray wrong and how so some times he doesn't heal. Like he has a purpose for them and sometimes you don't pray right. But God heals if you pray to him is what I basically wrote in my notebook about and so after that we went home and ate dinner and. After that we went and had naps and we went downstairs and played Lego's and after that, we went upstairs and did something with cars.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


So today the preacher preached on milk honey water you need these things he said to live and. God gives it but the title kinda pushes against that it's called invitation something. So it kinda fits together God is the host and gives you life but you have to earn it and he said something. About the commandments but i don't remember all that.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

the secrret pact

The secret pact is being cleared up faster and faster there isn't much else ready The few people who suspected one escaped from jail o hot tip penny is getting burned out of the office. She got trapped in and will her father and police arrive in time what will happen. The suspense is killing me and we have a new one the thirteen chims the suspect we will call lam.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

the secret pact

So the secret pact is getting rapped up they have finished and they have the key to the storm cellar. So they will figure out what is inside and the what lies in it will b exciting. We all want to now what is in and the case of the green door is completely rapped up. The two people in the hotel well the hotel owner's where smugglers and got caught.

Monday, January 21, 2019

sermon (no captilation cause the keyboard went wonky

So the pastor did the administration of the LORD supper. On Sunday and it's important to remember and to read that before the lords supper and. Many churches do it this time or at the time we do  it a few times a year and. Sometimes the time fly by and it seems that where doing it again already and its a wonderful thing the lords supper. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Bavarian inn

So for are vacation we went to the Bavarian inn and. We went down water slide played games watched slept and ate like kings we stayed in are rooms and. I slept like a king as well my family loved so you will love it to. The Bavarian inn was two hours away and the ride home was longer actually longer and the Bavarian inn is actually German.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


So penny has a plan and now misses weems will be the person. To try figure out what is down there and she has found nothing yet though there might be something Sooner or later cause Mrs weems has just started to be a house keeper now this storm cave important secret that they must figure out sooner or later                                                                           

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


So penny has now figured that the storm cellar keeps a very  great secret. Now they don't now what it is. She and tillie fellow that is. She and tillie have worked but can not figure what s in the pit .They are still working on to see what is in it i think that there is a robber gang. Trying to hide from the law the man that worked for penny has disappeared. 

Monday, January 14, 2019


S.o p.e class we played sodgeball not very fun but all yo do is kick the ball and throw. Instead off only throwing and it was waist down to get out so just don' be the last one left. Like me and Nathaniel where last two left and we getting rained down upon and ya we lost by a mile. Any way we fought and then we played a different game. 

Friday, January 11, 2019


So penny has had a interesting time as a high police man came from the capital. To get a man who worked for penny and there family and just as they almost had him when they busted in his room and almost captured him but h slipped out the window and. Escaped so the police man determined got ready to go after him and prepared to get him. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Okay so the sermon was about Zechariah and this preacher. Was preaching for the first time on Zachariah any way he preached about visions and. Lots there where a lot of them and he figured how a lot of the where connected like one each had four horses. Any way this preacher a lot of talking about the chapters and visions but he also said chapters nine and eight. Both started with rebuking the enemy of Israel.


So penny has found that harvey the tramp is the hardest worker working for her and his wages are extreme. $0.00 but he works hard cause he most likely nows that if he doesn't penny might throw him out and. He would have to live out on the streets  he is a hard worker he can learn almost any thing. If I had him working for me i would pay him this much $80.00.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

penny 2

O wow penny found a tramp in the building she used and she instead gave him a job. On the plant and now there getting ready for the big day for the second paper to come out soon. They will have  the second paper out and what a story it will be and now what will happen to penny's plant wait foe the next one to figger out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


The secret pact is intensifying there are trying to shut down the weekly but penny. Will keep it from that happening cause if it does happen something would happen to a lot off newspaper boys. Who get a lot of money from selling the weekly. Which penny is doing very well and soon the star just might have to much competition! cause penny sold over 6,000 newspapers!

Thursday, January 3, 2019


So the Sermon was about the mind about how sin comes into your mind and sin comes in through you'r mind by many things and as soon as you become a christian. You have declared war on Satan and there is no such thing as a  christian sitting on the sideline. You are in the fight until you die many people like pastors and missionary have died cause they went to Africa china many other country's.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


So today penny has found out much and that much is that that the grouchy old ma. is imprisoning his granddaughter in his cabin. A mean thing to do and she cries for help from the window to penny who then besides to investigate and figure out what is wrong. With that cabin what is wrong with that cabin can you guess I sure can't. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


So mystery goes  on as the reporter penny finds a mystery and is on the case could you solve such a mystery would you solve it or.  Would you not do that or do you solve mystery's liborix is the best place to listen to things mystery poetry war and many other things that have happened in history many other things that have happened.