Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Civil war after math history

The Civil War was the bloodiest war that the United States had to endure especially as a very young country 100sof thousands of men and boys marched off to war many didn't come back

After the war the politics were unstable slavery was a big problem after the war it was of course banned and many slaves were set free but slaves couldn't afford anything or go anywhere which meant they stayed in the South working for next to money making it hard for them to continue forward instead just slipping backward 

There was also the aftermath of the battle sites to be remembered tens of thousands would die at each battle site leaving thousands of bones and rotting flesh these areas had to be cleaned before they could be occupied again also during the war the Union blockaded the South leaving their main trade cotton in a disastrous state 

another thing after the war was the thousands of veterans coming home confederate and Union the confederate soldiers of course weren't paid but most were allowed to go home and be free the union soldiers of course needed to be paid most were paid 13$ per month after the war the Regiments were disbanded and the soldiers had to go home and deal with there PTSD the Civil war was much like WW1 new equipment guns and many other things most people weren't used to war like this in the US 

Overall the War was horrible to the United States but solved an important problem