Friday, May 29, 2020

BOMbS away!

The S made a cannon bomb and a volcano so ya many explosions and many cool things after awhile he finished making them know as I said explosions. Also there was a rocket to any way he then made fuse out of matches and then lite them and they exploded the volcano up the cannon out forward the rocket shot backward then after a while it got boring, but the bomb know the bomb. It had the most detail but the worst explosion but the detail on t was very good it must have took him a very long time have you ever tried this you should try to go get inspired!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

ATM machine or counter?

So do you know what money is hopefully you do if you don't look it up to you can't live without that so please look it up if you don't know today the person I watched made money counter out of cardboard and it worked very hard machinery so I'll give a ruff draft he made first he made the numbers and the spinny thing so after a while he finally had the finished product and it worked! It really worked great he counted out over 200 coins with is it as amazing! You should try to collect the parts and start all you need is a pushed thing that attacked the engine that you flip a switch and cardboard and wood have a great time trying!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Rouded music

So most people don't use circle song recorders but the Q made one out of cardboard and paper and some wood do you think you could I probably couldn't because I don't have a circle so I could make everything also you need something to spin si an engine or like something you can spin or rubber bands I might try this sometime what will you try how about a cardboard box or practice then do cardboard box with rounded edges! Will you try anything at least try ready set go! And try to get some cardboard and other things will you?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Wooden mouse??

Today the Q made a wooden mouse go with his keyboard and if want to know. I Wouldn't be surprised if he made a video called the wooden computer. It's possible if you ask me it would take a lot longer but it's definitely there. Now should you use wooden computer things for use personally those are just for show not use? Though they are usable they would look nice and probably are more sturdy so a little use though there so nice so personally mostly for a look at and a little use though if you wanted to use it all the time it's more sturdy it thinks.

Friday, May 22, 2020

pop and mentos?

Mentow and pop don't get along very well you may have noticed. Many people do explosions with them have you ever tried. I may try sometime. Anyway the guy I watched dug a pit put some mentos in with pop toothpaste and something else and boom went the foam and everything else you can think of. Out they came pretty cool knows I think if you rigged something up so when you pull it up it explodes and then add food coloring so it explodes in bright light ( water lol ) now you try it (if you have pop )

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Today the person I watched made a revolver and a rifle first the rifle and he made that very difficult the scope seemed the hardest you ever tried making something like that? Anway the pistol is the easiest he made that pretty fast also more machinery put into it. Like the revolving pistol place and the hammer whacking it though simpler machinery you should try it's not that hard the machinery probably the hardest making the hammer strong enough to whack which seems that if you used rubber bands it would be strong enough though. So try it yourself maybe I will too until next time bye

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Moke control

Know today the guy I watch made a tank with wires engines and of course cardboard, he used bb's as the ammo and. Used air pressure to shoot them at cans. Very hard he made it also to respond to a moke control so he could shoot and move and turn the turret. With it do you think you could make something like that I know I can't maybe you should try maybe I will anyway go check out his channel Mr Creative he made other things to not just that so go check him out he made a game as well out of cardboard.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


So today the guy I watch who gets these ideas made a locked safe from cardboard and wood amazing it seemed to work great! Though it may not have. Have you ever seen a combination lock with locks there where two combinations and two keyholes and the box also contained a compartment where you stored the stuff and you only could open if you have the key and right combination I personally what just get a knife and cut it open not safe? Probably just for show or for kids use as like educational purposes if you want to actually be safe go buy one don't make one.

Monday, May 18, 2020


Now you may know what a match is. Do you know what you do with 100,000+ matches the S made many dominoes? Amazing the matches explode he made a cannon and it exploded in a huge explosion. He also made a volcano and a jet and cars trucks many things they al exploded moving forward the car had a ramp and it went high! The matches flew everywhere in the air and light the table he did it on fire! do you wanna try to get your matches glue and make and explosion wear safety glasses and 3 feet long armor.

Friday, May 15, 2020


The states of America are an important thing to know. The west south east north those are the places where all the states are. Michigan where this is written is in the north Washington D.C is in the west thats the capital check yourself see where you are!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

more in Economics

Economics is an important thing. You can buy sell and do many things with money. In miacademy they have a place where you can set up a business an build products and sell. Then buy them from other people you're making a living on what you make and sell. Say you sell 3 things and get 30 gold from them. And another person sells three things and gets 35 gold for them. Why well for one thing maybe he had cooler and better quality more people were willing to buy them from him and. Yours you threw together in 5 minutes so nobody really wanted them.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Economics is a very important thing to know and learn today I was taught how to determine a price for a time first you set a demand how much that particular product is wanted step two is to figure out how much people pay for the same product In different stores then set your rice in between at all those prices and then make sure its a good product strong and long lasting that's just about it know you try and make a product knew one other thing also make sure that you have the colors that everyone wants or people want chairs to make chairs that's all for today

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Botting & numbers?

today the Q made a number thing so on a microwave there is a number that you put in the Q made one out of the cardboard you somehow make a number out of it pretty easy from what I saw just cardboard string and a little wood the second part of the blog is on NT (nitro type) A person named CarbonDash who was blamed to be a botter was un unbanned yesterday or today botting just gives you free races

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Q

Today the Q made a two-tire type thing and drove around on it all you need is wood and a few other things like screws and bolts and a hover board

Friday, May 8, 2020


miacademy economics resources: know everything around is resource know we make resources into categories there are natural category and capital category and human category human categry is obviously us we are humans just humans in this category capital category is machines and cars things like that like the computer kindle tablet that kind of things natural category is obviously trees and stones and iron things like that gold this is also nonrenewable resources! which means we can never use these again when they run out ( they won't run out for like two billion years you fine)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

paper mouse trap!

so today there the Q made a paper mouse trap it worked all he used was a rubber band and paper then he made colored smoke! all worked great!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

cardboard trap for mice?!?

today the Q made a giant lego man and in after he did that he changed or painted it into a giant strong guy (

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

light bulb coffee!?

true lightbulb coffee he built a coffee maker out of wood and lightbulbs he then made coffee it didn't make that much though

Monday, May 4, 2020

wooden keyboard!

Yes that's right a wooden keyboard he made it a wooden keyboard and it worked check out his channel for more info! (the Q)

Friday, May 1, 2020


Now drugs are dangerous things but some people don't think that one man said that drugs are fine and lighter punishments for those who take drugs and are caught while the woman said that drugs a very bad and that whole family's can get harmed from these personally I think that drugs are very harmful and punishments should be hard labor or a center where they can wear off their habits

wooden bike!

The Q today made a bike out of wood it worked though showed strain