Thursday, December 19, 2019

Roman answers

Did you know that Rome only had 300,000 troops at Max?

Did you know that Augustine the Emperor named the Months of the year and one is named August?

Did you know that Rome never really beath the germanian Barbarians?

Did you know that Rome was several times 

Gauls {more than once bye these people}
Attila the hun {more than once bye these guys}

Did you know that the Franks sacked Rome and then Rome failed and no more Rome?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

my visit to school

I went to my school today. I take two classes science and PE. I don't like science that much, but I like PE and. I'm in all my classes with my brother. We got some friends pretty fast we met a few from a former school we met Leighton and Levi double L's. We had hot lunch last Monday we only go on Mondays so overall it isn't tierrble.

Monday, December 16, 2019


So the Sermon was about people who say I will convert some other time. and the minister once was with a dying man. Who said he would become a Christian later, but wouldn't on his death bed and. The pastor put as he was entering a storm a large terrible storm so the topic was on repent of your sins so that you now saved as your on your death bed.

My new channel

My new channel Today I made a new channel called Minecraft And Airsoft. Obviously, I will do airsoft wars and Minecraft. I will start a survival world and do it try to get a video out a day or week. I will show the guns we will use we will start a seed of a village or something else. We will put out airsoft videos very soon subscribe and like the videos!

Friday, December 13, 2019


I blog posting from a picture the picture is a serpent getting stepped on by Mary. Now in the bible, I think it says something like this and the woman shall crush the serpent. Which is Satan and the woman is sorta Jesus, but the women bore Jesus which then Jesus destroyed sin on earth not all of it but he destroyed a lot of sin and was kind and brought many to Jesus.


so today I got up late a Delicious breakfast and then wandered around till school then did school then after a while figured out how comfortable Andrews bed was an wanted to sleep I it so that's were I'm sleeping tonight


So there were five peas and a boy shot one pea. And it landed in a crack of board and another landed the yard of a sick girl. And she got to see the little pea bush grow and she said the life is nice to have and the other pea died. And soon the Girl was better and found the other little pea and said death unspeakable 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts well one of them and a guide were out hunting. For a 6 pronged buck and they almost found one when the scout. Stuck his hand into a hole and was bit by a snake he thinks it was a rattler. Know what will happen {for one thing this is highly doubted a rattler} I doubt anyone is hurt bad I was bit by a snake and it didn't hurt terribly.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts are working on getting that fire on. Well, giraffe is he still can't get it but he says he is zero steps away from getting it. So will he or will he not lets hope does or something might happen before that will destroy the flames. As the water did once did a sudden rain shower did put out his fire he will get sooner or later though.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Boy scouts

So today he boy scouts readied their rifles in a desperate effort to fight and defeat an army of three robbers. They were known as the krakers {cr-ak-er-s}. Where a desperate gang of thugs and their leader usually was a kinda guy that frightened you to death when you saw him but the scouts yanked their guns out to protect their friend crow was his name.

                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED

Monday, December 9, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts had the police visit them the police were looking for a lost man. A nephew of the man with the police you might ask. Why did the police try to catch this man if it was his nephew or maybe you think he was lost but the man thinks the nephew has taken important papers that will lead to the mine and. Make either of then rich so we will do more on this topic tomorrow.

Friday, December 6, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts were helping a boy from a dire situation. I think down in a hole or canyon they were forced to help him out and drag him back. They did that and they explained the boy scouts to him for he didn't understand and. He did about sam thing scouts do so they encouraged him to keep doing what he did helping everybody out.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


So today we are going to talk about scratch my new project boxing royale. It is where you there are speed boosts, and obviously you box and fight with another opponent. If he touches or punches you 5 times you lose the round. It should come out by the end of next week otherwise play my other game such as battle royale and 3d Mario kart. {not finished}

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hot sauce is fickle

Hot sauce is a very hot thing but when you watch a video you will never eat hot sauce watch this and you will be amazed! got to Eater youtube channel watch his hot sauce one and be amazed!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

boy scouts

So today the boy scouts went home they went home from the Maine woods and. Giraffe one the bet ice cream was bought by Bumpus. So to the discouragement of Bumpus, he had to spend money on ice cream for about 5 individuals scouts.  many more adventures they would have probably the Rockies or something like that next well until next time.

Monday, December 2, 2019


Do on Sunday in class we talked about the trinity is the holy spirit and the two others that I forgot and. We talked about why there are there and the pastor made a comment on something. That continues through the old testament people saw Jesus. fiery furnace Adam and eve and maybe during the lions den Jesus came but I not shure.