Wednesday, October 30, 2019

England answers

Did you know that England at one time had the most powerful army at one time?
Did you now that England had the best navy but had smaller ships than the Spanish but beat them soundly many times?
Did you know that England has a queen that ruled for like 90 years?
Did you know that England had descendant's and was country well before the Romans?

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

America answers

Did you now that America fought a war of independence against thousands of enemy troops with an army of rags and nonsoldiers?
Did you now that America was found on everyone ones free, but they're where 100's of slaves and a war was fought over them?
Did you now that the Japanese bombed pearl without declaration of war?
did you now that America had presidents while everyone else had kings?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday school

So we are talking about God's attributes immutability is one this one is named because. God does not change; he will not change for eternity. Speaking of which eternity is another meaning God will never leave he is infinite never-ending, or starting so another omnipresent meaning that God is everywhere always where you are always everywhere.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Scottish questions answered

Did you now that Scotland is the main person who invented the bagpipe?
Did you now that Scotland fought the English more the France?
Did you now that Scotland with only 10,000 men at max attacked and defeated an army of 100,000 English and won!
Did you now now that Scotland has two parts the highlanders and lowlanders? {high landers more prone to war and violence}
did you now that the bagpipe was supposed to scare enemies at battle?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Scotland was a small country over bye England much more powerful than Scotland destroyed Scotland until a guy named William Wallace rose up. {beforre there was his brother and dad where slain rising up supposedly they weren't very successful} So anyway after a few battle's that Wallace won. All he fought an army that equaled 4 to 1 to him but he was forced to attack after awhile they were destroyed he lost his best friend and then he headed to France. When he came back he went back to resistance and attacked he then went to England he never got there at least he did in chains. They captured him along the road owed to a treacherous teen {18-20} named jack short. He took Wallaces  60 pound claymore and Wallace was executed then the bruce rose up very shakily slaying the very man that could help then win the war. He lost one battle retreated after a while he rose up and he fought 200 men off protecting his men from them. They rose up again and defeated a bigger army {I think than William Wallace with less men!} than William Wallace he then proceeded to free Scotland.

                                                                The End 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Did you now that there are trains that go 100's miles of hour that are in japan. But there are trains like that everywhere and there are trains that go slower and are stronger and can haul 100's of tons of stone and lumber. Or a nice slow when you want a relaxing train ride or if you want a fast one gets different train for sure! 

Monday, October 21, 2019

sunday school

Sunday school was about God's names and why he has them. He has two main names called lord and God which we use if we are talking spiritually but otherwise, it's more or less blasphemous to say them. So he has names so that we know if he is an idol or the one true God, so that is why he has names, so that is why he has names and what the two main ones are. 

Friday, October 18, 2019


4  So this is a fraction today we will learn how to do fractions. With different denominators.

1       1   
2       4    first find the multiple that are even with both 2 so than times into the denominator of 1/2, and you get one fourth the answer is 0 see easy.

3  .   2
4      9  okay so for these questions. You don't do what you did up there. You do it this way 3 x 2=6       4 x 9=36 answer 6/36 so then you say that was easy. But your not done 6 goes evenly into them wich then you get 1/6 now your done.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

tom swift

So now we are going to do tom swift and his electric runabout. He made a car to race in a big race he even raced his motorcycle with andy and beat andy. Cause andy tried to shift into 3rd gear on a hill from fourth gear. So ya thats about it the race will be a distance or how long will it last probably a distance race.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

tom swift

So the tunnel that tom swift is building is now done and they found the lost city of one in the middle of the mountain they worked hard and earned what they got rightfully Dighton their enemy died before he died he told them everything he wasn't blamed for it since he was sorta bribed in and they couldn't get their conspirator's they weren't caught cause there wasn't anything to blame them with so bye for today

Monday, October 14, 2019


So on the evening service, we had a sermon on zedichah, and It was the chapter. I don't know which one exactly but it was the chapter that the man went to measure Jerusalem until the angel sent I think zedichah to stop and tell him that Jerusalem would be without walls and. That God would be the firewall around it {not a literal fire wall}.

Friday, October 11, 2019

peppers are back

So the peppers are back they are all grown up to like 13 and to 23. Ben is 23 Polly 20 phronsie is 13  don't know anyone else's but jaspers he is 24. But Joel and David I don't know, but they are in college so like 17 to 19 and. Their mom is probably fifties to sixties old Mr king frequently mentioned as grandpapa is probably 70 to eighty pretty old if you ask. Me and that doesn't dent the characters listen to them by yourselves.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tom swift

So tom swift is getting the gold from a wreck, and he got about everything when the enemy sub comes to get the gold. He quickly evacuates since he got all that was worth getting he then heads back to shopton and. He deposited all the gold and money he then headed to the manager's office and made ned newton an assistant bank clerk. People with few hundred thousand dollars can have a lot of influence like that.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tom Swift

tom swift is building a huge tunnel for a government and a native along with kocu the giant got into a fight and they fought and one was crippled the native kocu won a victory and he pounded him at the right time for he was about to bring the mission  to a halt so he was awarded with a pat on the back and they fired one of them involved in the plot and they mined through the andy mountains so ya tom swift has a very large series read them all {libivrox}

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


WW1 was the worst war in the world. Unless you counter with world war 2 but this is one when the machine gone came out and heavy cannons that can take out lines of men. Powerful rifles guns that can take men out with one bullet somewhere would take a man out. Then towards the end there where bigger better guns more shells longer-range everything just got much worse to learn more go to Wikipedia and books thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


So the Sermon for today is on circumcision now today most people get their kids circumcision. On the morning after birth we where cut when we were born comment below if you did and chat with other people now anyway. Did you know that the people of the bible took circumcision very seriously and. Did eight days after birth but can't tell it all know just read the old testament to  find out the rest and comment to share your finds.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Jim kejhalgaard

Jim kejelhard was a person that wrote many great books. That mostly the main character are animals. This book will make you want to have many dogs it did for me. I enjoyed these books a lot you can get all of them on kindle though there like 50 or more. I read most of them some have people going out west but most are based on hunting probably because he grew in the best hunting areas around.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


When would you want t live 2190. 1890, 1456, 12AB  you probably would like 1800's or some other time let me convince that  2019 is where you will want to live. You might like to live in the 1800's but my guess you would regret it soon for it is nothing but work and. You wouldn't know how to do the work until you caught on after very hard sweaty work and if you wanted to live 12 AB otherwise it would be very strange.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Under boy scout colors

So this is the story of a Dale Tompkins that joined the boy scouts and. He was put in troop five they then played football and baseball and many other games. They where the boy scouts they did many good other things like he brought thanksgiving dinner to a person who lived alone and not many things that the other did weren't nice. Listen to it on and see what I didn't say.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Boomerangs were actually used for hunting and attacking other people for wars and many other things. They where a sort of half-circle that is sharp to do the  damage they wish to inflict. It was used mainly in Australia the abomingos used them they would either fight or hunt for food if you want to use on best go to Australia and learn bye the best people in the world.