Thursday, March 29, 2018

leaves uses

so did you now that leaves are used for air conditioners and that they supply air to the earth and that the the desert probably is harder to breath from cause the heat and plants and in the desert you need to drink and keep moving!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


now leaves come in a great many a variety there shaped like an arrow head or Masons trowel or a lance shaped or fiddle now that ones very oddly shaped don't you think! what have you seen f oddly shaped leaves?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


so on Monday we played this time pacer running boy was that not very fun imagine this you killing yourself running burning up trying to get past 80 meter's and you'r only on 70 now that's not fun and then you'r done and you'r gulping down water that's very fun! 
so nature post so today were talking about sap do you like maple syrup well sap needs to put in  it or doesn't taste right also you can make look it up all you need is a drill and a tube and bucket and of course a tree!
so this is my last blog of composers and well this s about Bach and someone else who's name is as long Ulysses. grant  and longer and well Bach is well called one of the best composer's of all time do you think so?
so during a war you could say with African pirates we sank on of there ships by rowing up to it and throwing are kegs of powder and up onto it and canvas soaked in tar it made a nice bone fire and what a surprise those Africans had!


so the Romans are raging in civil war killing anybody n there path waiting for victory there split in two waiting for the right time to spring legions are every were fighting each other Marius and Sulla are either dead making it worse this is bad for Rome 

Monday, March 26, 2018


Sunday was the same as any Sunday went to are Grandpa's and ate a snack and played outside for a bit went to church twice and ya was pretty normal Sunday don't you think how was you'r Sunday? comment or email me {always open for comment} 


so there was this composer said why not can poems be in music so he went around made music that was poem and died in Venice and made a famous opera called leburger or something like that and he traveled a lot!

new courty

did you now that after the war there were riots good men being put in prison it was utter confusion and while that was going on a war was about to start with all the states involved no that would be mass confusion and not very organized 

Friday, March 23, 2018

so you love fruit and you really want to at bananas so you go and by some but there rotten well tat means that they were sitting there for to long do you even like banana'sdo i love to eat eat to to eat apples            ?
so i didn't even read a chapter in this book cause i read a million pages and there were still 5 million left so this one is about song the fisrt won would be the battle cry of freedom was made during the great Civil war 


so the Continental army has won Independence and t took very little time to do that now and so that Cornwallis  gone they have new equiment they will easily crush the next army if there are any to take on anyway! 


so there was Ben Franklin and once his uncle Benjamin sent him a letter that spelled his name of the first words of each setance B-E-N-J-A-M-I-N and he loved books at the age he's at now and was called the devour for books 


so the Romans are going to find them selves fighting for there lives when the Samsonite and Gallic tribes come crushing into them and it will take everything they got just to keep it steady it alone capture anything 
so kids on the frontier were very ready and were not afraid to shoot a gun once some children found and hichory trees and took there nut the boy ran back to get a bag and soon returned to the cry's of help from his sister and his friend Joe came along with a his gun and shot the Indian 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

so i have long talked about flower's and what use are they for smelling good and things like that? well they blanket are feet and there better than weeds and there would be no honey to eat without them the bees bring pollen every where 
Dr. root was a hymn writer of to-day and rote a many hymns and died in a railroad disaster in the time of 1900's or that might of been his mother? anyway he was a good devote Christian man in a Godly family 
now general Morgan hid his Calvary behind a hill and when the British massed there forces and charged they were shot until no more then general Morgan ordered his troops to charge them the redcoats quickly ran the rest fought until they to ran 
so the people who lived out west worked like this woke up and went out and started working in the Fields and soon somebody would join him or he would get his cows and milk him then he would go to the Fields anyway then it was lunch time and then he worked tell sun down 
so the Romans right now are fight amognst them selves and soon a Civil war will rage and there will be nothing left of the republic there will be and emperor an they hall demolish there enemy and now we must stop and get to work  

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


now you should now what a morning Glory is but did you now it lives only for one day! then dies and withers away and turn into  something you don't want to look at like a weed now don't you likt to look at beautiful flowers well whats you'r favorite flower 
the red dragoons are made up of Tories and loyalists and redskins and enemy soldier's but the brave Continental army pushed them back until they could take no more of it and we won a great victory that day and kings mountain  
so their was once a man named Brady and he fought the Indians and once he was captured and was put to the stake to burn he was stripped of his clothes and as they kindled the fire he ripped free and threw a Indian boy in the fire and escaped 
so the Romans have now defeated Greece once and for all and Carthage is gone burned to the last man {well fought to the last man} as it goes sources say it took ten days for it to burn! now what a lot of smoke and now Civil wars will erupt Romes fallen apart barbarians are coming revolts 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

so yesterday we started to play dodge ball that was really fun and then we did are drama that was real fun to we had a great time there i wonder what wil happen next time and in drama class people started pulling my ears!
there was a story were a hen walked away from the sugar jar but he had spilled it and as he waked he made tracks then after that he went a way then some men came and didn't now what it was and they did experiments and said it was clay that turned into sugar 
so the hymns i think you now them well and sing lot if you now the hymns well the first hymn maker is a roman fellow that lives in Rome and dwells the monasteries well he took faith and became a Christian 
 so the Romans right now destroyed the Syrians and the Greeks and now there going to fight the Greeks again so stay tuned to here whats next be ready and stay tuned so now they were supposed to go to Carthage but ya they didn't 

general Putnam was a great leader he fought Indians and led the company of Ohio soldier's to the wilderness were a fort was built they built a town which became the best town there plus it grew great corn  
there was this place called stony point and half a dozen enemy batteries held the hill along with a whole bunch of troops 3000 troops marched to take the hill about maybe 300 caused a diversion and the rest poured into the fort 

Monday, March 19, 2018

so today we got a french hon gut he wrote actually a ton of operas fifty in all that's a lot! isn't it well now most of the composer's i put on here don't so many opreas but he couldn't afford fuel for his fire and stayed in his bed for most of the time  
Kenton was a man captured tons of times and almost killed many times he ran eight gantlets whitch is a line of squaws and boys and warriors that swung at him if he made through he would be able to live a day longer  
Sunday so on Sunday we went to church twice Andrew and dad whent to youth group and we came home to find we couldn't listen so we rad i read when moring comes or somthing like that do yo like to read?
did you know general Washington did not treat slaves that good or that he liked nice the best silk and gold and silver and that he paid a whole bunch of officer's out of his own pocket and that his estate was half a million dollars and that he had very beautiful dinner's and like luxury 

Friday, March 16, 2018

now you now what insects are well don't you think their are millions of them just n one place well that's not true they fly so fast that you think it's a different one but if you think about the whole world there are millions 
so now i might of mentioned Liszts in the previous blog but he was a famous musician also and he lost his father at age 13 and then he started in the dark years dark years of his life cause his father was always there and attended all his his concerts and superaentedant of all of them and after a couple years he made more song and went back the the piano 


so the pioneers settled in a fort called fort Henry and that fort got attacked bye hundreds of enemy warriors but they held out with the loss of only about 4 or more men and with a about a hundred Indian's dead 


so the Romans right now have beaten Carthage and are now facing the mighty Empire of Greece now this is called the first Macedonian war now back to Carthage Hannibal had to withdraw and go protect Carthage only to get destroyed in north Africa 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

so today we read about the shapes of flower's there long short wide there's many many kinds of flower's and shapes some are hang and look like bells you now what a star is and aster is a  Latin for star now you need to go out and find some oddly shaped flower's 
so there was a man named Chopin he was a Christian or roman catholic when he was dieing he was in pain most of the time and never really snuck out of the pain then he managed to say i need a reverend and a reverend came and he did everything then soon he died 
so right now a massacre happened and the injuns almost got Henry the great fur trader he was close to getting a scalp and getting killed and that massacre was called matiwana massacre and now soldier rallied around the flag and fought of injuns and Tories  
so the Romans right now are demolishing Hannibal and his brother only a little more to go and we win again!!! hip hip hooray bu now need to fight in Spain were the savages live and we made peace with them and we have them in our army
so during the revolutionary war the British attacked Charleston and there was a flimsy fort that defeated the British fleet and once the flag fell but a brave sergeant put it back up and the fight raged n durng it 1700 pound's of powder and 10,000  shell were fired 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


so the Romans are all dieing trying to wipe out Hannibal and now Hannibal is close to getting there capital but in stead he trying to take all Romes allies and get them under his rule so he can become unbeatable against the Romans
so once the Americans were beisging and fort and we well didn't win but we managed to to attack and almost win ecept are general died and all the troops ran for there lives followed bye the British retreat but there were 300 more men in the town and hand to hand fighting followed and we were outnumbered and not trained we retreated

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

so our composer today is Beethoven he was poor all his life and never was super rich he became deaf but still played and played well he also made two masses {ha ha Haydn beat you}now he was so poor when he as young he only took walks at night cause the state of his clothes
so you heard of Quebec and once a fort named Quebec and it was so strong that only the great general Wolfe captured it at his death bed he lived no more but the enemy general also died and the fort was taken as easy as that 
so on monday we went and played hockey and stuff like that writing was fun cause i did some grammar and got it right! now were goig to music were still in composer's like edvard greid and people like him you want to learn more well here's more Mozart Bach Leonard berstain 


so the Romans are fighting the gules and the Carthage they are in the middle of a major war gules in the pole valley and the Carthage in Spain and now the Romans want some and are coming over to visit lie this clang bang clash!!! now wat for next time for more stuff 

Monday, March 12, 2018


so on Sunday we went to the different church we met a distant Elder there we talked to him after the service but they had a choir who sang some songs now that was weird and they sang so loud in that church you scream nd they wouldn't hear you!


now flowers are beautiful and have sweet smells like some flower's you can tell what it is bye it's smell can yo do that? well i can't but im going to try some time in summer roses you can probably tell and tulips you can do to right? 


so I've been doing posts on instruments now i will do one about Haydn maybe some of you now who he is you guessed it a famous musician who made beautiful pieces and made symphony and made a mass {don't ask me what that is} 


now you should now what pionner is going to the wild west untamed teirrotry well kentucky was discovered and was full untamed place would you go there or try your luck at mineing gold in cafornia what would you do                                 ?

capture of vennice

imagine you are holding a rifle and are right there in the town of vinnece and you look around the walls are filled with soldier's what would do imagine you are a a soldier on the outside wall seeing your being shot at what would you do in these cases well you are fighting during a war with clark and his rifle men there trying to take vinnece from the British  

Sunday, March 11, 2018


so there was one two people they did not have enough to eat a lot and now when the husband started towards town to beg for food he saw a big nice crayfish so he took and put it in his sack then on the way home he started to talk don't eat for im almost 100 years old and the mother of all crayfish and i now how to get you meals for every day just dip your sack in the pond and it will instantly be full of fish and he id that and he got a lot of yummy fish

Saturday, March 10, 2018


so now you will have to say good bye to now live in peace a prosperity  the English they are done they fought a many war they and with that they are off for more adventures they ruled the sea's now they don't they were feared and now there not but now they live and are happy  

Friday, March 9, 2018


so the Romans are being destroyed well lets just say that there enemy's are being destroyed and there losing soldier's and money but now Hannibal is coming up o ya buddy Hannibal o ya   o ya and the gules almost sacked Rome o ya o ya 

Thursday, March 8, 2018


so do you now the hallelujah chorus is well did you now it was made to release prisoners from dedt like if you were put in jail for not paying 5,000 dollars then they would rais mone and pay it for you well there you have it 


now did you now that some roes are white red and there are roses that are yellow also a rare rose has at the End of it red so it look like it got dipped in red dye and whit roses and all kinds off roses have prickles on them so don't go walking through a field of them!!


Romans are charging into utter defeat and have failed to bring there soldier's down on Carthaginians and now they are losing but now they have another army charging into the fray and they retreated and  now they've lost there power and now they've no ships what will they do next


you now the English they had the black plague at there door step hundreds off people died and then the great fire of rime happened and they lived in poverty and ten wars started up and they had to really start making things and remake thing's it wasn't good era  to live in 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


so you should now what a cathedral is a big church with windows and  priest and things like that now there was this won preacher at  church  he new how to play instruments very well and he was a strong preacher when he preached


so the Romans have made a large fleet off ships and ready to fight any kind off battle naval land there ready for it they made a fleet of about 330 ship's 250 of the are ship's of war and now that they've sacked a Carthage city there winning 


so the English you should now who they are  the most powerful nation on the planet for awhile but then america roled along and took that away but any way so Richard the lion hearted you should now the story he drove Saracens pretty much off thee edge off the cliff and then the English had to go back  and then tried making another army to go back but he couldn't 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


know we go to this place called hap and we have fun there like we play floor hockey and soccer and baseball basketball and lots off other stuff what do you do at school? and we have lots of other classes like writing and drama and art and Spanish 


you now flower's well don't love them and love to smell them they smell so  sweet like flouting music do you have a favorite flower like a lily or rose or marigolds or somthing like that if you do snd an email to me   


so the lyre you all have probably heard off it it came from a tortoise shell and seven strings to play and its said that it has very beautiful music and that most off the people who play it win the contest like look it up i Greek you can get some from there


the Roman have started to fight Carthage not Hannibal thats not in the listing channel yet and that Carthage is the best and grandest nation it was also the strongest in there rank's were only missanare soldier's and some other soldier's to lead them


the Britons now were fighting the Romans the Romans were led and defeated the Britons and they again ruled Britain but then a brave Queen ran up there banner and attacked the fighting last awhile but in the end the Queen poisoned herself

Monday, March 5, 2018


so today is on barely anything cause i don't now what to write about but ill do my best so lets start well you should now ancient isearal i think it was ancient isereal well there be big things all around the city and they'ed be lighted and then all the men dance and stuff then they repeat that the next day


So Sunday was good we went to church twice and at the evening service we had to bring  two cars cause Andrew and Dad had to go to youth group and they had there dinner there and went to granpa's and grandma's and had a snack there so that was about my Sunday {i decided to add a clincher sentence}   


so what do you think of as britian well probably think pretty modern but actually before all that all it was was a land of savages and wild beasts and the savages they made swords out of not very strong things and a hard blow would bend it and spears and knives theu treasure horses they were very good horsemen and could man there horses very well


once there was a a man in prison cause Napoleon put him there one day he saw a flower coming through the rocks  he loved it so much during a hail storm he bent over it and protected it form being mashed to pieces bye the wind a hail and a little girl actually persuaded the emperor to let the ma go for the little girl and him had a interest 

Friday, March 2, 2018


the Romans had weird tradition on Christmas they had large festivals and had there slaves order them around love to be a slave that day then run for it the next day they also had a large feast ooo like to be there wouldn't you?


Sunday was good cause we had slingerlaand teach us which was real good cause he really likes to be very serious we also had fun there cause we got a good snack and also are normal teacher was sitting there so we were able to stay calm i wonder what will happen at Andrew's class

Thursday, March 1, 2018

the Romans were finished with one part off Italy so now they went to where the Greeks live in Italy so the Romans attacked the Romans lost about all the battles but they won the war cause they killed most off Greek's best men