Tuesday, February 28, 2017


most rain boys form when sun shines on falling rain drops light is made up of 7  colors red,orange,yellow ,green,blue,indigo and violet and how a rain bow is formed when sun light  raindrop it changes direction and splits into these different colors  

Monday, February 27, 2017

so when we went to church yest we went to Sunday school and we learned about Joseph and when he was got the hi command and so he stored the grain and they had very good years then the bad years came and they only had food so his brothers went get food and then were put in prison bye the command of Joesph and they stayed for awhile then one stayed the rest went to get Benjamen and when he did his father didn't let him and then they had to bring him and when that happened   when they go there he bought food but then  they thought they had stolen but they hadn't and at the end they all lived in Egypt  

Friday, February 24, 2017

  1. this is a 1956 mustang a while back i did one 19th mustang and now 1956 now this one so probably around decent gas milage white stripes something cool about these kind of cars there very fast about 120 to 130 mabye less for this one but 2017 120 to 130

Thursday, February 23, 2017

the French and Indian war lasted 7 years war because French settler's had settled in the Ohio valley  and the British claimed it for them selves

                                                       key dates
                                           1675-76 king Phillips war
                                             1760 British gain control of canda
                                            1775 revtranoiry war begins

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


so you've heard of recycle some of you do it probably to do ill list them here
you now what two them do reuse and recycle reuse is like reusing like plates and stuff and old stuf in cool for my brother's and me to find hammer saw nails wood things like that and cups and metal are other things that we would like heres a game to play

  •    needed 
  • gloves 
  • trash bags                               need to do finf 10 pieces of trash and get back first   never tryed
  • game                                              
  • find trash 
  • about 5 to 10                                                             

Monday, February 20, 2017


Sunday 2017
so today we went in to are and started we were able to do our Sunday text Genesis 37 and we were able to do memory text so then are story is Joesph when he was put in prison and bought and sold to potiher   and did such a good job he was so good he was in charge of the house and everything else and then he got in trouble and was put in prison he got in trouble bye his wife and that's whar we stopped

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


okay so millions of years ago Dino's ruled teeth as big as stake knives and fierce hunters and spiked tails some were as big as a  school bus bigger actually know there are names t-rex and stegosaurus things like that my favorite is probably the stegosauruses
okay theres one main question why did they dispeard some
think of asteroids i do to what do you think?

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

h h history

I've been working railroad on the railroad  all my live long day                                                                              I've been working  railroad on the railroad just to past the time away                                        don't you hear the whistle blowing rise early in the morn                                                                                    don't you hear the captain shouting Dinah blow you'r whistle                              

        the true song I've been work in on the rail road

Monday, February 13, 2017


Sunday 2017
so when we were whating for the teacher we whated for a long time my dad came up cause Mr vander boon wasn't up here he had to make a presentation  so we prayed and did are memory text then the teacher came up so we when't  to the story about Jacob he want'ed to marry the daughter of actually i don't now so then well he said you work for me 7 years and you can marry and so he did they past really quick and so he didn't get to marry Rachel he married Leah he went Laban and said i wanted Rachel he said that you should work another 7 year's so he did and then he had another wife and so he stayed 20 years i think then he wanted to go so one day Laban went to shear sheep and so then they went cause Laban didn't want them to so then they went and so this was caused bye Esau and then when Laban heard got men together and went and caut them before  they caut them God said to him and he said don't do anything to jacob

Saturday, February 11, 2017


so this is a Toyota tocama i think so they probably got good wheels for snow they are good in dirt when you travel don't pick this car and this guy probably got like normal gas milage for a truck 

Friday, February 10, 2017


  1. gray monster     so the gray monster can turn into a plane and one defense is to pick locks and unloosn bolts really fast and this was the first one i did and its got boosters on the back so it can go right up in the air really fast
  2. Vulcan a tron     this is my 2nd one i did it turns into a what ding ding you got it Vulcan and one defense is to peck another is to blind and one to fly away 

Thursday, February 9, 2017


this is a truck and what do you think it is a track or a Felix well Felix is not a truck so it's a track and we went on a scavenger hunt and we needed to find one of these we didn't find it though so im thinking this got pretty good for truck maybe 45 miles per gallon maybe 35 per gallon could be anything

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


  1. when a enough heat is removed it can freeze
  2. when solid melts the heat makes it move faster
  3. when heat moves away it formed a liquid
  4. gases form when liquid bowls  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

h h history

and now for h h history  and for today we got is the battle of Gettysburg so the villagers formed a little army and went to attack they ran leaving the villagers defenseless and so they stayed hidden and then went out side and did stuff for them and so then a general came and attacked it was the bloodiest of all battles 

Monday, February 6, 2017


so on Sunday we had a micsup and so we the oldest went to Detroit and on the way there we were poled over bye a cop o boy dad could have gone to jail so we got away and my dad had a gun so we got away got to church and preached we went to the house and we played they come from Korea and Brazil so we didn't understand there kids

Friday, February 3, 2017


fire pow pow pow pow pow pow give  it all you got roll the cannon kablam got im they don't stand a chance with all this fire on im fire pow pow pow pow pow  pow ha lets see what happens fire what look out dree dree dree dree aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! men rally around fire pow pow pow that not anof load aim fire pow pow pow retreat men retreat retreat  kablam aaa!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


peom                                                                                                                                                                                       muisc so soft so far play play                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          like a soft humming bird                                                                                                                            i like music so much                                                                                                                                                                            bye                                                                                                                                                                    noah-                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

the delwaer

the Delaware was a could night on Christmas the Hessians were celebrating and stuff drinking beer all drunk they rushed out in there night cloes and didn't do much and they tried and tried but failed                                                                                                                                                                                                        poem                                                                                                                              and those poor hungry soliders those hessians                                                                                           all cozy as beer in bed those poor hungry soliders                                                                                    and they shot and ruled like a king                                                                                                                                                                    bye                                                                                                                                                                     noah.e.