I've finally formally started schooling Noah. Its been kind of hit or miss with him, but now I have specific things we do each day. He is very excited to sit and do things with me one on one. On Tues, he did very well and would have gone on longer if I let him. He had Wed off while he went to play with his cousin. Today we did a bit, but between his cold and lack of sleep, I called it quits when he just wouldn't cooperate. At any rate, here's what we've been doing:
*We've been practicing writing his name. He is much better at this than I thought he would be. I'm making sure he starts forming his letters from the top down because I'm having problems with that with Andrew now.
*We do alphabet flashcards and he tells me the letter and sound. I'd say he knows all of his letters except a couple like Q, X, and Z. He knows maybe half the sounds.
*Click n kids-a phonics based reading program we used with Andrew also.
Edit: I forgot to mention the book he is most excited about. Its called "Before the Code" and its supposed to be done before the Explode the Code books. He's really excited to finally have his own workbook, just like Andrew!
Next week I will start doing more with counting.