Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Civil war after math history

The Civil War was the bloodiest war that the United States had to endure especially as a very young country 100sof thousands of men and boys marched off to war many didn't come back

After the war the politics were unstable slavery was a big problem after the war it was of course banned and many slaves were set free but slaves couldn't afford anything or go anywhere which meant they stayed in the South working for next to money making it hard for them to continue forward instead just slipping backward 

There was also the aftermath of the battle sites to be remembered tens of thousands would die at each battle site leaving thousands of bones and rotting flesh these areas had to be cleaned before they could be occupied again also during the war the Union blockaded the South leaving their main trade cotton in a disastrous state 

another thing after the war was the thousands of veterans coming home confederate and Union the confederate soldiers of course weren't paid but most were allowed to go home and be free the union soldiers of course needed to be paid most were paid 13$ per month after the war the Regiments were disbanded and the soldiers had to go home and deal with there PTSD the Civil war was much like WW1 new equipment guns and many other things most people weren't used to war like this in the US 

Overall the War was horrible to the United States but solved an important problem

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Indians, with their rich cultural heritage spanning thousands of years, represent a tapestry of diversity, unity, and resilience From the majestic Himalayas to the serene backwaters of Kerala, India's landscape mirrors its people vibrant, varied, and endlessly captivating. With over a billion inhabitants, India is a mosaic of languages, religions, traditions, and cuisines, each contributing to its kaleidoscopic identity. Indians cherish family bonds, celebrate festivals with fervor, and exhibit a remarkable spirit of hospitality. Whether in bustling cities or remote villages, the warmth and hospitality of Indians welcome visitors with open arms, inviting them to experience the country's enchanting blend of ancient wisdom and modern dynamism.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Indian missionaries

 Indians during the time of all the religious fighting and squabbling lived out of it for the most part  but eventually, as the Europeans settled into America some missionaries began the treacherous process of ministering to them some included Johnathan Edwards and David Brainerd they found some success but many challenges go into ministering to Indians one is a language most of the time they would have to speak through an interpreter and also the fact that if you visited one tribe you couldn't then go to there enemies and preach without difficulty.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024



Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 When England was not England during the time of Saxons or Britons so even before the Saxons and the Britons ruled the island they were a fierce fighting tribe at times hundreds of thousands would gather to fight their enemies many more would die than normally as they thought dying was a quick way to the happy island when Rome came to conqueror them they looked at Rome with disgust and contempt they thought how could we lose there 200,000 of us and just around 20,000 of them plus they had to build a bridge but Julius Ceaser was no fool (Not hundred percent sure if it was him) built his bridge in record time and the Britons were taken by surprise and completely annihilated but they regrouped and attacked them again they outnumbered the Romans 6 to 1 and again they were destroyed the Roman Legion completely destroyed the horde of troops that Britons sent at them and Rome was the true master of England (or Britain as was called back in that time)

Thursday, March 28, 2024


Once upon a time, there were the Goths, tough folks from old Europe with dark clothes and wild hair. They rode horses, swung swords, and told stories of their adventures. People feared them but also thought they were cool. Legend has it, that their tales still echo in the woods today.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Working out

 Hitting the Gym and working out is something thousands of people do a day but what does this do for you? well working or straining muscle makes the muscle grow to put it simply if you continue to do this for a long time you will grow more and more muscles but our bodies od have a limit to the amount of muscle you can put on or basically, it become so hard to put on more muscle you would have to train for many years to achieve it without the use of steroids.